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Dramatic Hillary Makeover


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Interlachen, Florida
WORLD NEWS BUREAU - Hillary Clinton is appearing on the cover of People Magazine for the 16th time, and amazingly appears to have dropped 40 pounds and at least 25 years.

"It's not uncommon to touch up a photo, especially for a cover, but good God, someone spent all week working on this one. I saw Hillary the other day and she looked like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, only with weirder cheeks," said one media expert. "I don't know who that is on the cover."

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A leaked cover reported to be the original unedited version (below) indicates the amount of work that went into the final product.

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The fawning article is the latest in what promises to be a major media love-fest designed to propel Clinton into the presidency.

Bwahahahaha..it's only just beginning folks, personally I like this one better.

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Mentioned in another post that CBS has a new show this fall about the Secretary of State with Tea Leoni cast in the lead role.

Probably just a coincidence.....
She's a great woman and it saddens me that president Obama gets to take credit for the ACA when it was a lifelong dream and her vision to get health care to every American, but hey at least it got done.
She's a great woman and it saddens me that president Obama gets to take credit for the ACA when it was a lifelong dream and her vision to get health care to every American, but hey at least it got done.

I can see where Neo-Socialist, Statist folks like yourself would think she is great.
I think that top one is doctored too. She's an unattractive woman, but she isn't Skeletor. She's somewhere in the middle of those two pictures I'd bet.
She's a great woman and it saddens me that president Obama gets to take credit for the ACA when it was a lifelong dream and her vision to get health care to every American, but hey at least it got done.

She is a manufactured woman. Obama is a manufactured President. Everything is an image today. A mirage. Neither of them have really any accomplishments to speak of, little to no experience at anything.

Mind you, that is not just limited to the Democratic party. I don't think a guy like Paul Ryan has a lot of substance. But we have to get beyond voting image and get people who know what the hell they are doing.
She's a great woman and it saddens me that president Obama gets to take credit for the ACA when it was a lifelong dream and her vision to get health care to every American, but hey at least it got done.

Neither one of them ever persuaded the American people it was a good idea. Obama forced it on an unwilling populace...at least she and Bill didn't.
I'm not a Hillary supporter, but she has TONS more experience than Obama did when he ran. The only qualification you need for office now, is the willingness to do as you are told by the guys behind the curtain.
She's a great woman and it saddens me that president Obama gets to take credit for the ACA when it was a lifelong dream and her vision to get health care to every American, but hey at least it got done.

Hillary Clinton is just flat-out unlikable. From complete tone-deafness of important political issues (“What difference does it make?”) to a demeanor that blatantly betrays a quality that puts her out-of-touch with middle America, Hillary is not only a disaster when it comes to policies; she’s a PR nightmare.

When agents refused to carry her luggage, a task that is not in their job description, Hillary allegedly screamed “Stay the f*** away from me! Just f*****g do as I say!” former FBI agent Gary Aldridge wrote in his book Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the White House.

She's a nasty piece of ****, she always has been a nasty piece of **** and she will die a nasty piece of ****...hopefully soon.

- Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
- Number of these convictions during Clinton's presidency: 33
- Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
- Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122


...and then we have the ARKANSAS SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME

- Number of persons in the Clinton machine orbit who are alleged to have committed suicide: 9
- Number known to have been murdered: 12
- Number who died in plane crashes: 6
- Number who died in single car automobile accidents: 3
- Number of one-person sking fatalities: 1
- Number of key witnesses who have died of heart attacks while in federal custody under questionable circumstances: 1
- Number of unexplained deaths: 4
- Number of northern Mafia killings during peak years of 1968-78: 30
- Number of Dixie Mafia killings during same period: 156

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Hillary Will Finish Off the Country

Hillary Clinton’s 1969 Thesis was a remaking of the first ACORN radical, Saul Alinsky, into an anti-fascist, democratic revolutionary for a new and better America. In fact, he is the ultimate fascist. Alinsky was a collectivist. She quoted him in her thesis: “Alinsky defines the American Radical as “…that unique person who actually believes what he says…to whom the common good is the greatest value…who genuinely and completely believes in mankind…

“More importantly, Hillary and Obama both adopted Alinsky’s strategic counsel to sound mainstream, even when you aren’t,” wrote D’Souza. “These are the ways in which our two Alinskyites make themselves palatable to the American middle class, which to this day has no idea how hostile Hillary and Obama are to middle-class values.

“If Hillary Clinton is elected in 2016, the baton will have passed from one Alinskyite to another. In this case, Alinsky’s influence will have taken on a massive, almost unimaginable, importance. Obama will have had eight years to remake America, and Hillary will have another four or perhaps eight to complete the job,” he wrote........http://www.independentsentinel.com/hillary-will-finish-off-the-country/

You want this nightmare to continue.....elect Hillary
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What experience does qualify someone to be president?

apparently the standards have been lowered over the past few years.
theoretically, if you can read from a teleprompter, you've got a good shot.
Hillary Clinton is just flat-out unlikable. From complete tone-deafness of important political issues (“What difference does it make?”) to a demeanor that blatantly betrays a quality that puts her out-of-touch with middle America, Hillary is not only a disaster when it comes to policies; she’s a PR nightmare.

Doesn't matter. If she runs she will win.
1. She's a Democrat and their microtargeting, get out the vote technology, and buying votes is vastly better than the GOP's.
2. FWP.
3. With the possible exception of Rand Paul, no one in the GOP will go after her because they will be afraid of being called sexist woman-haters just like they were afraid of being called racists if they were critical of Bomma. Bill will have his own bedroom in the White House, so lock up the interns.

The one slight positive hope we have is that the economy was humming along under Slick pretty well thanks to the tech boom in the 90's, so her ego might lead her to do some right things to ramp up the economy since she'll be damned if her hubby did a better job than her. I wouldn't bank on it though.
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What experience does qualify someone to be president?
Normally I don't waste my time with you, but generally speaking the more successful Presidents have previously been governors. Senate and House Washington lifers, not so much because they're used to being single-issue micromanagers. That's true for either party.
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I would think Vice-President and big state governors would be the jobs that offer some qualification.

But in today's hyper partisan environment, I'd say the leading qualification would be someone that can sit
diverse opinions down at a table and hammer out a compromise, would be a leading qualification.

I guess many won't agree, but that might be why Hilary is qualified. She was known for doing that as a Senator
and generally was thought of favorably by Republican Senators. Bill and Newt sort of did this during his years.
She is the ultimate un-feminist. She let her cheating husband cheat away, so she could ride his coat tails to power. She is a mockery to all that is honest, and she should be an embarrassment to the party she is in.

Not that the GOP is a lily-white savior group either, but she is the worst of the worst. This culture is in the toilet if the thinking department.

If fear that it's too late when she is the type we seriously consider for leadership.
I would think Vice-President and big state governors would be the jobs that offer some qualification.
We went for a LONG time (starting with Nixon in '68) where every President had been either a VP or governor previously.

But in today's hyper partisan environment, I'd say the leading qualification would be someone that can sit
diverse opinions down at a table and hammer out a compromise, would be a leading qualification.
Kinda rules out Bomma then, huh?
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