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Honestly, what's wrong with Muslims?

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You make more progress speaking of woman's rights as a social issue than a religious issue.
You make more progress speaking of woman's rights as a social issue than a religious issue.

In the muslim world the issues are one in the same.

In any event those of you on the left side of the aisle i'm more worried about imaginary wage gaps in the Western world than you are about how women are treated in the Muslim world.
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The fundamental problem in the culture is its male dominance over woman and they seem to most
hate about Western culture our equality between sexes because it is the feared biggest threat to
their male domination.

Instead of criticizing their religion we should be speaking out for woman's rights. Progress in that area will change
them the quickest.

So why aren't feminists and the rest of you a-holes hopping to it?

Some politicians will criticize the Chinese in regard to human rights, but say little about the Arabs.
My guess on the reason for this is the Chinese don't have oil we need.
Some politicians will criticize the Chinese in regard to human rights, but say little about the Arabs.
My guess on the reason for this is the Chinese don't have oil we need.

On this day in history Burgundy agreed with 21.
Instead of criticizing their religion we should be speaking out for woman's rights. Progress in that area will change them the quickest.

I don't need to speak out against a dark-ages religion oppressing women and spreading hate and violence - President Bammy, defender of all things vagina, will take on those nasty woman-hating Muslims.

Won't he???
Sadly the religion itself has hate inside its DNA. Most Muslim nations practice Sharia law, which allows mid evil forms of punishment and has the sentence of death. TO make it worse they want to spread it into other areas of the world. For example, England has 88 courts of this punishment law. Amazing...

In France, multiple parts of the nation are under this " Law ".

In Belgium, even the cops do not go into certain areas.

A behind the scene documentary is badly needed. The average American has no idea just how bad it is. Show it for what they do,

Shira law, in their view infallible law of God. There is no debate

If you gay or lesbian, they kill you.

If you're a woman, it takes 4 men as a witness otherwise it's not rape.

They tell you what you can eat

Cruel and usual punishment is allowed

Sharia courts treat women and men as unequal, with Muslim woman's life and blood-money compensation sentence (Diyya) as half as that of a Muslim man's life. Sharia also treats Muslims and non-Muslims as unequal in the sentencing process.[
No Isreal doesn't vilify Muslims. They do however report the truth to counter Palestinian propaganda.


You mean like when Israel/US created, trained, armed, funded ISIS, who oddly never attacks Israel even though they are in their backyard?
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Because feminists groups like NOW are liberals first, feminists second,

NOW is run by, and pretty much dedicates it's resources primarily to lesbian issues. So unless you are a lesbian muslimah, then forget it.
It's kind of funny; possessing porn is against their religion. But my bros who served in Iraq said every F in house with a dude in it had porn hidden. Every one.

So, great for following an extreme religion, total FAIL on actually following it.
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Sadly the religion itself has hate inside its DNA. Most Muslim nations practice Sharia law, which allows mid evil forms of punishment and has the sentence of death. TO make it worse they want to spread it into other areas of the world. For example, England has 88 courts of this punishment law. Amazing...

In France, multiple parts of the nation are under this " Law ".

In Belgium, even the cops do not go into certain areas.

A behind the scene documentary is badly needed. The average American has no idea just how bad it is. Show it for what they do,

Shira law, in their view infallible law of God. There is no debate

If you gay or lesbian, they kill you.

If you're a woman, it takes 4 men as a witness otherwise it's not rape.

They tell you what you can eat

Cruel and usual punishment is allowed

Sharia courts treat women and men as unequal, with Muslim woman's life and blood-money compensation sentence (Diyya) as half as that of a Muslim man's life. Sharia also treats Muslims and non-Muslims as unequal in the sentencing process.[

It's not just the attitude toward women it is toward everyone. The whole culture is just plain ignorant. I think the only possible way to even make a little progress is through education and technology. If other Muslims really are against Isis they need to step it up and preach it. They are either afraid, dont care, or share the same beliefs.
It's kind of funny; possessing porn is against their religion. But my bros who served in Iraq said every F in house with a dude in it had porn hidden. Every one.

