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FBI thwarts terrorist group plotting Election Day attack

Except me. I don't have a problem with it. Time for the Muzzies to get a taste of their own medicine. I hate Muslims. I don't hide it.

You guys keep proving me right about Liberals though. With any issue, regardless of right or wrong, Libs can always be counted on to side with 1) Whoever is against America, 2) Whoever is against Christians and Jews and 3) Whoever the darker-skinned people are.

So you don't have a problem with innocent people working at a meat packing plant being murdered.

What more needs to be said about CONservatives?
So you don't have a problem with innocent people working at a meat packing plant being murdered.
No. Point needs to be made that if they kill one of ours we kill a hundred of theirs.

What more needs to be said about CONservatives?
We defend ourselves and win. Remember, no religion is more hostile to Liberal values than Islam. If we don't smack them down, and hard, they're coming for your kind first.
I hope you're right, but I'm afraid you're not...

The number of KKK groups in America more than doubled last year, says new report

...waiting on you to post on the alarming rise of Black Lives Matter terrorist cells popping up all over the country, attacking, maiming and killing innocent civilians and law enforcement officers.

Today's new KKK.
...waiting on you to post on the alarming rise of Black Lives Matter terrorist cells popping up all over the country, attacking, maiming and killing innocent civilians and law enforcement officers.

Today's new KKK.

Quit being racist.
Your attempt at defending your stupid beliefs is the only obtuse thing here.

I was in a thread here where i showed WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that the Nazis were Christian and were motivated by church teaching

In what parallel universe do you exist? Cause it ain't this one. Sheesh.
Your attempt at defending your stupid beliefs is the only obtuse thing here.

I was in a thread here where i showed WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that the Nazis were Christian and were motivated by church teachings.

Let's start with the undeniable(unless you're a deluded Christian of course)

Do you deny the common knowledge that 99% of Germany was Christian before and during the war?

If you say no then you are a joke.

If you say yes then you have to answer as to how these people who made up almost all of the Nazi regime down to the foot soldier could reconcile their beliefs with genocide.

I'll wait...........
I'm not religious, but your insistence that the Genocide was a direct result of Christianity is absolutely ******* preposterous. Even at that, you back the ******* Muzzies who are shooting missiles into Israel? I mean, if you're Jewish - and you say you are, or at least one of your many personnas is - then how can you back the Muzzies when they want to kill everyone who is not Muzzie and even those who are not Muzzie enough?

You're a goddamn blight on humanity. Your parents should be ashamed for having birthed you, let alone for even having sex.
yeah, but Jesus said "Gas the Jews!"
I wonder if Elfie hold the Muzzies to the same standard as she does the Westboro Baptist Church?
There are as many black separatist groups as KKK groups yet Blacks have 13% of the population? Interesting.....

Extremism is definitely on the rise. But it's highest concentration is in Muslim America, then Black America, then White America by population. Anyone that doesn't see that isn't looking at the numbers.
There are as many black separatist groups as KKK groups yet Blacks have 13% of the population? Interesting.....

Extremism is definitely on the rise. But it's highest concentration is in Muslim America, then Black America, then White America by population. Anyone that doesn't see that isn't looking at the numbers.

Following the Liberal mantra, Tibs et all will NOT be posting their outrage about black or Muslim separatist groups. Only white extremists are evil. Black and/or Muslim extremist groups should be given pardons, hugs, and Bomma phones.
I think everyone on this board just wants a better life for themselves and their families, and don't see that happening with Hillary Clinton at the helm. But hey, I've admitted to being wrong before.

That would be 100% accurate.
Spoken like a true Hungarian....
Let's just call them three angry guys wanting to blow up lives on U.S. soil. This is why there is division amongst people cause the MSM/Liberal media has to factor in race.
Wrong. I posted this thread since nobody else did. Because you are a bunch of *******. Any other type (non-white, non-Christian) terrorists get rounded up this board is blowing up. You know it and I know it.

