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Evidence of Obama administration wiretapping Trump compelling


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Donald Trump made allegations last week of the Obama Administration spying on the Trump campaign in the heat of the presidential election last year continuing on through December. The mainstream media reacted with shock, claiming the allegations lacked evidence and substance, and counter-alleged that Trump’s assertions were merely “fake news.” Apparently the media magnates don’t read their own papers, for all they would need to do is read their own publications to validate the President’s claims.

On March 4, President Trump tweeted a series of messages. Although limited to 144 characters per tweet, his message was a shocking one. “Is it legal for a sitting President to be ‘wire tapping’ a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!” he said initially. The first message was followed immediately with, “I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”

His final tweet concluded the allegation, “How low has President Obama gone to tapp [sic] my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” What followed was a flurry of predictable media reactions.

The New York Times front-page story was titled, “Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones.” CNN’s news crawl proclaimed, “Trump’s baseless wiretap claim.” And the Washington Post, not to be outdone, exclaimed, “Trump, citing no evidence, accuses Obama of ‘Nixon/Watergate’ plot to wiretap Trump Tower.”

Interestingly, all of those publications have been printing stories over the past several months that provide the very evidence they said Trump was lacking. Just over a month ago, on January 20th, the New York Times’ front-page story was titled, “Wiretapped Data Used In Inquiry of Trump Aides.” That story went on to reveal, “The FBI is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the CIA and the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.”

In that one story, the NYT validates the following: that Trump aides were being wiretapped; data from the wiretaps were gathered; which government agencies (under the Obama Administration) were involved; that they’d accelerated their efforts (likely to forestall Trump’s inauguration); and that some of the data had been provided to the White House. And perhaps most significant, as far as Trump and his aides are concerned, they “found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing.”

Following Trump’s tweets an Obama spokesman declared, “Neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.” Please note the wording, claiming they didn’t “order” the wiretapping. Was it perhaps suggested, intimated, or simply allowed? That’s unknown, but clearly Obama’s White House knew what the results of the wiretap were. And that’s according to the NYT. And frankly, if there was no wiretapping, there would have been no data to share with the White House.

Trump’s first tweet that morning intimated involvement of FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court involvement in the wiretapping of the Trump Tower in New York. Even that is validated by, not Trump tweets or administration officials, but by the media.

According to news site Heat Street, “Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community have confirmed to Heat Street that the FBI sought, and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia.”

The article continues, “Contrary to earlier reporting in the New York Times, which cited FBI sources as saying that the agency did not believe that the private server in Donald Trump’s Trump Tower which was connected to a Russian bank had any nefarious purpose, the FBI’s counter-intelligence arm, sources say, re-drew an earlier FISA court request around possible financial and banking offenses related to the server. The first request, which sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October…While the Times story speaks of metadata, sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons.”

The facts surrounding Obama Administration FISA Court requests were later validated and reported by UK news sources, The Guardian, and BBC. Conspicuously absent was follow-up reporting by U.S. mainstream media. No wonder there is record low confidence in U.S. mainstream media.

And inexplicably, in the final days of his administration, President Obama in January “expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections,” according to the New York Times. Obama’s directive expanded Executive Order 12333. As the Times reported, they “found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing.” Yet, based on much of the information being leaked, it was obviously not just data and factual information that was shared, but also rumor, innuendo, and hearsay; in short, political propaganda.

The facts clearly lay out a systematic series of events and intelligence-gathering efforts where the Obama Administration was wiretapping and monitoring Trump and his associates in the midst of the presidential campaign. This is further confirmed and validated by the well-placed leak from the FBI of the discussions between erstwhile National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, and the Russian Ambassador to the U.S.

Clearly, based on news stories by the same media that is now denouncing Trump’s allegations, the Obama administration actively sought authorization to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign, and was eventually granted that authorization. They continued to monitor the Trump campaign even after no evidence of wrongdoing was discovered. Obama then relaxed the national intelligence rules to allow evidence to be shared broadly within the government, virtually assuring that such information would be leaked to news sources.

