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GUILTY! Obama tried to hack the election


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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New revelations have surfaced that the Obama administration abused intelligence during the election by launching a massive domestic-spy campaign that included snooping on Trump officials.

The irony is mind-boggling: Targeting political opposition is long a technique of police states like Russia, which Team Obama has loudly condemned for allegedly using its own intelligence agencies to hack into our election.

The revelations, as well as testimony this week from former Obama intel officials, show the extent to which the Obama administration politicized and weaponized intelligence against Americans.

We now know the National Security Agency under Barack Obama routinely violated privacy protections while snooping through foreign intercepts involving US citizens — and failed to disclose the breaches, prompting the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court a month before the election to rebuke administration officials.



Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

The National Security Agency under Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.

I see the noose is tightening around Trump's neck. He still has a few breaths left in him, but not too many, with the Jared Kushner relevations this weekend. No amount of panicky, last minute distractions from the alt-right will make the Russian collusion investigation go away. It is here to stay, and will be borne out fully over the next few weeks. Soon, America will be able to breathe again, relieved of the traitors currently residing in the White House.
The fact is that the damage hoped for in this nation is here. Those who wanted to undo our culture have succeeded. It is clear when we see that it is impossible to know what is real, fake, distractions, etc. Accusations fly from side to side, new allegations come up daily, new angles, etc. It is all smoke and mirrors, while the sheep line up on the sides they want to.

Our nation has fallen off the cliff, and we now just wait until we hit bottom.

Buckle up. It's about to get fun. Lock and load, bretheren.
with the Jared Kushner relevations this weekend.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA - running out of scary lies? is that all you got now..........whatever happened to THE RUSSIANS DID IT!


LOL - keep swallowing that fake news swill, it just makes you look even more stupid

Good times! your failed Trump predictions must run in the thousands by now

Fake NYTimes Reporters Correct Fake WaPo Reporters

When fake news corrects fake news.: The fake journalists at the WaPo issued a “blockbuster” report – based solely on anonymous sources – that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner contacted Russian officials in December to discuss the concept of creating a “secret” communications channel with the Trump transition team.

The fake reporters for the Post spend about 1,000 words without ever landing on two key bits of information: 1) was such a channel actually established, and 2) what did they wish to discuss? To get that information, you have to go to a follow-up report, filed not by the fake reporters at the Post, but by the fake reporters at the NYTimes, who actually chose for once to inform their readers.

Turns out that 1) no one – not the Russians or the transition team – ever followed up on the call, and 2) the Trump team simply wanted to establish a channel of information regarding the situation in Syria, most likely because it couldn’t get accurate information from the Obama Administration, and was by that time sick of being spied on by the Obama minions.

One more item of info the WaPo conventiently left out: The fake reporters at the WaPo want its brainwashed readers to think Kushner’s request somehow violated U.S. law.

Guess what? It didn’t. The Post’s own report admits – 400 words in – that it is very common for presidential transition teams to establish communications with foreign governments. Just another nothing-burger from the WaPo.

Our nation has fallen off the cliff, and we now just wait until we hit bottom.

Thanks President Trump!

running out of scary lies? is that all you got now

LOL, I guess you didn't manage to put me on ignore afterall. That's okay, I enjoy the banter as well.
I see the noose is tightening around Trump's neck. He still has a few breaths left in him, but not too many, with the Jared Kushner relevations this weekend. No amount of panicky, last minute distractions from the alt-right will make the Russian collusion investigation go away. It is here to stay, and will be borne out fully over the next few weeks. Soon, America will be able to breathe again, relieved of the traitors currently residing in the White House.

The noose that is suspended by leaks from un-named sources in questionable, biased media outlets? That noose?

...leaks from un-named sources in questionable, biased media outlets?
Keep convincing yourself that this is just a big liberal conspiracy.

You can keep kicking the can down the road, but the truth will be exposed and I predict it won't be to your liking.
It's just more hysterical rage from the left because they got the **** pounded out of them by Trump, and he continues to shove that **** right back down their throats

Dershowitz: Kushner Meeting Russians, Even Politically Coordinating With Russians "Just Not A Crime"

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume the worst case scenario.

Let's assume there was a quid-pro-quo.

Let's assume that the Trump campaign promised: 'If you help us get elected, we'll drop the sanctions.'

How is that different from what President Reagan did with Iran?

President Reagan, the campaign, promised Iran that there would be some quid-pro-quo if Iran didn't hold back and release the hostages after the inauguration of President Reagan.

