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Ha Ha - 'Climate Denier Ted Cruz Is Poised to Become a Lead Senator on Science'


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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GOP's Senate takeover means the chamber's leadership positions will be filled with Republicans next year. That's bad news for the environment: The Senate’s worst climate change denier, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, will likely chair the Environment and Public Works Committee.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, another climate denier, may be next-in-line to become chair of the Subcommittee on Science and Space, which oversees agencies like the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

In a February interview with CNN, Cruz said he doesn’t think the Earth is warming.

“You know, you always have to be worried about something that is considered a so-called scientific theory that fits every scenario. Climate change, as they have defined it, can never be disproved, because whether it gets hotter or whether it gets colder, whatever happens, they'll say, well, it's changing, so it proves our theory.”



But... But... there are like 2000 peer reviewed paper out there about length of goats hair and how many microbes are in a puddle that PROVE global warming... all us "deniers" and skeptics are supposed to be shot, not get to take over....
Al Gore said the polar ice caps would be melted by now.

I'm still going to mortuary science school and we just learned about algor mortis last week. The reduction in body temperature following death. Seriously.
Do any of my moderate friends on this board, I know you are few and far between, find it ironic that the same ultra conservatives that refuse to believe any of the science as it pertains to climate change, but will pick up a Bible and believe every last ridiculous word of it? From what I've read, the scientific community has come as close to having a consensus on this as they have in nearly any other field of study. When you have over 90% of climatologists coming to the conclusion that the carbon in the atmosphere is causing global temperature averages to climb, that's pretty darn convincing. Actually, denying overwhelming evidence to suit your own beliefs is probably a great way to live a stress free life... Don't want to quit smoking? Just tell yourself that all the doctors and all the data that support the facts that smoking is terrible for your body are full of ****. Don't want to exercise? Again just tell the doctors and others that claim exercise is healthy that they are full of ****, and that you believe sitting on the couch eating Ho Ho's is actually much better for you. Doctor tells you that you have cancer? Just tell him you don't believe the test results and you should be fine. Your business drowning in red ink? Just refuse to believe what the accountants ledgers show to be true and you'll never have to worry about it again. Worried that your wife is having an affair with the man your neighbors told you shows up at your house every day about a half hour after you leave for work? Don't... Just convince yourself he's a contractor your wife hired to surprise you with a sweet man cave to watch all the Steeler games in... even though your neighbor says it's been going on for years and there hasn't been so much as a birdhouse built yet. Just tell yourself they are taking a long time because they want to make sure they get every detail just right... you know... for you.
Yay, we can continue to poison our land, air and water with impunity! Thank you Republicans!
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Do any of my moderate friends on this board, I know you are few and far between, find it ironic that the same ultra conservatives that refuse to believe any of the science as it pertains to climate change, but will pick up a Bible and believe every last ridiculous word of it?
No more ironic than seeing union jobs lost and the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer under the most Socialist President we've ever had. The richest 1% have never had it so good.
...under the most Socialist President we've ever had. The richest 1% have never had it so good.
That seems to be an entirely contradictory statement.
That seems to be an entirely contradictory statement.

They contradicts themselves at every turn... I though the knock on him was that he hated rich people and was gonna take all their hard earned money and redistribute it to all the lazy welfare bums blah blah blah. Then, when the exact opposite happens and the wealthy actually end up getting much wealthier and the stock market goes gangbusters he's criticized roundly for that. It's almost comical. The reality is that he's just another politician that caters to the people that butter his bread. No different than the rest.
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That seems to be an entirely contradictory statement.

Only if you believe anything Politicians say Tibs. Just because they wear a different team's uniform doesn't mean they don't want the exact same thing.
They contradicts themselves at every turn... I though the knock on him was that he hated rich people and was gonna take all their hard earned money and redistribute it to all the lazy welfare bums blah blah blah.
Except that the people who elected Him still believe that.

Then, when the exact opposite happens and the wealthy actually end up getting much wealthier and the stock market goes gangbusters he's criticized roundly for that. It's almost comical.
What's comical is that the people who elected Him don't complain about it.
He never said he was a socialist, we never thought he was a socialist, we never said he was a socialist, he's proven not to be a socialist. He is who we thought he was. It's the folks on the other side of the aisle that have some soul searching to do.
You haven't read His books then.
I don't know if climate change is real (I sure as hell hope not) but I think the reason religious conservatives can dismiss it so easily is because they have been dismissing other science that refutes the bible for several decades. They're used to it.
He never said he was a socialist, we never thought he was a socialist, we never said he was a socialist, he's proven not to be a socialist. He is who we thought he was.

Not qualified for the job of President of the United States - that is who we thought he was. We have been proved 100% correct, He has been a failure in foreign policy with the rise of ISIS and the loss of influence and standing in the Middle East, and the fact that Russia feels emboldened to the point it can invade independent nations without fear of meaningful retaliation by the United States.

Not qualified to lead the economy, as evidenced by the feeble GDP growth during the so-called "recovery," the exploding national debt, the persistent unemployment, the plummeting labor participation rate, and the declining real wage rate for most Americans. You know that group of X-generation who complain about the lack of real jobs, and the prospect of having a worse life then their parents? Yeah, that's Bammy's economy.

Further, the economic successes over the past 6 years have been despite of Bammy, not because of him. The energy boom in North Dakota, the increasing oil production from tracking, lower energy prices due to that result, and the benefit to all Americans of lower energy prices? Bammy tried to stop every part of it. He opposes increased oil production, and instead pushed for economically unfeasible "renewable" energies that have resulted in numerous bankruptcies of such renewable energy companies, and stuttering and failing production from such companies.

