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Here are 12 minutes so I never have to discuss AGW with you clowns again


Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
If you still don't understand after this how wrong you are, and how idiots like Jim Inhofe are just fossil fuel industry ****** there is no hope for you. Global warming is just that, GLOBAL. As I've said here many, many, times.

Throws a snowball then "mm huh". These are the types of idiots that supposedly represent me in D.C................

Watch all 12 minutes of this so you can actually understand the subject and the players if just at the most fundamental level.

From the comments on this video. I couldn't say it better myself, my guess by the prose is it's an Englishman.

"I have to commend America for having such a progressive stance when it comes to electing politicians with severe learning difficulties. It really is a testament to the tolerance of your country."

Lol!!! Brilliant
Don't stop believing Elfie. Even though the methods are flawed and the data is skewed it must be getting warmer.
Don't stop believing Elfie. Even though the methods are flawed and the data is skewed it must be getting warmer.

It's climate change now. Ya know, because the getting colder is all part of the getting warmer.
From the comments on this video. I couldn't say it better myself, my guess by the prose is it's an Englishman.

"I have to commend America for having such a progressive stance when it comes to electing politicians with severe learning difficulties. It really is a testament to the tolerance of your country."

Lol!!! Brilliant

Why does it matter who says what?

It is so clear that you are bigoted against those who don't think or talk like you would prefer.

Too bad that you are so blinded by your misplaced quasi-intellectual arrogance.
What I think of Trolls


Lots of users will communicate online with people they know (virtually all use email and 37% use private text messaging), but only 8% use message boards or blogs or anything else that exposes them to the Internets assheads.

Hell, look at this site. We just had an article that let's say was read by 396 unique users in a few days ... but fewer than 10 of them joined the conversation down in the comments. That's miniscule folks. It's not that the comments are mostly retarded or nasty; it's that for a normal person, the memory of getting called a ******** in public even one time is striking enough to make them avoid the comments forever, even if it was accompanied by 10 non-******** comments. It's human nature to remember the ********.


All a troll wants is you to turn the spotlight onto them. They want you to repost their comment to your followers. They want you to write a blog post or status about them. They will use anything and everything to get it. They will criticize you, post inflammatory comments, or write remarks just to make you wonder how someone could be so dumb. The problem is that you will feel compelled to respond to “set things right.” Even if you respond in a cheerful or positive way, you’re still feeding the troll.

Here are 12 minutes so I never have to discuss AGW with you clowns again

SteelChip said:
What I think of Trolls
That's why I don't take her seriously any more.
Oh good the ******* moron is done talking ...yaaaaay. Party on!
Who invited Elfie back? Why dont Elfie realize that no matter how many videos, biased news articles, and inflamatory remarks made against the very fabric of the truth, science, and factual data; that no one will ever see her as anything more than that of blackened chewing gum on the sidewalk of life.
1. I don't have to believe in global warming to know that our elected officials are just the ****** of various big business interests.

2. Rising global temperatures, regardless of any criticisms of the science, are not compelling evidence of a man-made climate disaster. There could be completely natural reasons we don't understand.

3. Until someone not only proposes but ACTS on some meaningful plan to mitigate the danger, all the hand-wringing in the world is ******* worthless.

I follow the 90s band CAKE on Facebook, because I like their music. They have the annoying habit of posting dozens of threads per day pushing some ultra-liberal agenda story with catchy taglines like, "Threat to Freedom? Discuss." Because I'm familiar with their politics, I know that they are fully on board the global warming disaster train, and they're vehemently anti-fracking, so it's doubly frustrating when they also post articles decrying the use of wind turbines or solar thermal power plants because they have a tendency to kill a few birds every year. So, to sum up, they want people to stop burning fossil fuels, but they're also against wind and solar power. So I guess they don't want to make money from putting on big rock concerts with electric instruments and light shows and so forth, either?

In the end, the whole argument comes down to these points for me:

1. The science is not "settled," no matter how many scientists agree, because if it were settled, they could actually explain the causes and effects to a great degree of accuracy, and all we have are vague and unmeasurable dire warnings about what might happen if we don't "do something" (or in some cases, that it's already too late to "do something"). We've been hearing for years or even a decade or more that sea levels will rise to inundate coastal cities, deserts will spread, and a whole bunch of other things that aren't materializing in the predicted timeframes.
2. The scientists are all clearly as much in the pockets of special interests as government officials are in the pockets of businesses.
3. No one understands clearly what needs to be done to stop or reverse the damage, or if that's even possible.
4. No one has proposed any scientifically-backed solutions to the problem.
5. No plan for stopping global warming is likely to be possible without drastic impacts on human civilization (such as a complete moratorium on fossil fuels, which has far-reaching implications).
6. No one in any position of authority is ever going to disturb the status quo, which virtually guarantees that, if we ARE on a path to climate disaster, there are no brakes.
Why do liberals always resort to name calling when they can't win an argument? My sister does the same thing.
Great post Jupiter. I would also add that the proposed "solutions" have become highly politicized and mostly consist of redistribution of wealth and government money grabs. That tends to imbue them with less than a sense of urgency.
Why do liberals always resort to name calling when they can't win an argument? My sister does the same thing.

I got called a "racist moron" yesterday by a Libtard I don't even know on a friend's FB page for pointing out that the MSM will work 110% to elect Hillary the First Woman President (FWP) just like they did to elect Bomma the FBP. Heck, I was saying she's going to win. Good times, good times..... :cool:
I might have missed it, but I looked this thread over and couldn't see where a liberal called anyone a name.

But that was a good one Ron, point out someone called you a name and follow it by calling someone a name back.

The science is clear on one side of this issue, the climate has changed and is trending warmer. Why that is occurring anyone is free to argue until they are blue in the face?
I'm not sure it matters. The real concern is whether this trend is bad and whether anything can be done about it. God controls nature, so man can't do anything to control God.
Man can control only that which is man made, so any solution would have to do with correcting that which is man made.
Clever little money grab that Global Warming/Cooling/Change. I can't believe people are so gullible. I thought people were supposed to get smarter over time. The only clue you need that it's a scam is how the parameters keep changing every time it becomes apparent that the previous parameters were starting to look fictitious. Keep the parameters changing and keep the money rolling from stupid rich people with nothing else to worry about. You can see the same trick done in a hundred different places, the playbook is not hard to see through. People want to get rich and will always find a way to do it.
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My guess is that Elfiero has never voted for a Dem in his/her life and is the biggest conservative out there... Trollin for love and attention..lol
1I follow the 90s band CAKE on Facebook, because I like their music. They have the annoying habit of posting dozens of threads per day pushing some ultra-liberal agenda story with catchy taglines like, "Threat to Freedom? Discuss." Because I'm familiar with their politics, I know that they are fully on board the global warming disaster train, and they're vehemently anti-fracking, so it's doubly frustrating when they also post articles decrying the use of wind turbines or solar thermal power plants because they have a tendency to kill a few birds every year. So, to sum up, they want people to stop burning fossil fuels, but they're also against wind and solar power. So I guess they don't want to make money from putting on big rock concerts with electric instruments and light shows and so forth, either?

So you are saying you can't have your CAKE and heat it too?
Why do liberals always resort to name calling when they can't win an argument? My sister does the same thing.
If I had a dollar for every time Elfiero called someone a racist here, I'd have already paid off my mortgage, and be working on a beach house.