Rather dispassionetely. It's pretty easy to see that the type of football the Steelers are playing has zero hope of contending in reality for the remaining two years of Tomlin's mandate before he is a lame duck. They could do well in FA. Nail the draft. I see them taking a flyer on Fields actually. A blind man can see Russ has a floor that will get you 9 or 10 wins but not a chance for more. Otherwise what else. Sam Darnold and his 40 million plus. But even if they do all the right moves it's still checkers vs. Chess here. Buffalo has pretty smart coaching. They have pretty good talent. After the turnover on downs under two min it got to second down. I said they are passing the ball. Romo said they are passing the ball. I'm certain everyone on the Bills knew they were passing the ball. They still scheme him open by 3 yards for a walk over first down. Then they did it again on the nail in the coffin sequence. That is what it takes at the Championship level. The Steelers could have every player from the Chiefs organization and simply not do that.