So, when we start to criminalize things we don't like -- in the absence of federal criminal statue, and I still want to know: Where's the beef?

What is the statue?

None of these things seems to me to constitute violations of federal criminal law.

Barry the marxist weaponized a great deal of government agencies against political opposition. Given his history before ever being elected to a public office nobody should ever be surprised by what he does. The guy moved a few miles from the Whitehouse for crying out loud. BIG RED flag.
Keep convincing yourself that this is just a big liberal conspiracy.

You can keep kicking the can down the road, but the truth will be exposed and I predict it won't be to your liking.

Hey, I am one that urges that we all chill out and wait for results from the Mueller investigation. And then deal with the results.
It is you libs, and your biased propaganda machine that react to every little accusation like it is Watergate v2.0.
I see the noose is tightening around Trump's neck. He still has a few breaths left in him, but not too many, with the Jared Kushner relevations this weekend. No amount of panicky, last minute distractions from the alt-right will make the Russian collusion investigation go away. It is here to stay, and will be borne out fully over the next few weeks. Soon, America will be able to breathe again, relieved of the traitors currently residing in the White House.
Oh, you are that guy I've been hearing about.

Can't say that I agree with your pitiful political poignancy, but I loved that movie made about you in the 60's.

Hey, your buddies in Hollywood should remake it with a new title. Just to freshen it up.

"They Call Me Mr. Alt-Left Tibs"

Catchy, isn't it?

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Ignore the troll - he only wants dick sucking attention, the only reason for his ***** *** is around here

as I was saying

Court Documents Reveal Obama Administration Illegally Spied on Americans; MSM Silent

...biased propaganda machine that react to every little accusation like it is Watergate v2.0.
If it's a 'biased propaganda machine' spitting out 'little accusasions' that all amounts to nothing, just fake news and made up stories, then why this?

Steve Bannon to head Trump's Russia war room of legal 'A-Team,' street fighters and surrogates

Steve Bannon is not a lawyer, but the chief White House strategist is poised to become the senior partner in a heavyweight firm of bareknuckle barristers at the center of President Trump's counter-offensive against Russia collusion claims.

Bannon, the former Breitbart executive whose no-holds-barred approach served Trump well in the homestretch of his presidential campaign, headed home from Trump's foreign trip and is reportedly the quarterback of an emerging war room of high-powered lawyers, surrogates and researchers.

Their mission: Respond, rebut and refute bad press and legal issues emanating from the special counsel probe led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller into Russian influence on the 2016 election.

If Trump and his cohorts aren't guilty of anything and have nothing to hide, why not simply cooperate with Robert Mueller special prosecutor who can surely help clear their names? Why the panic and why the scrambling? You tell me.

Also, if this is a liberal media made-up story full of deception and lies, why do the majority of people express support for the special prosecutor? Again, you tell me.

Fox News Poll: Trump approval down, voters support special counsel on Russia

Nearly 7-in-10 (68 percent) approve of the Justice Department appointing a special counsel to investigate Russian meddling.
BWAHAHAHAH - the stupid troll can't control himself - what a pathetic loser

It is you libs, and your biased propaganda machine that react to every little accusation like it is Watergate v2.0.

Completely, hysterical, pathetic

McMaster says 'not concerned' after Kushner back-channel reports

Asked about reports that Donald Trump's son-in-law had tried to set up a secret channel of communication with Russia before the president took office, U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said that so-called "back-channeling" was normal.

McMaster declined to speak specifically about the case of Jared Kushner, who serves as a senior adviser to Trump, but when asked if it would concern him if someone in the administration tried to set up a back channel with the Russian embassy or the Kremlin, he replied "no".

"We have back-channel communications with any number of individual (countries). So generally speaking, about back-channel communications, what that allows you to do is communicate in a discreet manner," McMaster said.

BWAHAHAHAH - the stupid troll can't control himself - what a pathetic loser... Completely, hysterical, pathetic

Wow, this is really getting to you. I guess it's even worse right now in the Trump camp than I presumed. Try to hold it together, the investigation is only going to intensify with less and less oxygen in the room.

Barry the marxist weaponized a great deal of government agencies against political opposition. Given his history before ever being elected to a public office nobody should ever be surprised by what he does.

Very true

The good news - Obama was shitcanned out into the street, just like Hillary

and here's their NEXT GREAT HOPE FOR 2020, a brain-damaged druggie

Al Franken says John Belushi's death convinced him to kick cocaine habit

The "Saturday Night Live" veteran (and current U.S. senator from Minnesota) reveals in his new memoir that it wasn't until co-star John Belushi died that he realized the dangers of drugs and finally kicked his habit.

