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Global Warming Fabricated

Most people don't have a problem with this idea. The problem is when you allow politics to determine what is "pollution", especially if it is done so by unelected beaurocrats (sp?). Get the EPA to declar the CO2, or excess CO2, is "pollution" and, well, you can see what I mean.

that's exactly it. The question isn't whether the Earth is warming or cooling. The question is whether it is doing so in and unnatural way that will be irreversible, and if so, what is the cause?

That's why they are lying. The evidence shows normal warming and cooling that has occurred since forever. That doesn't support their alarmist agenda, so they lie to create a crisis.

i find the whole "green" movement to be elitist. Just think about it. These are people who stand up and tell us that we should not be wasteful, we should turn off lights, only run air conditioners when it's really hot, try to conserve gas, etc.

Guess what ********. That's not "going green". That's being broke. I've lived that way most of my life, turning off lights, Dad yelling not to let the heat out, or not to try to cool the room like it's a meat locker. Don't waste food. Etc.

i'd bet most people have been living "green" most of their lives. It's the elitists who don't. They are the ones flying private jets, or operating a fountain on their estate that uses more power per week than most household use in a year.

So, i'm all for going green in the real sense of just not being wasteful. It's just common sense.

what i am not in favor of is their fake remedies for a fake problem. They are using environmentalism as a Trojan Horse to redistribute wealth and grow government.
This whole global warming crap has tainted all the good intentions that might be out there.
How about we drop the idea of Global Warming and Climate Change and just reduce the amount of pollution that we spew out for, you know, having a clean Earth to live on.

Anybody with a whit of common sense is repulsed by pollution. What many people with common sense object to is the taxation of energy for the purpose of redistributing wealth and gaining political leverage.

Everything else being equal, anybody would choose a car that delivers 30MPG v a 20MPG vehicle. They'd live in a house that used $150 in electricity v one that burned $300. I doubt that anybody in THIS country deliberately pollutes, and most jump through burning hoops to avoid it. Well, solar powered burning hoops anyway.

Point is, we don't need politicians advising us on anything, and worse, creating tax penalties to govern us further. There was a tif with the crown of Britain at the end of the 18th century over just that. Perhaps its time...

I truly do not give a **** about my carbon footprint. It has zero impact. I burn a hell of a lot of wood, drive an SUV a lot of miles, don't recycle, work in the steel and chemical industries and I feel no guilt whatsoever.

You're a great American, Sir.

I freekin LOVE steel. Concrete too.
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Another aspect to this is these liberal elitists have a warped sense of nature. They tend to live in big cities and the only green they see is a few city parks and they look at America the same way, like it's one big parking lot with a few islands of trees and shrubs every few miles.

Most cities you can drive less than an hour and find yourself in some deep woods
Global warming, err, climate change, uhhhm, climate-changing-with-warming-oh-it-might-be-cooling, ehhh, is-it-warm-in-here-or-is-it-just-Michael-Mann's-sweat-glands? is 100% true.

That's why its biggest proponent, Al Gore, lived in a low-CO2 using mansion in Tennessee.

Utility records show the Gore family paid an average monthly electric bill of about $1,200 last year for its 10,000-square-foot home. The Gores used about 191,000 kilowatt hours in 2006, according to bills reviewed by The Associated Press spanning the period from Feb. 3, 2006, to Jan. 5. That is far more than the typical Nashville household, which uses about 15,600 kilowatt-hours per year.


Okay, wait ... well, I know for a fact that Gore is CERTAIN that global-warming-uhhm-cooling-ehh-climate-change will melt all the polar bears and raise sea levels, so he would never buy a residence at sea level, since that would guarantee ...

Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have added a Montecito-area property to their real estate holdings, reports the Montecito Journal. The couple spent $8,875,000 on an ocean-view villa on 1.5 acres with a swimming pool, spa and fountains, a real estate source familiar with the deal confirms. The Italian-style house has six fireplaces, five bedrooms and nine bathrooms.

Lauren Beale, on behalf of the L.A. Times, April 24, 2010


The property is at sea level so the rising oceans that Gore insists are on the way will ...

Wait. Okay, but I mean, it's not as if Gore jets around the world in private jets and limos, guzzling petroleum at an astonishing rate.

On Thursday, former U. S. vice-president Al Gore delivered a major address calling on his country to abandon all fossil fuels within 10 years. By 2018, U. S. electricity and fuel should come entirely from "renewable energy and truly clean, carbon-free sources," he said. Tickets to the event encouraged attendees to "please use public transit, bicycling or other climate-friendly means" to reach the lecture hall. So how did Mr. Gore and his retinue arrive? In two Lincoln Town Cars and a full-sized SUV that sat idling with the air conditioners blasting while the Gore party was inside.


Wait, hold on here. I mean, it's not as if Gore pompously lectures me on my "carbon footprint" while getting ferried to and from his speaking engagements in a private jet. Okay, the whole mansion-sucking-up-kilowatts and mansion-at-sea-level things are embarrassing but noble Al (see what I did there?) would never burn through tons of jet fuel on a private freaking jet ...


Goddamn it, Gore, you stupid mother@#$%&*, you really make this difficult.
Understand this... part of this country's environmental plan has always been to manage forestland, farmland, and wilderness in a way that there will always be a net sink of CO2 typically around 12% more consumed by plantlife than produced... that's been ongoing for a while now... but almost never actually mentioned in these debates..

On a side note anyone want to start an algae farm? probably cause an epidemic of west nile, but bet you could get a lot of money pushing those in the near future...lol
I guess we could call it polluting. One specific case would be the Gulf oil spill. Instead of letting nature run it's course, we inject chemicals into the leak to stop the leak. Now, there is a "dead zone" around that area. There are microbes that can and do consume oil and essentially put it back into the environment. Injecting the chemical that was used managed to kill off a large portion of the ecosystem there. Not to say some creatures/plants wouldnt have died from being covered by the oil spill, but I do believe we did more harm than good when we did that. I'm just against offshore drilling for the reason that the seabed isn't as stable as soil. A leak can spring anywhere, but when it's in the ocean, a mile down, it's not a quick and easy fix. As well, the added pressure on the pipes and entire assembly takes a toll.

Weird how nature has these natural responses and is self-cleansing over time. Only arrogant folks would believe they know more and better.