Pretty amazing what a ******* apologist you are. This thread has nothing to do with anything besides a white, Christian hate group plotting to carry out a terrorist attack. You go out of your way to avoid that simple truth and not address the fact of the matter.. But that's no big shock to the system Ron, that's who you've been for years on this board.

Why? This thread is about the real, palpable danger posed by white, Christian terrorists. Why avoid the basic reality of this case and talk about BLM? Because you're a *****, like most everyone else on the so-called right. Pompous, pretentious, make believe weekend warriors, the whole lot of you.

That's ******* stupid, right there with most everything you post on here. I never said any of those things. A terrorist plot was thwarted, three white shitheads with a Christian, anti-immigrant, pro-right sentiment. You guys are such soft, worthless *******, you can't even come to terms with what it is we're talking about.

It's akin to:

Tibs posting a thread about helicopters
Tim Steelersfan: You're ******* nuts, why don't you post about the dwindling number of water buffalo in sub-Saharan Africa?

That's how weak you are. When bad **** happens, and it's white, Christian, pro-Trump **** suckers ******* up, you piss in your pants, tremble in fear and avoid the subject all together.

Why? Cause those on the right are pompous, self-serving weaklings who can never admit to anything and choose to pass the buck and back out of any type of responsibility. That's the real story here. That's what's really wrong with America. All these pretend He-men who proclaim to be something they're not.

Theres no passing the buck here numbnuts, White supremacists and militias have always been in this country and have posed little threat.

Your thread is boring. Your rhetoric is boring.

You and your family have a much greater chance at being blown to smithereens while at a mall or at some airport by Muslim terrorists (can you put those two words together?) than you do by some white supremacist or militia group.
In fact, any place on earth has a greater chance of being blown up by Muslim terrorists than white supremacists.

America will deal with its own criminals and racists, but that doesn't excuse any Muslim being invited here out of the goodness that is America and engage in terrorism.

You pathetic self loathing full of white guilt ************* are whats wrong with America, not these schmucks in your stupid thread. You wanna mimic Europe, open borders and now saturated with muslim rapists and terrorist cells.
These white looney tunes in your hyperbole laden by libfucks thread just so happen not to want that here...now go ahead and make some stupid accusation that I condone what these men planned to do...accusations, generalizations and conjecture is what you libtards do best anyway.

You must be proud belonging to a large sector of the low information crowd that gets its news from idiots like those cackling ******* on The View.
That's whats wrong with America.

Haha "cackling *******"...go ahead say it, I'm a misogynist now lol.
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Yet another weak ***** chimes in, with nothing to say. Trump has nutmegged the entire conservative base, not surprised how pathetic you have all become.

You calling people *****'s is funny , you must be a **** then , because proof came out the DNC screwed your boy Bernie right up the ***, but you still tote that water for Hilliary. You are freakin spineless just like the rest of the corrupt liberal left.
Eh, thankfully someone quoted Tibs before he could remove his wonderful words. OH Tibs...not again.

Quote Originally Posted by Tibs View Post
Wrong. I posted this thread since nobody else did. Because you are a bunch of *******. Any other type (non-white, non-Christian) terrorists get rounded up this board is blowing up. You know it and I know it.

Pretty amazing what a ******* apologist you are. This thread has nothing to do with anything besides a white, Christian hate group plotting to carry out a terrorist attack. You go out of your way to avoid that simple truth and not address the fact of the matter.. But that's no big shock to the system Ron, that's who you've been for years on this board.

Why? This thread is about the real, palpable danger posed by white, Christian terrorists. Why avoid the basic reality of this case and talk about BLM? Because you're a *****, like most everyone else on the so-called right. Pompous, pretentious, make believe weekend warriors, the whole lot of you.

That's ******* stupid, right there with most everything you post on here. I never said any of those things. A terrorist plot was thwarted, three white shitheads with a Christian, anti-immigrant, pro-right sentiment. You guys are such soft, worthless *******, you can't even come to terms with what it is we're talking about.

It's akin to:

Tibs posting a thread about helicopters
Tim Steelersfan: You're ******* nuts, why don't you post about the dwindling number of water buffalo in sub-Saharan Africa?