So, great for following an extreme religion, total FAIL on actually following it.

My personal view on religion ... I don't believe in some grandmaster keeping a running score sheet of every time I look at a pretty woman and think, "Wow, she has it going."

I was born and raised a Catholic. Was never really devout, but I attended a Jesuit high school, and my kids were baptized, went to Catholic schools. However, when I learned that the Catholic church knowingly allowed child rapists to be near children, I was done with the church - done. Have not been to a mass in more than 15 years.

My own personal experience and opinion is that religion requires - indeed, MANDATES - a suspension of disbelief. Those who are devout, avid followers of religion thereby routinely suspend their critical abilities.

Seriously, a religion believes that my soul has three parts, equally but not really equally balanced? Uhhh ... no.

A religion believes that committing suicide and murdering innocents in the process will lead to immortal happiness and reward? Yeah, **** that.

My take ... the 21st century version of Christianity in America is overall a positive thing, encouraging helping the less fortunate, pursuing something more than personal gratification, and honoring God and family. But it has taken a long damn time to reach this point, and right now, Islam is basically Christianity, circa 1320.

Finally, something that irritates the **** out of me is that Bammy points to Christianity in 1320 and points out its faults when talking about Islam, but FAILS TO ******* ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS NOW 2016, and one religion has in fact advanced substantially, massively and dramatically while the other is a crusty ***-sore from 1320.
Because feminists groups like NOW are liberals first, feminists second,


3rd Wqve feminism is all about leftist politics not equality.
It's not just us that the Muzzies want to kill.


DHAKA – A Hindu priest was hacked to death on Friday at a temple in Bangladesh, police and senior administrative officials said….

Shaymanonda Das 45 was hacked to death in front of a temple in Jhinaidah district headquarter, 300 kms (188 miles) south west from the capital Dhaka.

“He was preparing morning prayers with flowers at the temple early in the morning and that time three young people came by a motor bike and killed him with machetes and fled away,” said Mahbubur Rahman, the chief of Jhenaidah district administration.

“The nature of killing was similar with the local militants, but we can not say more at the moment,” Mahbubur told Reuters by telephone.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for some of the recent killings although the government denies the Sunni militant group has a presence in the country, saying homegrown extremists are behind the attacks.
I don't care what religion or race people are, but as a human being I do not see how anyone can find it acceptable to go around slaughtering innocent people.

I am not very religious at all, but I treat people well and think I live a pretty moral life. If there is a God then I think that he/she will see that and "pick" me over the fake religious people. Many people will sit there and preach religion but yet are out there being terrible human beings. They think that it is OK as long as they ask for forgiveness. If you are constantly cheating on your wife, stealing stuff off your family, abusing/assaulting others, etc etc I would think any God would be smart enough to not let you in your "heaven"
I don't care what religion or race people are, but as a human being I do not see how anyone can find it acceptable to go around slaughtering innocent people.

Agreed. When is America going to stop doing that?
At least muslims are forbidden to kill other muslims. Wait..
feminism is all about leftist politics not equality

Over 20 young girls molested in Cologne-style attacks at Swedish rock fest

Over 20 girls between 12 and 18 years old told police they were sexually assaulted by a group of men during a music festival in Karlstad, Sweden.
Police are investigating “a score of cases in which young girls have been molested,” Swedish Aftonbladet daily reported.

It said that the alleged attacks occurred during the “Putte i Parken” rock festival in Karlstad in Varmland County, despite enhanced police presence, 3 refugees arrested

The women told police they were kissed against their will by a group of young men who groped their breasts and buttocks

The attacks reportedly took place in front of an overcrowded stage during the artists’ performances.



I guess the wristbands didn't work

‘Don’t touch me’: Swedish police offer anti-sexual assault wristband

1 Jul, 2016 - Swedish police have revealed that they will offer young women wristbands with the slogan “POLICEAVSPÄRRAT #tafsainte” [Police cordon, don’t grope] in Swedish, to prevent sexual assaults.

