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Here are 12 minutes so I never have to discuss AGW with you clowns again

You used to?
In the sense that I used to attempt to have an intelligent discussion but later I realized that was impossible because all she knows is Liberal dogma. If a Republican says the sky is blue she will have to say it's green.
is that an academic source~!~~~!

No, but Wunderground.com sure as **** is!



When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.

Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming.

Warming? Only if you digest the falsified numbers. Liberals are the makers of, and in this case, the consumers of these lies.

1977 - In Search Of - the Coming Ice Age

When the prediction fails, just change the scare to the polar opposite.
man I would kinda like it to be a few degrees warmer. how do I do my share to make sure this global warming thing happens?
man I would kinda like it to be a few degrees warmer. how do I do my share to make sure this global warming thing happens?

Eat more steak...you can contribute cow farts and your own.
Since gas prices are down I'm letting our vehicles, mowers, snow blowers, chain saws, leaf blowers run all the time. No warm up needed just get in (or grab) and go.
I came across this today.


Edited down.

Green Energy and ObamaCare had to work because they were shiny and progressive. The messy reality of the technology or the business models for making them work didn’t matter to Obama.

Progressives mistake this brand of ignorant technophilia for being on the side of progress, when really it’s just the flip side of technophobia. The technophobe raised in a push button world in which things just work doesn’t necessarily fear technology; instead he fears the messy details that interfere with his need for instant gratification.

The new lefty Luddite loves gadgets; he just hates the limitations that make them work. He wants results without effort or error. He wants energy without pollution, consensus without experiment and products without industry. The same narcissism that causes him to reject the fact that he has to give something to get something in human affairs leads him to also reject the same principle in technology.

The innovator knows that reality is messy. He lands a probe on a comet while wearing a tacky shirt. The regulator however can only see the shirt. Technology only interests him as a means of controlling people. The shirt matters as much as the comet because both are ways of influencing people.

The left wants technology only as a means of achieving its utopian visions. The technology itself is push button; it means nothing except as a means to an end. The regulator is not thrilled by the incredible ingenuity it takes to link together the world, just as the comet means nothing to him. The technology either serves his political goals or it does not. It lives under his regulations or it does not.

To the left, skill and ingenuity are just forms of unchecked privilege. The only achievement that matters is power over people. The revolutionary exploits technology, but his revolution is that of the regulator, his machine is collective; its ultimate design is to end ingenuity and abort progress. His communication is not a dialogue, it is a diatribe, and his vision of the internet is only meant to be open until he can close it.
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Nice! From herein serial liars will be known as "elfs"(not elves) and serial lying as "elfing." "Elfing" will be like the word "****". It can be an adjective, a noun, a verb, etc. as with this thread where we've been elfed.

So let it be written, so let it be done.
That's a elfing great idea!
Didn't you write something a few months ago, admitting that it was "too late" to reverse the world-ending consequences of man-made CO2 emissions?

So chill, bro, and stop boring the rest of us.

Yes, and I was agreeing that Booted's desire for mans demise would be fulfilled, but it would take longer than his wish of it being in two years(Obama's term, got it).

Comprehension and context are your friend 40watttime.
Elf that motherElfing Elfie! May she get Elfed by a band of Elfing Muslim terrorist rapists.


Elfing brilliant.