That's how weak you are. When bad **** happens, and it's white, Christian, pro-Trump **** suckers ******* up, you piss in your pants, tremble in fear and avoid the subject all together.

Why? Cause those on the right are pompous, self-serving weaklings who can never admit to anything and choose to pass the buck and back out of any type of responsibility. That's the real story here. That's what's really wrong with America. All these pretend He-men who proclaim to be something they're not.

You're an ***, let me say that first, ok? We've known it, but thanks again for showing it.

Second, the REASON you see everyone posting in response to your thread is Very, Very, Very simple. Because you NEVER show outrage when the terrorism is BLM driven, Muslim driven, or Democrat-driven. You can't find a thread that Tibs started to denounce the terrorism coming from one of these special interest, protected groups your warped side loves. But you will damn sure go out of your way to talk about white Christians who are terrorists.

Do you NOT see your behavior mimicking that of our corrupt media? We all know terrorism comes from every walk of life, and I for one (and I believe my brethren too) denounce ALL of it - 100% of it - period. But you, like your media (let's face it, you're just one of their blind lemmings) only show outrage when terrorism comes from a white Christian. When Paris or Orlando happens, we can fully expect you to make 37 posts about how it's not about Islam, or maybe not about Muslims, and how we are all Islamaphobes and degenerates before on the 38th post you'll write a tiny little footnote that says "these terrorists should be apprehended and have their hands slapped."

This whole thread has been about people pointing out your obvious and blatant one-sided outrage.

Bill Clinton rapes and assaults women, it's just sex. A Republican says lewd things, and you're head's ready to blow up with outrage.

Orlando happens, you hope it's a white dude...then when you find out it's a Muslim, you tell us we're all whack for being outraged at these radical Islamists for being at war with us and killing our innocents, calling us Islamaphobes. When 3 white dudes plan a terrorist attack, you're head's ready to blow up with outrage.

See the pattern? Probably not. We all do.

Let me repeat one last time. No one here is cheering for those three terrorists in Liberal Kansas. I think they're scum, and I'm sure the others agree with me. But I do believe just about everyone here is tired of your highly selective outrage.

When you start a post about a Radical Islamic terrorist act, or a BLM-driven police assassination and show you can cross the line showing equal outrage because you care about ALL life, then maybe folks will begin to take you seriously. Until then, you're no different than MSNBC...blatantly hypocritical, only caring about life when it fits some warped political agenda.
I believe this may be what/how Libs try to solve a problem.

I'm not a mechanic, so bear with me.

Hypothetically, say you have a '67 Mustang GT500. You know this is a bad-*** car. Horsepower out the ***, looks good and turns heads.

But your Mustang isn't in prime shape. It's running, but not on all cylinders. There's a few oil leaks, it puffs smoke when started and the ride is rough. The passenger door won't open too well. You've sprayed some WD-40 on it, but it still creaks and won't open too wide. Sometimes you'd prefer it to not even open, as occasionally your passengers will spill drinks inside.

Speaking of the interior, the seats are worn, the dash is cracking, the upholstery is in bad need of repair and the windows won't always roll up. The radio has been upgraded, but you still get garbage from the speakers.

You take it to a mechanic who suggests a complete makeover to fix everything. This isn't in your budget, but you know it needs to be done to protect your investment.

but you decide you also need a second opinion.

Another mechanic sees that the windshield needs replaced and that all would be fine after that.

The second mechanic is essentially the Democratic party.
When you start a post about a Radical Islamic terrorist act, or a BLM-driven police assassination and show you can cross the line showing equal outrage because you care about ALL life, then maybe folks will begin to take you seriously. Until then, you're no different than MSNBC...blatantly hypocritical, only caring about life when it fits some warped political agenda.

Like I said....

With any issue, regardless of right or wrong, Libs can always be counted on to side with 1) Whoever is against America, 2) Whoever is against Christians and Jews and 3) Whoever the darker-skinned people are.