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Gruden Sueing NFL and Goodell


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Good for Gruden. This was an obvious revenge scheme by Goodell. He botched the Washington investigation and even ignored a request for documents from Congress trying to sweep it under the rug, but the Gruden emails somehow leaked out.

Hope all the emails get out and half the league gets fired.
Definitely think he has a case. League should release everything
Wish Goodell would get fired, but he makes the owners too much cash so that’s just a pipe dream
Wish Goodell would get fired, but he makes the owners too much cash so that’s just a pipe dream

They love him enough to give him LIFE-TIME health insurance and this year and next he get $63 million / year + useage of the NFL owned jet.

**** roger goddell with a


that has multi-directional barbs that self adjust for maximum pain (think mr.T)

Salute the nation
Good for him, hope the NFL pays through the nose and Godel looks like how most feel of him. May it all come out and the league office and Godel pay dearly for their reputation

Totally want the same thing but reality is GRUDEN is going to have to have some pretty sure & solid proof to make anything stick.

The NFL has already started running their side 2-step campaigne by having Mrs. Dan Snyder come out and clai it didn't get leaked from them. Gruden needs to call Colin Krappernick and ask his stratagy after all it is a copy-cat league.

Salute the nation
Wish Goodell would get fired, but he makes the owners too much cash so that’s just a pipe dream

i cannot stand when i hear this line, it's such a ridiculous way of looking at things. this isn't a specific attack on you, fiji, because believe me, i've heard it said a thousand times before, but i have to speak up when i hear/read it. This league (read: the owners) would be making cash hand-over-first REGARDLESS of whomever occupied the office of the Commissioner of the NFL, whether it was Goodell or any other empty suit shill that had been primed and groomed to fill the seat.
They love him enough to give him LIFE-TIME health insurance and this year and next he get $63 million / year + useage of the NFL owned jet.

**** roger goddell with a


that has multi-directional barbs that self adjust for maximum pain (think mr.T)

Salute the nation


**** yeah! i hope gruden nails their ***** ***** to the wall. sheeeeeeeeyut, lemme be on that grand jury, me and ol boy gruden will be drinkin' beers at the bar down the street from the courthouse every night, talkin' **** about "rog"
This actually might force Goodell to an early retirement as part of the league settlement eotj gruden and consecuent public face cleaning.
This shall be interesting. No matter whether I thought Gruden was a good or bad coach,I kind of figured he would not let this go away quietly. They might have tried to **** with the wrong guy. It could get juicy. I am sure the NFL with the billions behind it will try to sweep this quietly away,or drag it on for ages. I hope Gruden and his legal team go for the jugular.
As the years go by I care less and less about Goodell and what he turned the NFL into today. I try to watch the Steelers weekly and that's it. If I miss the game. No biggie. The Steelers are as much to blame as Goodell over the spygate cover up. **** them all. We deserved better from the Rooney's.
This shall be interesting. No matter whether I thought Gruden was a good or bad coach,I kind of figured he would not let this go away quietly. They might have tried to **** with the wrong guy. It could get juicy. I am sure the NFL with the billions behind it will try to sweep this quietly away,or drag it on for ages. I hope Gruden and his legal team go for the jugular.
Or simply pay Gruden a very large sum of money and never to be heard from again.
Way to go! **** Roger and his crooked ways. If he's going down, others are going with him. At a minimum, every email and document from that investigation will need to be released. If there is even a shred of misconduct and the league didn't leak it to the liberal media like they did with Gruden, Goodell and the NFL will be paying a very large sum of money to Gruden.
Or simply pay Gruden a very large sum of money and never to be heard from again.
I got a feeling this ain't gonna be about money. If him and Davis are good and the Raiders won't be dragged through the mud he probably got his money already. Kapernick was easy because a whole lot of his money got left on the table so they bought him off. But if Chucky has his money he might say **** you. This is about the truth. I'm not a Chucky fan but he is a pit bull and in this case I'm 100% in his corner.
They love him enough to give him LIFE-TIME health insurance and this year and next he get $63 million / year + useage of the NFL owned jet.

**** roger goddell with a


that has multi-directional barbs that self adjust for maximum pain (think mr.T)

Salute the nation
Careful. Red hot pokers leaked in e-mails result in hefty fines
As the years go by I care less and less about Goodell and what he turned the NFL into today. I try to watch the Steelers weekly and that's it. If I miss the game. No biggie. The Steelers are as much to blame as Goodell over the spygate cover up. **** them all. We deserved better from the Rooney's.
I just support the Steelers and this site. Goodell tried to turn the league too big when it was already a staple of success. The nfl is an american culture mainstay. Why goodell wanted to mess with it is beyond me.

I don’t mind rule changes etc even though I ***** about it. Player safety should always be priority. But be consistent in rules amongst all 32 teams. Be stern on teams creating unnecessary off field actions. Etc.

Turning the nfl into a 365 day drama fest is more harm than good. That’s what goodell seems to be trying to aim for
I just support the Steelers and this site. Goodell tried to turn the league too big when it was already a staple of success. The nfl is an american culture mainstay. Why goodell wanted to mess with it is beyond me.

I don’t mind rule changes etc even though I ***** about it. Player safety should always be priority. But be consistent in rules amongst all 32 teams. Be stern on teams creating unnecessary off field actions. Etc.

Turning the nfl into a 365 day drama fest is more harm than good. That’s what goodell seems to be trying to aim for
He's messing with it because liberals don't believe in America or America first. They believe in a world view. Having a worldview is OK to an extent but you must always put your country (the USA) first and foremost. They can play exhibitions overseas but making teams travel like that is ridiculous. The NFL can't be played around the globe. It is America's game - surpassing baseball quite a while ago.
Wish Goodell would get fired, but he makes the owners too much cash so that’s just a pipe dream
As Omar said Fiji, nothing towards you. But this irrelevant, as the Commish’s role is a amalgamation of all 32 owners to protect themselves from each other (well supposedly….Kraft and Jones aside). The League (owners and NFLPA) would not want the negativity a trial will bring and open up possibly more skeletons to the fishbowl of public opinion. Forget about Gruden’s case (I personally think he’s arrogant and overrated as a coach”), the real whoppers will be all of those “other internal trials” conducted by Goodell including Snyder’s dealings, the Kaepernick kneeling issue, Ray Rice, Peterson, Gregory, Kraft‘s wax job, there are so many….

Not to say every Commish didn't have their problems, Pete’s “criminal intent“ lawsuit, plus Al Davis’s shenanigans, not to mention Tags very difficult CBA negotiations during the dawn of new rule free agency. The problem is Goodell has created most of the negatives by his own action/or lack of action.
I got a feeling this ain't gonna be about money. If him and Davis are good and the Raiders won't be dragged through the mud he probably got his money already. Kapernick was easy because a whole lot of his money got left on the table so they bought him off. But if Chucky has his money he might say **** you. This is about the truth. I'm not a Chucky fan but he is a pit bull and in this case I'm 100% in his corner.
I agree...it might not be about money. Until it is. They might just throw him a sum of it that he simply can't pass on.