How about the great healthcare reforms, the ones that were so wonderful we had to delay implementation twice, and the changes to health insurance founded on lie after lie ("If you like your doctor," blah, blah), and the ones that will cost vastly more than promised?

So what result should make me glad Bammy has been my president? What, please, tell me one thing he has done well for me as an American.

It's the folks on the other side of the aisle that have some soul searching to do.

You live in a fantasy world if you believe Bammy has been an effective leader. I still remember Americans insisting in 1980 that Jimmy Carter was a good president, and that Ronald Reagan was going to be terrible. At least they faced the facts after Reagan took office, and they compared the tone, effort, and results of a great President (Reagan) with the failures of a bad President (Carter).

You suggest that conservatives have to do soul searching based on Bammy's presidency? The American public disagrees radically from your view. Bammy's popularity and the recent elections show that. So maybe soul searching is due, and you need but check a mirror to find one who should engage in the process.
I don't know if climate change is real (I sure as hell hope not) but I think the reason religious conservatives can dismiss it so easily is because they have been dismissing other science that refutes the bible for several decades. They're used to it.

Where is the science behind AGW? It sure ain't the fudged data that's been used to "prove" climate change is man made.

I saw an article on Yahoo the other day about how wooly mammoth bones indicated the earth was once much warmer. I was surprised they ran it since they try to squelch this type of information.
That seems to be an entirely contradictory statement.

Algore seems to have a statement that says something about all ice melting in the N Pole in 5 years. I am absolutely flabbergasted (and I do NOT use that term lightly) than it did not happen. Can you believe that a politician was wrong? Do you think he lied to us? Do you think he just didn't have the correct info? Which one? It has to be one of them...right? Go ahead I dare your arrogant *** to answer.
He never said he was a socialist, we never thought he was a socialist, we never said he was a socialist, he's proven not to be a socialist. He is who we thought he was. It's the folks on the other side of the aisle that have some soul searching to do.

Obama never saying he was a socialist must mean its true.

What about the things he did say?

To "fundamentally change America", "you didn't build that", his "distribution of wealth" comment to Joe the plumber.

Stop the denial crap.
When you have over 90% of climatologists coming to the conclusion that the carbon in the atmosphere is causing global temperature averages to climb

This is Libtard comic book fiction that's been disproven many times and I'm not askin' my wife, doctor, accountant or contractor to advise me to believe the planet can actually be effected by what humans do. We effect local pollution and that can be fixed but for what little we can possibly change by spending ( redistributing ) billions of dollars, over centuries, nature can wipe with one volcanic eruption. The science is settled, AGW is a scam and it's time to move on to the next imaginary crises the moonbeams on the left want to cry about.

He never said he was a socialist, we never thought he was a socialist, we never said he was a socialist, he's proven not to be a socialist. He is who we thought he was. It's the folks on the other side of the aisle that have some soul searching to do.

Bwahahaha You're killin' me Tibs. I'm not sure if you are tryin' to convince us or yourself.

Not a Socialist indeed and he just read about Cloward and Piven yesterday in the news, the moon is made of green cheese, the Constitution is an evolving document and the dog ate his birth certificate. Just because he is over his head and totally ineffective, doesn't mean he isn't tryin'.

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This is Libtard comic book fiction that's been disproven many times and I'm not askin' my wife, doctor, accountant or contractor to advise me to believe the planet can actually be effected by what humans do. We effect local pollution and that can be fixed but for what little we can possibly change by spending ( redistributing ) billions of dollars, over centuries, nature can wipe with one volcanic eruption. The science is settled, AGW is a scam and it's time to move on to the next imaginary crises the moonbeams on the left want to cry about.

Bwahahaha You're killin' me Tibs. I'm not sure if you are tryin' to convince us or yourself.

Not a Socialist indeed and he just read about Cloward and Piven yesterday in the news, the moon is made of green cheese, the Constitution is an evolving document and the dog ate his birth certificate. Just because he is over his head and totally ineffective, doesn't mean he isn't tryin'.

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Amen brother.... It's high time we all stop believing all this nonsense and start believing in something real... like 2000 years ago there was this peace loving hippie type cat that got nailed to some wood and because of that we all get to live forever in blissful happiness with all our dead relatives after we die...
Amen brother.... It's high time we all stop believing all this nonsense and start believing in something real... like 2000 years ago there was this peace loving hippie type cat that got nailed to some wood and because of that we all get to live forever in blissful happiness with all our dead relatives after we die...

I ain't touchin' that one Red, tree huggin' moonbeams is one thing but blasphemy is a completely different benchmark.
Amen brother.... It's high time we all stop believing all this nonsense and start believing in something real... like 2000 years ago there was this peace loving hippie type cat that got nailed to some wood and because of that we all get to live forever in blissful happiness with all our dead relatives after we die...
Very perceptive. Both are about faith.
I saw an article on Yahoo the other day about how wooly mammoth bones indicated the earth was once much warmer. I was surprised they ran it since they try to squelch this type of information.

I thought it was common knowledge that the earth has been both much warmer and colder during the past however many million years?
I thought it was common knowledge that the earth has been both much warmer and colder during the past however many million years?

To some of us it is. There has been a concerted effort by the AGW crowd to spike information that is contradictory to their narrative. They have even gone so far as to attempt to delete references to the Mid-Evil Warm Period and Little Ice Age off of Wikipedia.