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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready

According to AOC, Nancy Pelosi is apparently a racist.


Not an outright accusation, but certainly an insinuation. AOC, trying to out victim the leader of the victim party.

Pelosi may be at the end of her career but I doubt if this young commie bartender realizes who she's ******' with.



AOC Fires Back at ‘Outright Disrespectful’ Pelosi for ‘Explicit Singling Out of Newly-Elected Women of Color’

The ongoing strains between the House Democrats’ newest, most progressive members and the party’s senior leadership came into view once again, as outspoken Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez publicly fired back at a not-so-subtle dressing down she and her left-wing colleagues received from Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “It got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful.”

According to a new Washington Post article, Ocasio-Cortez and three of her House allies, Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) increasingly feel isolated by the party caucus leaders. This was again the case on Wednesday when Pelosi warned her fellow Democrats, in a closed-door meeting, not to criticize their Congressional colleagues in public.

“You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just okay,” Pelosi reportedly told her caucus.

Ocasio-Cortez has clearly had enough.

“When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood,” AOC told the Post. “But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”



6 months ago she was a bartender, now she wants Nancy's job!


Love it all
This loudmouth really likes to start ****. She's not explicitly singling you out because you're women of color, she's singling you out because you're the 4 dingbats who didn't vote to allocate 3 billion dollars to aid detainment facilities and are running your mouths all over social media, as usual.

But this is going to be fun to watch.
Jonathan Easley@JonEasley

Rep. Lacy Clay just unloaded on @AOC , her chief of staff and Justice Democrats in the Speaker's Lobby, calls them "juvenile," says "their ignorance is beyond belief": "You’re getting push back so you resort to using the race card? Unbelievable."

It just gets better and better, lol

Democratic lawmaker unloads on Ocasio-Cortez, for 'using the race card'

Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) unloaded on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday for "using the race card” after Ocasio-Cortez accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) of being racially insensitive.

Clay, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, fumed at Ocasio-Cortez and the group of progressive lawmakers that includes Reps. Rashida Tlaib (Mich.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.)

“What a weak argument, because you can’t get your way and because you’re getting pushback you resort to using the race card? Unbelievable. That’s unbelievable to me,” Clay said. “I could care less. I could really care less. I agree with the Speaker. Four people, four votes out of 240 people, who cares.”

In an interview with The Washington Post on Wednesday, Ocasio-Cortez accused Pelosi of singling out newly elected women of color.


Once you're taught to use the race card for your inadequacies, it's very hard to turn it off.

We live in a world where outcome matters more than fairness of opportunity. We live in a world where excuses exist for every moral and character flaw in existence.

Combined with the assault on free speech, I have significant worries about the future of the U.S. and the world.

Remember, there are two ways to achieve equality of outcome. You can demand the people below average improve. Or you can tear down the people that are above average and make them average. Both accomplish the same goal in the view of the left.
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.): "Four people, four votes out of 240 people."

The House has 435 members, genius. This simply underscores how ignorant (D)ims are.
He's talking about the Dems. Obvioulsy

Nancy got a new litter of pups she needs to neuter
He's talking about the Dems. Obviously.

Yes, I understand that is the apparent meaning, but he actually said, "Four people, four votes out of 240 people." The House DOES NOT have 240 votes, no matter how ignorant and corrupt it is.

The House has 435 votes.
AOC is hispanic, right?

That isnt a race!

She a white girl, lololol

When u make Pelosi look like the voice of reason, u got issues
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She back tracked that **** pronto. I sense a smackdown of epic proportions at play.
She back tracked that **** pronto. I sense a smackdown of epic proportions at play.

Nancy Pelosi's daughter said a while ago that Nancy could cut your head off before you ever knew you were bleeding. She meant it as a compliment.
This loudmouth really likes to start ****. She's not explicitly singling you out because you're women of color, she's singling you out because you're the 4 dingbats who didn't vote to allocate 3 billion dollars to aid detainment facilities and are running your mouths all over social media, as usual.

But this is going to be fun to watch.

It really makes me wonder what her string pullers are really up to. She didn't pen that measly 14 page green new deal joke, her "staff" did. It is so over the top ridiculous in every way, they must've laughed to themselves while writing it knowing how the dipshit Dims would run with it; that is 'til Cocaine Mitch made them put it to a vote on the floor where not a one voted 'Yea'. So, are the string pullers purposely sabotaging the party for 2020? You couple that mess with her constant antics and it makes you wonder. Certainly seems like they're setting the groundwork to "place" an onslaught of these Dimocratic Socialists in upcoming elections to reshape their commie party.
It really makes me wonder what her string pullers are really up to. She didn't pen that measly 14 page green new deal joke, her "staff" did. It is so over the top ridiculous in every way, they must've laughed to themselves while writing it knowing how the dipshit Dims would run with it; that is 'til Cocaine Mitch made them put it to a vote on the floor where not a one voted 'Yea'. So, are the string pullers purposely sabotaging the party for 2020? You couple that mess with her constant antics and it makes you wonder. Certainly seems like they're setting the groundwork to "place" an onslaught of these Dimocratic Socialists in upcoming elections to reshape their commie party.

It really makes me wonder too. But then I'm not even sure I really wanna know.
Eh, she left it pretty ambiguous IMO. "Why is she singling out us four women of color?"
Because all four of you are idiots. Has nothing to do with skin color.

I honestly can't even watch any video with her cackling like a chicken, just makes my brain hurt. I just read the article.
She has great **** for a thin babe though.

It really makes me wonder what her string pullers are really up to. She didn't pen that measly 14 page green new deal joke, her "staff" did. It is so over the top ridiculous in every way, they must've laughed to themselves while writing it knowing how the dipshit Dims would run with it; that is 'til Cocaine Mitch made them put it to a vote on the floor where not a one voted 'Yea'. So, are the string pullers purposely sabotaging the party for 2020? You couple that mess with her constant antics and it makes you wonder. Certainly seems like they're setting the groundwork to "place" an onslaught of these Dimocratic Socialists in upcoming elections to reshape their commie party.
No, I think her staff and string pullers are true believers.
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Because all four of you are idiots. Has nothing to do with skin color.

Exactly what I said. They were the four idiots that voted no when the rest of the House voted to fund 3 billion in aid specifically for the detainment facilities. Something that they've been crying about, yet use the excuse that it's not enough. It's a pretty big something to start, idiots. If you're so concerned with children supposedly drinking water out of toilets, you're not exactly showing it in your actions.
It's all working out nicely

He has his trolling down to a science

Trump: "Ocasio-Cortez being very disrespectful to Pelosi"

Certainly seems like they're setting the groundwork to "place" an onslaught of these Dimocratic Socialists in upcoming elections to reshape their commie party.
The problem with that strategy is that AOC was the ONLY candidate from the uber-left that was elected. (The other 3 had to get elected on their own.)

And unfortunately, while AOC is a Yahoo darling, she is doing nothing but pissing her own burrough off. I don't think the lady has spent a WEEK back in her district. She's too busy with the promo-tour.
And unfortunately, while AOC is a Yahoo darling, she is doing nothing but pissing her own burrough off. I don't think the lady has spent a WEEK back in her district. She's too busy with the promo-tour.

With her district being 50% Latino, she can still win on name recognition alone despite all of her incompetencies. That's what her 2020 challenger, Republican Rich Valdes, is banking on too.