Some claim this to be merely attempts at obfuscation of the “Russian meddling” in the campaign. This is highly unlikely since the only thing the FBI and the other 16 intelligence agencies have produced for all their efforts to link Trump to purported Russian hacking of the Hillary campaign, is the leaked Michael Flynn conversation with the Russian Ambassador. Even the allegations against Attorney General Jeff Sessions are moot since his first meeting with the Russian Ambassador included several high-ranking U.S. military officers, and the second was at an event organized by the Obama Administration.

Some, including Mark Levin, former chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese in the Reagan Administration, claim the Obama Administration’s targeting of the Trump organization, in the middle of a presidential campaign, was a more egregious abuse of executive power than Nixon exercised with the Watergate break in. He avers that it was tantamount to an attempted coup to prevent Trump from assuming office.

Regrettably, many government employees, who overwhelmingly are supportive of Democrats, are involved in the efforts to undermine, discredit, and delegitimize the Trump administration. These “public servants” who by a nearly 10:1 margin donated to the Clinton campaign, are obviously more loyal to their party than they are to the nation they are paid to serve. They are committing felonies with their leaks to the press, and arguably committing treason and sedition in attempting to destabilize the government.

These “deep state” government employees, including some in the intelligence services, are evidently colluding with three other factions in a veritable war against our democratically elected President. The others include, as one commentator refers to them, the “Snowflake Faction,” including paid protestors; the Democrat Party; and the mainstream media establishment. They are not just striving to discredit the President, but to destabilize the administration and destroy him utilizing every conceivable means available to them to do so.

The question is not whether the Obama Administration was spying on the Trump campaign, but how many laws they bent or broke for nearly exclusively political purposes in doing so, and whether anyone will be held accountable for it. The Watergate scandal pales by comparison.

OK, there's Woodward and Bernstein and then there's the opinion section of the Idaho State Journal.

Okay, so the mainstream legit media source The New York Times is wrong then?
Okay, so the mainstream legit media source The New York Times is wrong then?

Trump has had eight days to offer this "evidence" and make himself look smart instead of foolish. Maybe the Idaho State Journal's opinion section will go down in history as blowing the lid off the biggest scandal in a half century, or maybe you guys are just pathetically desperate to believe in what you want to believe.
You would think that Obama would go publicly ballistic with a false allegation like that. Unless..
You would think that Obama would go publicly ballistic with a false allegation like that. Unless..

Trump has had eight days to offer this "evidence" and make himself look smart instead of foolish. Maybe the Idaho State Journal's opinion section will go down in history as blowing the lid off the biggest scandal in a half century, or maybe you guys are just pathetically desperate to believe in what you want to believe.

The front page of the New York Times isn't good enough?
The front page of the New York Times isn't good enough?

Where does the NYT mention Trump Tower? Where does the NYT say the aids themselves were the ones that were wire-tapped? There's a good reason that no legitimate news source caught on to this. Why is it you guys are so unwilling to think critically and and ask yourself these questions? It's pathetic.
"Legitimate news sources", AKA Trusted sources" are now FAKE NEWS


FISA-gate: The New York Times Revises History in Real Time

For four months, the mainstream press was very content to have Americans believe — indeed, they encouraged Americans to believe — that a vigorous national-security investigation of the Trump presidential campaign was ongoing. “A counterintelligence investigation,” the New York Times called it.

But when the election-hacking narrative went on too long without proof, the risk the Democrats were running became clear. If the FBI had been investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded in purported “Russian hacking of the election,” that meant the incumbent Obama administration must have been investigating the campaign of the opposition party’s presidential candidate.

Moreover, if such an investigation had involved national-security wiretaps under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), that would suggest that the Obama Justice Department had alleged, in court, that Trump associates had acted as “agents of a foreign power” — in this case, Russia.

That was the uh-oh moment for the media-Democrat complex. That was when it dawned on them not only that the election-hacking conspiracy narrative wasn’t working, but that the investigation of the Trump campaign could be a much bigger scandal.

