I listen a lot to a preacher by the name of Voddie Baucham. You can find a lot of his sermons on Youtube. He has a fantastic one on "Why I choose to believe the Bible." He states we choose to believe the Bible because:
"It is a reliable collection of historical documents, written down by eyewitnesses in the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They record supernatural events, in accordance with SPECIFIC prophecy, and claim their writings are divine, rather than human in origin." He then proceeds to flesh those things out, and it is so compelling. While the whole thing is so awesome to me, two specific areas I will highlight.
The first is the eyewitnesses in this sense. What was the lot of the early Christians? This wasn't the USA in the late '80s early '90s with Jimmy Swaggart and guys like that making millions on religion. The early Christians lot was poverty, abuse and death, often in brutal ways. No one would endure that for a lie. What they saw so changed and impacted them they had to proclaim it to everyone they could. They saw Christ resurrected! Friday dead, Sunday alive! Upon seeing that, their own lives became much less important.
The second thing for me is specific prophecy. Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 discuss in detail the crucifixion of Jesus...centuries before crucifixion is even invented! These chapters and verses talk about the piercing of His hands and feet, His bones out of joint, surrounded by dogs (Roman soldiers), casting lots for His garment, He did not open his mouth, His grave was with the wicked (criminals on either side of Him), with the rich in his death (buried in a wealthy man's tomb).
I have been on a journey myself these last 7 years or so. I grew up in the church, and then fell away, not for any specific reason...embarrassingly just laziness more than anything. Now, Thank God, I'm not where I ought to be, but I'm not where I was.