Don't hide I love the Steelers and Hate Tomlin and have since the day he was hired. Wrong decision from jump street.
So living where I do, (PA but minutes from MD and equal distance from Philly and the cesspool that is Baltimore) I compare Tomlin to Harbaugh. Both been about the same tenure with MT longer. But they both came in very inexperienced. We here wanted Harbaugh locked up LONG TERM as he was horrible and even their fans wanted him out of town. Very similar to Tomlin, inept coaching and both press conference talkers, however the Harbaugh's are ALL whiners. Harbaugh was set to be fired, asked owner for one more chance. That was 4 or 5 years ago. Harbaugh got rid of all of his "buddies" Eagles and college coaching friends and hired the best available he could find for each position and coordinator jobs. They all had experience and basically brought in their systems. Harbaugh stayed out of it, let coaches coach and coordinators call and scheme the plays. Tomlin has consistently failed in staffing his roster of coaches and hires his buddies who are as he would say, below the line. Harbaugh has had coaches hired away and move elsewhere in the NFL. Tomlin coaching tree resembles the Castanza Festivus Tree! I don't know how the war room on draft day goes, but who ever makes those decisions on who is drafted is horrible. Again, in Baltimore Ozzy was not a great drafter, missed a ton; however he was a free agent beast. Steelers never missed on WR or LB's, not anymore. Tomlin values the wrong players most of the time and keeps them way too long. So in my opinion, at the end of the day; since Tomlin is never going anywhere; he needs to bring in beast coordinators and get the best young up and coming position coaches and for a change emulate Harbaugh! Sit back let them coach, talk to the media and keep things moving forward and make players and coaches held accountable. Tomlin has failed every day in his job, even in wins since he has been around I have cussed at him and questioned most of what he does. Ben and some great players have kept these teams afloat. Tomlin has not bettered any player or impact this team in a positive way ever. He has wasted more talent than any other. Great speaker, motivator, friend, cool but HORRIBLE coach. He should be a defensive position coach, that is about what he is qualified for. I will watch due to Ben's last year, but no changes next year, not that anyone here or Rooney's will care, I will not watch again. I will watch the Eagles with my wife, I still love football. There will be no emotions tied to the Steelers anymore, thanks Mike! Piss Poor Product and in 24 hrs the excuse machine will spin his wheels in the press conference with his word of the day calendar. Over 17 years of inept coaching, one man remains and the status quo stays the same, the standard is the standard = Mediocrity!