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Help me out here - dudes competing as girls is ok?

I recall during the great "homosexual marriage" debates that I brought up the fact that the left never stops. Ever. I asked what the next target would be.

Trog mocked me. "Oh, you are making up strawmen. The left just wants to allow gay marriage."

Yeah, not so much. The left now wants to pretend that women can be men, and men women. Of course if they prevail on that idiotic front, they grind on to their next goal, whatever-the-@#$% that is.

The left NEVER stops. Ever. The left (and center and right) were correct in opposing and banning racial prejudice and in protecting voting rights. The left is and has been for some time incorrect as to the alleged "pay gap" based on gender. The left is fundamentally wrong that males can be anything other than males, or treated as anything other than male. They have jumped the shark in their fantasy world as to gender and gender identity.

And they are not done, believe me. The goal? As far as I can tell, to deligitimize and eventually wreak havoc on white male society. You know, like Western culture of the last 1500 years that brought us the end of slavery, protection of voting rights, protection from bigotry and racial injustice, property rights, power against the government, restraints on government authority, the right to a trial by our peers, limits on government power, the most powerful wealth-building systems ever seen on earth, and more freedom and wealth of any society that has ever existed on this planet.

Instead, let's return to some sort of feudal system, where the "smart ones" (government) have wealth and power and the stupid mules (mere citizens who pay for the government's ****) shut up and follow orders.
I got kicked out of small fry football for being too rough....40+ years ago. This makes no sense to me.