"It began to leak out that some of the ("SNL") cast and writers on the show thought that you can't do a ninety-minute live comedy show week after week without doing cocaine," he says

Thanks to Jared Kushner, the Trump Syndicate Might Actually Fall

While the top goons of the Trump administration—including Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka—traveled around the world acting like some self-entitled royal family, a bombshell was developing back home that could bring them all down. And isn’t it fitting that the one whose actions eventually let the cat out of the bag on the Trump clan’s interests in Russia would be Kushner.

If Friday’s Washington Post story proves to be true, Kushner—who reportedly pressured Trump to fire former FBI Directory James Comey—along with former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and others have stepped way over the legal line. According to former intelligence officials, these actions may indicate criminal conspiracy and even treason.

The Post broke the story that Kushner and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak discussed the possibility of setting up back channel communications with the Kremlin, presumably to avoid being monitored by U.S. officials. Kushner allegedly proposed this idiotic plan during a meeting at Trump Tower on Dec. 1 or 2, before Trump’s inauguration.

If true, that’s a big, big problem for Kushner and potentially Trump himself. And it’s telling that neither Kushner or the White House is denying the report.

Details of the meeting, which U.S. intelligence officials learned of by monitoring Russian officials’ conversations with Moscow, were leaked to the newspaper in an anonymous letter sent back in December. In the report, intelligence officials confirmed that their investigations reflect details described in the letter.

Speaking on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” on Friday, former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin offered a sobering and compelling analysis that’s worth hearing in full. McLaughlin, who intimately knows the world of intelligence and communications after serving 32 years at the CIA, said his initial reaction upon reading the story was, “Is this a prank?”

Following are excerpts of his comments to MSNBC, emphasis mine:

It’s not the sort of thing that you would expect to happen in a normal transition…I see all of this through the eyes of an intelligence officer, of course, and it’s simultaneously familiar and bizarre—familiar in the sense that I know secret channels. I’ve used them all of my life. Bizarre in the sense that it’s a proposed secret channel through the government that is probably the most active government in the world in carrying out espionage against the United States…

I can’t keep out of my mind the thought that if an American intelligence officer had done anything like this, we’d consider it espionage…I think we’re all struggling to understand. I think to some degree the Trump administration at these senior levels is being consumed by its own hubris. They must think of themselves as masters of the universe. And put that in combination with their evident, and this is what I think bothers me personally the most, their seeming contempt of American institutions.

The denigrating things they’ve said about everything from our judiciary to our intelligence agencies. These institutions…are the functions of our democracy. And I can’t help thinking that in the background of all of this is that sophomoric idea we used to hear about deconstructing the administrative state. That somehow we shouldn’t use these institutions, we should use the ones we trust more, the Russians? That doesn’t make any sense to me.

I always suspected that it might be idiot-boy Jared who would help bring down this entire house of cards. That would truly be an astounding case of karma.

Watch McLaughlin’s entire interview:

I see the noose is tightening around Trump's neck. He still has a few breaths left in him, but not too many, with the Jared Kushner relevations this weekend. No amount of panicky, last minute distractions from the alt-right will make the Russian collusion investigation go away. It is here to stay, and will be borne out fully over the next few weeks. Soon, America will be able to breathe again, relieved of the traitors currently residing in the White House.

just hide behind your wall and shut the hell up....

America voted for change and the liberal media and whiny ****s can't stand it....
Well it must of been like everything else Obama attempted, crappy. If they would of done a good job they would of caught Trump conspiring with the Russians for more Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Tibs is like Chicken Little, a retarded Chicken Little, running around screaming "Trump and the Russians! Trump and the Russians!"

It's getting to the point where Trump should sue ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and NYT for slander and libel. All they do is spew lies without evidence. Sue them for $20 billion each and bankrupt them.
I was wondering when Spikey's mangy mutt lapdog was gonna show up, breathing heavily with whiskey on his breath. Didn't have to wait long.

It's getting to the point where Trump should sue ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and NYT for slander and libel. All they do is spew lies without evidence. Sue them for $20 billion each and bankrupt them.
Why doesn't he do that?
I was wondering when Spikey's mangy mutt lapdog was gonna show up, breathing heavily with whiskey on his breath. Didn't have to wait long.

Why doesn't he do that?

Did you have a nice couple of days in your safe space, Dipshit? Is your thumb still pruned?