The NFL league office isnt worried about which teams are in the big game. They know that the SB game's ratings will absolutely destroy every other American sport championship event, by a wide margin that isnt close, by any measurable metric. And any other form of television programming need not even be mentioned, any sitcom, documentary, cartoon etc etc that is airing during the same time slot might as well not even exist. For **** sake, Superbowl Sunday is basically an unofficial holiday in this country. Entire industries are built around it. Were you aware that in the Active Duty Military, most units will forego PT on the Monday morning after the Superbowl? It's because they know just about every damn Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine (from the lowest enlisted to the highest-ranking officers) is in no shape to being running, doing pushups, situps, etc, since the grand majority of them were drinking all day the day before, likely late into the night while at Superbowl parties and whatnot.
What, you think a Titans-Cardinal SB is gonna be in danger of having to compete for viewers against syndicated re-runs of CSI-Miami??
Use your ******* brain.