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Green New Deal Goes Down

Ron Burgundy

Regular Member
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester, PA
No Dems in the Senate vote for Green New Deal. F'n cowards, support your party.


Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) "Green New Deal" overwhelmingly failed in the Senate on Tuesday when it was put to a vote, as not a single senator voted in support of it.
"Not a single senator backed her bill during the vote, a 57-0 filibuster," The Washington Times reported. "Forty-three Democrats voted 'present,' refusing to take a stand."
"Republicans said it was a devastating blow to the democratic socialist movement’s marquee proposal, which called for an upheaval in American energy, overhaul of the construction sector, and the largest expansion in history of the social safety net," the Times added.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he was putting the far-left proposal to a vote to see which Democrats supported it.

"The American people will see," McConnell said before the vote. "They’ll see which senators are so fully committed to radical left-wing ideology that they can’t even vote ‘no’ on self-inflicted economic ruin that would take a sledgehammer to America’s middle class."

The Times noted that even Democrat Senator Ed Markey, who co-authored the bill with Ocasio-Cortez, did not vote for it.

Sen's Jones, Sinema, Manchin, and King vote ''No'' with GOP, all other Dems voted "Present".
**** now we are all going to die in 12 years

20 years ago ManBearPig said we'd be under water 10 years ago. Or burned up. I forget. Whatever.
Shame. Had hoped that would have been the centerpiece of their 'platform' for elections to come. Can we raise hell or something to keep it alive?
Shame. Had hoped that would have been the centerpiece of their 'platform' for elections to come. Can we raise hell or something to keep it alive?

Proof that the Dems need an unaccountable bureaucracy to implement their agendas because they don't want to have to run for election on it.
I for one am mystified as to how any sentient being could not believe that the disgusting (D)umbasses are vile for refusing to vote on a measure whose dick they are so eager to suck.
20 years ago ManBearPig said we'd be under water 10 years ago. Or burned up. I forget. Whatever.

Karma for ManBearPig. Had totally forgotten about that!!!
I for one am mystified as to how any sentient being could not believe that the disgusting (D)umbasses are vile for refusing to vote on a measure whose dick they are so eager to suck.

Bwahahaha.....while we are in that arena

Ocasio-Cortez flips out after congressman calls Green New Deal ‘elitist’

Senate rejects Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal in 57-0 vote

Ocasio-Cortez invoked her experience as a waitress while mentioning the water in Flint, Michigan, and flooding in the Midwest after GOP Rep. Sean Duffy mocked her ambitious plan.

“People are dying. They are dying,” she exclaimed.



lol, the screaming left is now the face of the Democrat party

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If someone could peg the video, thanks in advance.

If you haven't seen this, it's WELL worth the time. How Sen Lee kept a straight face is AMAZING in itself!

Reagan with a machine gun on a dinosaur :pound:

Obama with the bitchslap

Obama Warns New House Dems That Liberal Policies Like the Green New Deal Are Very Expensive

Former President Barack Obama has cautioned freshmen House Democrats that the liberal policies becoming popular in their ranks—such as Medicare for All and the Green New Deal—will cost a lot of money. Although he encouraged the lawmakers to push forward “bold” ideas during their first year in the House, he said they had to consider the pricetags, too.

“He said we [as Democrats] shouldn’t be afraid of big, bold ideas—but also need to think in the nitty-gritty about how those big, bold ideas will work and how you pay for them,” said one person in the room,

The former president didn’t mention specific policies, but some at the event took his words as a warning about Medicare for All and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal proposal.

When OBAMA calls you out for an expensive proposal....you KNOW it's bad.
“He said we [as Democrats] shouldn’t be afraid of big, bold ideas—but also need to think in the nitty-gritty about how those big, bold ideas will work and how you pay for them,” said one person in the room,

Simple, you just raise taxes on The Rich and/or print more money. Obviously AOC has a degree in economics and Bomma does not.