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Here is why conservatives don't give a **** about racism

I've seen posts referencing black people as "coons" and one guy (badcat) talking about shooting people coming across the border, this was years ago,but still. Burgundy recently also spoke of shooting people coming across the border.

Now the pathetic argument put up is "well it's not because we're racist, it's because they are breaking the law." To which I said well then we should shoot every white kid that shoplifts a pack of gum...right? To which I got...crickets.

It's what's said and what's not said that speaks volumes on who we're dealing with.

Elfie, if a kid steals a pack of gum, regardless of color, he should be dealt with according to the law. If he's in the US illegally, deport his ***. If he steals the gum, beats the store owner, then when the police arrive he attempts to steal the police officer's pistol and is shot and killed in the scurmish...then he's a victim and martyred to you liberal sick *****...Unless he's white, then he deserved it.

There is racism in this country from all sides, but the Democratic Party narrative is to fan the flames and further divide this country. I'm tired of hearing about my white privilege having grown up in the back woods and not having ****. Why did I join the military? My parents were standing in the unemployment lines and church food lines along with all of the other white, Latino, Asian, and black men and women. I served with men and women of all races, colors, and religions and most of them are still like my family. I was just back in my old stomping grounds dropping my daughter off at college, and there was a woman who lives in her car, pulled off in an abandoned driveway. People drop off food for her, helping as a community. She is white, and her privilege is certainly missing. Being discriminated against, being poor, being ****** over, pulled over, and arrested isn't a racial issue as the Democrats would like us all to think. It's about divide and conquer the masses and make the white Christian straight male the devil. That's how you get minorities to vote Democrat and the white Devils to get sick of the **** message and vote for The republican...and then get labeled a racist for voting for him. Go figure.
Wow look at all these examples of Trump's racism that Elfie has provided since I challenged him to come up with them......2 days ago. Oh wait, never mind, he actually just ignored me 3 times. Man, I am bowled over by all this racism! I mean, wow somebody hand that guy a hood and a flaming torch pronto! Nothing........Burger.
Privilege doesn't have a "color" attached to it. That's the bottom line.

There are plenty of "privileged" black children too. Some with very wealthy families and educational opportunities I wasn't ever given. Same goes for whites, hispanics, asians and who knows who else.

And what I've found is there is nothing wrong with privilege. I plan on working my *** off until I'm 70 to make damn well sure my kids have privilege. So should everyone here. And if you don't, don't blame me for your kids not having as much "privilege" as mine.

"Privilege" is just another term for "class". There will always be lower, middle and upper classes. And there will be colors and mix or races in every class. I'm not bitching and moaning about not being a higher class. I have what I have and I will do the best with with my lot in life.

When race baiters talk about "privilege" they are really just complaining about what class they live in. And believe me, democratic politicians have NO DESIRE to change your class from lower class to middle class. Else, they would lose you as voters. They like the classes right where they are at.
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Privilege doesn't have a "color" attached to it. That's the bottom line.

There are plenty of "privileged" black children too. Some with very wealthy families and educational opportunities I wasn't ever given. Same goes for whites, hispanics, asians and who knows who else.

And what I've found is there is nothing wrong with privilege. I plan on working my *** off until I'm 70 to make damn well sure my kids have privilege. So should everyone here. And if you don't, don't blame me for your kids not having as much "privilege" as mine.

"Privilege" is just another term for "class". There will always be lower, middle and upper classes. And there will be colors and mix or races in every class. I'm not bitching and moaning about not being a higher class. I have what I have and I will do the best with with my lot in life.

When race baiters talk about "privilege" they are really just complaining about what class they live in. And believe me, democratic politicians have NO DESIRE to change your class from lower class to middle class. Else, they would lose you as voters. They like the classes right where they are at.

But to people of color it does. This explanation sums up perfectly what people are being taught in academia and believed to be the gospel truth about white people. It's no damn wonder they're angry at the white population.

Cheryl Harris describes whiteness as a form of property, which confers privileges on its holders. In "Whiteness as Property," Harris writes, "The wages of whiteness are available to all whites, regardless of class position — even to those whites who are without power, money, or influence. Whiteness, the characteristic that distinguishes them from blacks, serves as compensation even to those who lack material wealth. It is the relative political advantages extended to whites, rather than actual economic gains, that are crucial to white workers."
Burgundy recently also spoke of shooting people coming across the border.
My method would result in less dead Mexicans than the smugglers currently kill by leaving them to suffocate in semi-trailers and boxcars.

OK, there it is. I found it, Elfiero.
Self admitted and posting as such.
First one in 12-13 years.
In the past I've admitted that I hate Muslims. Does that count? It's not a race.
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I'm not racist, but I think there should be more white linemen in the NFL.