So, after insisting for four months that the Trump campaign was under investigation for conspiring with Putin to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, the media decided that it better adopt a different strategy: “Investigation? What investigation?”

Thus the claim, suddenly, is that Obama was never investigating Trump. How could we possibly believe such a thing . . . even if it’s the thing the media have wanted us to believe for four months.

That brings us back to the New York Times.

On January 20, when the paper was trying to promote the “government investigating Trump–Russia conspiracy to steal the election” narrative, here’s the headline that appeared on the big story: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

See? They wanted you to assume the “inquiry” was focused on Trump aides who had connections to the Trump campaign. The report elaborated that investigators were poring over “intercepted communications” of three associates of Donald Trump. Among them was Paul Manafort, who had been Trump’s campaign chairman until August. The intimation was clear: The FBI was conducting a FISA investigation targeting Trump associates to determine whether the campaign had colluded with the Putin regime to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Only in the fine print did the Times acknowledge that whatever the government might be investigating may have nothing to do with Trump, the Trump campaign, or Russian hacking.

But now that the media have been called on this, now that the Obama administration has been called on investigating the Trump campaign, what happens?

Have you checked the Times’s January 20 story lately?

Turns out the story has suddenly, quietly been given a new headline. No longer is it “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” Instead, readers are now told, “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry into Trump Associates.”

Why would the Times change its headline in this manner, weeks after the fact?

Because, during the four months when the media-Democrat complex wanted you to believe there was a Trump–Putin conspiracy to hack the election, they needed you to believe that the Justice Department was targeting Trump associates for surveillance because they were Russian agents.

Get it? If there is no hacking conspiracy — and there manifestly is not — the big scandal here is not possible Trump-campaign collusion with Russia.

It is that the Obama Justice Department may have used its legal authorities to investigate the Democrats’ top political adversary. And not to be overlooked: This would have been done at the very same time the same Obama Justice Department was bending over backwards to whitewash the extremely serious criminal case against the Democrats’ nominee, Hillary Clinton. It would have meant Obama had his thumb on the election scale.


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Where does the NYT mention Trump Tower? Where does the NYT say the aids themselves were the ones that were wire-tapped? There's a good reason that no legitimate news source caught on to this. Why is it you guys are so unwilling to think critically and and ask yourself these questions? It's pathetic.

Yes think critically. If you could have just once expressed how inane it was to believe that the Russians had anything to do with the outcome of the election you would have some credibility around here.
Thinking critically is far more lacking on the left by leaps and bounds. Take those concerns there. Its actually pretty scary.

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Yes think critically. If you could have just once expressed how inane it was to believe that the Russians had anything to do with the outcome of the election you would have some credibility around here.
Thinking critically is far more lacking on the left by leaps and bounds. Take those concerns there. Its actually pretty scary.


OK. Unless you are saying that the Russian government are Trump aids, you are NOT providing evidence of Trump's claim. If Trump aids were in communication with wire-tapped Russian officials, that does not constitute wire-tapping of Trump aids. Got it?
Pound it down their ******* throats!

Jeff Sessions may order independent investigation of Barack Obama's Department of Justice

Sessions Open to Outside Probe Into Obama DOJ, IRS

"I'm going to do everything I possibly can to restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice," Sessions said. "So, we'll have to consider whether or not some outside counsel is needed. Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

During Obama's administration, his attorney general, Eric Holder, was held in contempt of Congress regarding a claim the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms allowed illegal gun sales to and from Mexico in order to track drug cartels, according to CNN.

During Obama's administration, the IRS was said to have targeted conservative groups.

About the IRS case, Sessions said, "That circumstance raised a lot of questions in my mind, and when I was in the Senate. So, it is a matter of real concern to me."

Pound it down their ******* throats!

Jeff Sessions may order independent investigation of Barack Obama's Department of Justice

Sessions Open to Outside Probe Into Obama DOJ, IRS

"I'm going to do everything I possibly can to restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice," Sessions said. "So, we'll have to consider whether or not some outside counsel is needed. Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

During Obama's administration, his attorney general, Eric Holder, was held in contempt of Congress regarding a claim the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms allowed illegal gun sales to and from Mexico in order to track drug cartels, according to CNN.

