My cousin is a sales rep out of Richmond and Baltimore is one of his territories.
He got a flat tire pulled into a nice residential neighborhood to fix it. As he was fixing it a car drives slowly behind him and several men jump out ,hit him in the back of the head knock him and went on about robbing him. He came to and started fighting them. He's a big guy who will fight you to the death. They ended up stabbing him 4 or 5 times in the upper torso and leg. He said he knew it was getting real when he saw blood shooting out of his chest. They took off and managed to get nothing because he never keeps his wallet on him. He fortunately made a full recovery. Who the hell jumps a man changing a flat tire? I lived outside of Baltimore years ago for a short time. No issues other than everyone seemed miserable I ran into. Which I understand from having spent time in Baltimore,D.C.,Philadelphia and NJ. Just horrific traffic. I used to dread it after I got past Richmond heading toward DC, Baltimore and then through Philly.
Glad your cousin is okay as that is quite a story to experience and survive ....... but I can just picture the TMZ version of this story.
Neighbourhood Watch Patrol rolls up on a large man stealing a tire off a vehicle in their nice residential neighbourhood. They approach him and tap him on the head to get his attention. The man fails to respond so they begin to search him for identification. The man begins to resist arrest and somewhat reasonable force is used to subdue the perpetrator as there were only 4 men in the patrol vehicle and they feared for their own safety.
just the world we live in
again glad your cuz is ok