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Excessive Force


I'll give you a million ******* stories of black men killing whites...and nothing from your MSM. Nothing. But ain't it a grand ole' party when a white man kills a black person? Jesse, Al, the rest all rise up in protest...

Please, step back with your piss poor argument. I do believe one Eric Holder filed Federal Hate crimes against the white man accused of striking a black man in Knock Out...the same Eric Holder who's accused none of hundreds of black men attacking white people in Knock Out.

Step out.

I'm referring to the police, idiot.
Police officers negotiate. Do you know what they said? What they offered? What words were exchanged? Doubt you do.

So the police release a dog (a dog mind you, trained to kill if need be, certainly to seriously maim). Defendant pulls out a knife to defend himself (not to attack the police officers). Police shoot the man.

Let me ask you something subject...if a German Shepperd trained to kill was released upon you and you had a knife, would you try to defend yourself? Or would you allow said dog to eat at your flesh?

Be honest in your answer. Watch the man wheeze as he dies from the gunshot wounds. Look at the history of the abuses of this very police department. And think again about defending armed police shooting and killing a man who attacked and provoked no one.

The similarities to Trayvon Martin's case do not exist, unless you think that a dump truck and a grape are similar.

That "dog" is also a Police Officer....
nothing in that video shows the cops were in danger. hell they had the ******* bean bag guns...knock his *** down with those and then take the knives off of him...shooting him was ******* over kill...
Yeah we got it they killed a white guy. When it's a minority killed in cold blood not a peep, not a peep, and it happens just about every day in this country.


Why should there be a peep? The majority of the time when blacks gets killed by officers, they had it coming to them. Nothing to see here.

That said, if there exists the slightest doubt that the killing or a beating was justified, you better believe Al Sharpton will be there, followed by the media.

Let me ask you a question Polly...
Hundreds of blacks get killed by other blacks on a daily basis. and no one gives a ****, so why is a black life valuable only when it gets taken by someone of another race? See Trayvon and Zim.

Funny how no drooling open mouthed knuckle dragging hypocritical libtard could ever answer that.
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Yeah we got it they killed a white guy. When it's a minority killed in cold blood not a peep, not a peep, and it happens just about every day in this country.

Are you serious with this? Did you forget the Trayvon Martin case? The breathless media coverage and the coining of the brand new "white hispanic" race? When a minority is killed by a white person, regardless of the facts, it is a hate crime automatically. It is covered ad nauseam.

Now if you are referring to all the minority folks killed in the cities by other minority folks, well, that may be a problem better addressed by that particular minority community. And you are right, not a peep from the MSM. Conservative sites mention it because they are racist. Tolerant liberal folks keep that **** on the down low.
When a black kills another black, that's keepng it real. When a white kills a black, it's racism. When a black kills a white, it is frowned upon. It's a pretty simple system really.
You cannot threaten the police with deadly force, people. Zimmerman shot an unarmed kid over a fistfight, were you outraged? This guy PULLS A KNIFE and THREATENS TO KILL THE COPS and you call it excessive force.

Double standard much?

Little cognitive reasoning much?

Boyd was white, Martin was black.

If you hang around here long enough you'll catch on. They even have a hierarchy in their bitter conservatism; ' Well he is a homeless parasite...hmmm.... but he's white...'

Excessive force! Excessive force! White Christian males under attack, buy Ar-15 and lots of ammo, cans of beans, build bunker...watch Archie Bunker reruns...Obama birth...certificate....Hillary...*****...Benghazi ! Benghazi! Ben Roethlisberger great, not a rapist...not a rapist...not a rapist.....Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Too many brown and darker brown past khaki level 7 people around...Danger! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Jesus and Santa Clause are white.. they are! They are!

Damn you are obsessed in an unhealthy way. You've given far more thought to theroetical conservative hatred than your own genuine hate and anger. Seek help.

When a black kills another black, that's keepng it real. When a white kills a black, it's racism. When a black kills a white, it is frowned upon. It's a pretty simple system really.

Say, that is simple! Thanks....thanks a lot.
Leave it to Polo to be the first to inject a divide between races and then call everyone on the message board a racist. Oh, the irony.
Yeah we got it they killed a white guy. When it's a minority killed in cold blood not a peep, not a peep, and it happens just about every day in this country.

I'm also waiting for the outrage from the right over Obama's over reaching justice dept. and the audacity of taking over a local police dept. The sheer audacity.................'Oh we're protecting white peoples rights? Carry on Mr. President.'

Crickets.........crickets from Fox News, and crickets from the internets.................

Shove your racist attitude up your ***!
Ignoring the race baiters and ignorant plagiarists...

"Officers negotiated with him for five hours, eventually winning agreement from Boyd to leave the makeshift -- and illegal -- campsite. Then a police stun grenade went off, Boyd, 38, turned his back and three shots were fired. Police video shows Boyd on his stomach on the ground, wheezing for breath as officers sic a dog on his legs and fire bean bag rounds at him. He was already mortally wounded. An autopsy on Boyd found he was shot in the back. The medical examiner ruled the death a homicide."