During Obama's administration, the IRS was said to have targeted conservative groups.

About the IRS case, Sessions said, "That circumstance raised a lot of questions in my mind, and when I was in the Senate. So, it is a matter of real concern to me."


I would like to see this. Many, I think, feel that Obama's Justice Department may have been the most corrupt in history. I would like to see the truth exposed and find out one way or the other.
OK. Unless you are saying that the Russian government are Trump aids, you are NOT providing evidence of Trump's claim. If Trump aids were in communication with wire-tapped Russian officials, that does not constitute wire-tapping of Trump aids. Got it?

Umm, yes it does because by law if the CIA in the course of wiretapping foreigners stumbles on a conversation with a U.S. citizen they are to either stop immediately or get a FISA court order. Not that the CIA has ever been accused of following the law.
Don't you love it how the libs question news sources after WashPo is owned by Trump-hater Jeff Bezos of Amazon? . They never said a word when Obama had his Muslim Brotherhood gang running all over the White House. No peep about black lives matters agitators slumming with Loretta Lynch either.

The radical left wing runs all the big news organizations, now they are squealing when the truth gets out and they can't control the headlines. **** em
Mark Levin breaks it down. The liberal media already reported all of this in their mission to make Trump look bad. They didn't realize this could come back to bite them because they are used to Republicans just rolling over and taking it. Trump fights back and that is what is killing them now.

Liberal arguments are always build on lies and only exist as long as they are not seriously challenged. This is why liberals are now so pro-censorship.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q2eu-B5ZNPs" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>
There's a good reason that no legitimate news source caught on to this. Why is it you guys are so unwilling to think critically and and ask yourself these questions? It's pathetic.

The National Inquirer was the only one on the John Edwards story. Isn't that odd? A presidential candidate whose wife is dying of cancer has a mistress and a child funded by campaign dollars and no "legitimate" news source thought that was newsworthy enough to investigate?

You are certainly right about one thing, they do have reasons for what they choose to cover and what they don't.

Try to think a little critically yourself once in awhile.
The National Inquirer was the only one on the John Edwards story. Isn't that odd? A presidential candidate whose wife is dying of cancer has a mistress and a child funded by campaign dollars and no "legitimate" news source thought that was newsworthy enough to investigate?

You are certainly right about one thing, they do have reasons for what they choose to cover and what they don't.

Try to think a little critically yourself once in awhile.

In fact, there WERE some MSM (NBC?) reporters with the information and they held onto it so they could put it in a book they were writing rather than report it during the actual campaign where the information was important.

Also, there were some MSM people in possession of information about the Clinton-Lewinski affair (yeah, he didn't have sex with her....) and were 'trying to verify it' when Drudge broke the blue dress story. That may or may not have been the genesis of the "report it now, find facts later" news cycle we have now.
If Trump announces the government was wiretapping and it is proven true, he could be Impeached for
obstruction of justice. There would a legitimate reason for any US citizen being wiretapped. Maybe we
should look into the tax returns, the audit should be over by now.
If Trump announces the government was wiretapping and it is proven true, he could be Impeached for
obstruction of justice. There would a legitimate reason for any US citizen being wiretapped. Maybe we
should look into the tax returns, the audit should be over by now.

You would think that Obama would go publicly ballistic with a false allegation like that. Unless..

Obama's not a loose trigger fingered fuckwad like Cheeto Jesus is.

Apparently youre used to the incessant childish, theatrical drama and clown show down at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Myyyy how far we have fallen.
Obama's not a loose trigger fingered fuckwad like Cheeto Jesus is.

Apparently youre used to the incessant childish, theatrical drama and clown show down at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Myyyy how far we have fallen.
Yes, we all witnessed his wise reserve during the Trayvon and Freddie Gray shootings. I think a more likely explanation is that he knows you get in real trouble once you start lying even more about things like that.