Belicheat and the Pats***** win every goddamn game and the Super Bowl while playing with the only two white WR's in the NFL. If that's not proof of cheating then I don't know what is.
In the past I've admitted that I hate Muslims. Does that count? It's not a race.

Touche', o ye of semantics.
Not specifically racism, but in the realm of the topic.
Maybe brushing with too broad a brush.

I wouldn't say I hate Catholics.
Just the ones that use and hide behind the cloth to rape/molest/fondle innocent children and the others that overtly practice idolatry.
While I'm covering a TON, it still isn't ALL.
Anyone else find it funny that Elfie can remember alleged open racism by all of us but can't remember the numerous spoof accounts that registered with his IP address while he was banned?
I could give a crap about skin pigmentation.I do dislike greatly certain cultures around the world and within our country. That boils down to character and what they're really all about. That's the sum of it period. I like good people. I have no tolerance for ********.
I don't judge you based on the color of your skin. I judge you based on whether or not you are an *******.

I don't discriminate. I hate everyone.
I don't judge you based on the color of your skin. I judge you based on whether or not you are an *******.

I don't discriminate. I hate everyone.

and Ogres. especially Ogres.
I don't judge you based on the color of your skin. I judge you based on whether or not you are an *******.

I don't discriminate. I hate everyone.

pretty much sums me up, too. It's the Scorpio in me, I guess. I'm very loyal and caring, but cross me and you're dead to me.
Well...since this is Day 3 of Elfie as well as the rest of the resident Liberals' silence on the subject after I asked somebody to find anything at all, can we all agree that there is nothing to show that Trump is a racist? It sure as **** seems to be the consensus. I think what we have here is an admission by silence that Trump's supposed racism is nothing more than a false narrative drummed up by Liberals, particularly in the media, to try and overturn something they don't like. So much for the proof being absolutely EVERYWHERE. Glad we cleared this up finally. Thanks fellas!
I don't know if Trump is racist. Sure, he says things in an unconventional and not-so-PC way, but he doesn't come across as a racist and vindictive person. I feel a lot of naysayers and haters only see the negative and it's easier to throw that label on him. I don't care for him, but the witch hunt is clearly visible. It's almost scary how juvenile so many act towards him and jump on every word, action and move he makes. Just as I figured it would happen, heads explode anytime he says or does anything.
Well...since this is Day 3 of Elfie as well as the rest of the resident Liberals' silence on the subject after I asked somebody to find anything at all, can we all agree that there is nothing to show that Trump is a racist? It sure as **** seems to be the consensus. I think what we have here is an admission by silence that Trump's supposed racism is nothing more than a false narrative drummed up by Liberals, particularly in the media, to try and overturn something they don't like. So much for the proof being absolutely EVERYWHERE. Glad we cleared this up finally. Thanks fellas!

Isn't it amazing how easily the progs have bought it hook, line and sinker too? Without any proof or substantiating information? I think it started with them profiling his great, great grandfather or something.
Isn't it amazing how easily the progs have bought it hook, line and sinker too? Without any proof or substantiating information? I think it started with them profiling his great, great grandfather or something.

true, that may have something to do with it. Or the wall or illegals? It depends on the way you take it. He's a racist or he's trying to protect this nation. Pick a side. . .
I don't judge you based on the color of your skin. I judge you based on whether or not you are an *******.

I don't discriminate. I hate everyone.

Yep. Me too. I'm racist when it comes to ********: white, black, or them damn blue ones I can't stand em. Be decent and I'll be decent to you. Be a schmuck, I'll be a schmuck back. Its all about respect which is a dying thing in this country. No wonder we are in the shape we're in.
Yep. Me too. I'm racist when it comes to ********: white, black, or them damn blue ones I can't stand em. Be decent and I'll be decent to you. Be a schmuck, I'll be a schmuck back. Its all about respect which is a dying thing in this country. No wonder we are in the shape we're in.

Yep. People think they are owed everything, think they can just take **** because they want it, don't work towards a goal....it's sad.
Women ***** if men hold the door open for them because they think it's demeaning. Yet in the next breath, they are screaming that they can't get male respect.
Yep. People think they are owed everything, think they can just take **** because they want it, don't work towards a goal....it's sad.

Pretty much.....


I still like this solution


That. Just that. Perfect. Amazing. Thank you Sir.

Now stop being a Conservative, KKK-loving, White Supremacist, Racist Loser
Looks like libs are the ones with all the hate you don't see conservatives starting riot's destroying property disrespectful to the country not even the klan burns there own neighborhoods you haven't even heard of the klan for a long time till the media stop the crying man up this country used to have men now a bunch of crybabies who need safe spots with Cookie's n milk with coloring books go TRUMP America fist

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