People need to understand that police officers or not untouchable and subject to the rule of law as any other citizen. The fact of the matter is that Boyd had his possessions in his hands and was leaving the area when an officer released a stun grenade which caused him to drop his possessions and react to it by turning away. Police opened fire dropping Boyd face first into the ground. As if this wasn't enough, they continue to shoot him with non-lethal rounds and sick the dog him as he lay there dying. The Medical Examiner ruled the death a homicide and The officers involved should be released from duty, arrested, and charged. Period.
I'm referring to the police, idiot.

It doesn't matter that you were or weren't, you miss the obvious ******* point - that you're a poster child for Liberal hypocrisy. You'll scream and cry over Trayvon, but could give two ***** about this guy - cuz he's white.

On board now Comrade?
Leave it to Polo to be the first to inject a divide between races and then call everyone on the message board a racist. Oh, the irony.

I injected a divide? You mean like Martin Luther King showing up at a klan rally?

What a buzzkill that King libtard was huh?
I injected a divide? You mean like Martin Luther King showing up at a klan rally?

What a buzzkill that King libtard was huh?

no you cried racism where it was not being displayed...typical liberal bullshit
You know, I was going to get into this, but nah.

Reading through some of the back threads this board is a mess of crybaby white victimhood. Someone not in the "I'm a victim cuz I'm white/male/christian/hetero" crowd will come in and post a counterpoint, then the victims will throw out some bullshit (often irrelevant) Fox News talking point and then start sucking each other's dicks about how right they are.

Pointless. There is no interesting discussion going on in here. I can only guess that y'all have run off any rational centrist/moderate thinkers.

I have honestly never seen so many white people in one place feeling so sorry for themselves...
You know, I was going to get into this, but nah.

Reading through some of the back threads this board is a mess of crybaby white victimhood. Someone not in the "I'm a victim cuz I'm white/male/christian/hetero" crowd will come in and post a counterpoint, then the victims will throw out some bullshit (often irrelevant) Fox News talking point and then start sucking each other's dicks about how right they are.

Pointless. There is no interesting discussion going on in here. I can only guess that y'all have run off any rational centrist/moderate thinkers.

I have honestly never seen so many white people in one place feeling so sorry for themselves...

So you're saying that the only non-protected group of people (white, hetero, male, Christian) in America feels victimized? Why would you think that is? Every other group (black, Latino, Indian, women, gay, Muslim, Jew, ext) is entitled to be the victim and protected and you wonder why straight, white, Christian males feel like they have a target on them? Really?
You know, I was going to get into this, but nah.

Reading through some of the back threads this board is a mess of crybaby white victimhood. Someone not in the "I'm a victim cuz I'm white/male/christian/hetero" crowd will come in and post a counterpoint, then the victims will throw out some bullshit (often irrelevant) Fox News talking point and then start sucking each other's dicks about how right they are.

Pointless. There is no interesting discussion going on in here. I can only guess that y'all have run off any rational centrist/moderate thinkers.

I have honestly never seen so many white people in one place feeling so sorry for themselves...

Find us a "rational centrist/moderate" thinker and we'll see. So far there exists no such thing. You evidently consider yourself one and yet, in maybe your what, tenth post in this forum(?) you accuse the majority of the posters of some stupid ****. Kill yourself.
I injected a divide? You mean like Martin Luther King showing up at a klan rally?

What a buzzkill that King libtard was huh?

Dr. King was a brave and honorable man attemtping to right the inhuman action of segregation. You are a racist ******** who opens his **** holster on an internet message board spewing hate. The board was commenting on a MAN being shot and killed by an abusive and criminal act. It was only YOU who decided to turn this into a subject of race. Face it, you're a ******* biggot.
Badcat hit the nail on the head. It is painfully obvious that Polo is a hardcore racist.
Looks like these cops choked a guy to death right on the sidewalk in front of everyone. Now saying he went into cardiac arrest later. Doubt it. - http://www.theblaze.com/stories/201...athe-while-in-chokeholdand-then-he-went-limp/

They need to start sending these cops to the slammer. Would make them think twice before ******* killing a citizen.

JFC, murdered in public on the sidewalk by cops. I'm sure they'll explain it away as "he was resisting", but I thought choke holds were always a police no-no for just such a reason.
Leave it up to the lefto racist fucktards to inject that bullshit into here.
From - http://www.infowars.com/cop-if-obama-doesnt-follow-the-constitution-we-dont-have-to/

“Obama just decimated the freakin’ Constitution, so I don’t give a damn. If he doesn’t follow the Constitution, we don’t have to,” responds the cop, brazenly violating the oath he swore to uphold the Constitution.

The comment is self-evidently shocking, but it also provides an insight as to how corruption from the very top reaches all the way down to the bottom, providing law enforcement with a twisted form of justification for their unconstitutional activities

History has shown that it doesn't take much for this **** to flow downhill and get bad quick.
Not sure if anyone here goes to reddit...but there's a few subs dedicated to **** like this. If you want your blood pressure to go up, click HERE.

**** like what's happening in Albuquerque, NYC are almost everyday occurrences across the country.
But let's not forget the fouled up no-knock raids where they hit the wrong house, shoot the family pet and offer no apologies.
That's if you're lucky. A lot of times they will still throw you in jail so they don't look like the imbeciles they are.

Not to get too far down the rabbit-hole here but...
The police union is one of the most powerful organizations on the planet. It's also one of the most corrupt.
But what are you going to do, stand against them? Yeah, good luck with that.
Zero accountability, judicial system in their pockets...recipe for the disaster we have.