“By wearing these wristbands, young women will be able to make a stand. No one should have to accept sexual molestation. So do not grope. And if you are groped, report it to the police,” Police Chief Dan Eliasson said, according to the press release.

http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/263352/hidden-fact-predicts-terrorism -ann-coulter

What turns people to terrorism isn't as mysterious as the media would like us to believe.
June 30, 2016 Ann Coulter

How'd you like to be running a presidential campaign dependent on Muslims not acting up again between now and Nov. 8? It's getting awfully hard for the media to keep being indignant about Trump's proposed Muslim ban, as long as Muslims keep blowing things up and shooting people.

I'm assuming here that The Washington Post has not already ruled the Muslims who blew up the Istanbul Airport to be self-hating gays infected by America's culture of homophobia.

It turns out, Omar Mateen, the Orlando nightclub shooter, also wasn't a self-hating gay, despite media excitement over that rumor. The FBI has now run down every alleged gay partner of Omar's, searched his phone and computers, and the alleged gay lovers either had the wrong guy or were lying, and there's no evidence he was on any gay websites or apps.

As a Muslim immigrant explained in a curbside interview videotaped by Tony Vera at the Los Angeles International Airport recently -- before she was arrested -- "that's what we do, we bomb people."

With impeccable timing, three days before the Istanbul bombing, the liberal Guardian (UK) ran an article sneering at Brexit supporters for wanting out of the European Union before Turkey became a member and the door was thrown open to unlimited migration from this Muslim country that shares a border with Syria, Iraq and Iran.

The article by Liz Cookman was titled, "Turkey, the Brexit bogeyman, is not so different from the UK."

Liz had a lot of fun with the Brexit-supporting ninnies, so relieved that "the Turks are no longer coming." She referred to Turkey as "the country whose people Britons are apparently petrified of," despite the fact that "it turns out Britain and Turkey are not so different after all."

One way they're a little different is that Britain has fewer Muslims on hand to blow things up. The attack this Tuesday, which left dozens dead and more than 100 wounded, is the seventh major terrorist bombing in Turkey so far this year, with a total death count in the hundreds.

As with the British media, the American media keep telling us that all these Muslim terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Muslims, and Donald Trump's suggestion that we impose a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration is madness, bigoted, racist.

Thank God Hitler didn't claim "Mein Kampf" was a holy book and the Fuhrerbunker a mosque.

Western governments have devoted incalculable resources to developing some diagnostic test other than "Muslim" to predict terrorism. As the New York Times reported earlier this year:

"What turns people toward violence -- and whether they can be steered away from it -- are questions that have bedeviled governments around the world for generations. Those questions have taken on fresh urgency with the rise of the Islamic State and the string of attacks in Europe and the United States. Despite millions of dollars of government-sponsored research, and a much-publicized White House pledge to find answers, there is still nothing close to a consensus on why someone becomes a terrorist."

I have a possible indicator! M-U-S-L- ...

After the July 7, 2005, London subway bombing by Muslim terrorists that killed 52 people, the British MI5 undertook its own highly sophisticated study, examining hundreds of cases. But the UK's security agency discovered that terrorists are a wildly diverse lot. They worshipped at a variety of different mosques, for example.

Some terrorists were very religious Muslims and some barely practicing. Most were men, but some were women. There were young and old terrorists, highly educated as well as uneducated, some loners and some married with children.

So, according to MI5, the predictive power of every factor is very low -- other than: Is a Muslim.

The researchers claimed their work would "challenge the stereotypes" about who becomes a terrorist, but it pretty much confirmed mine.

Republicans who are furious with Trump for proposing that we hit the pause button on this one category of Third World mass immigration have nothing at all to say about the census report this week showing Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act has so transformed the country that a majority of babies born in the United States today are not white.

The only thing Republicans can do is denounce Obama for not using the words "radical Islamic terrorism." (As long as they brought up Words Politicians Refuse to Use, when will the eunuchs work up the nerve to say "illegal alien," "anchor baby" and "amnesty"?)

Obama is a hapless fool, but what is so special about the words "radical Islam"? Maybe it's not radical Islam. Maybe it's just "Islam."

The reason Republicans obsess over Obama's language is that they can't go on TV and say nothing, and no one but Trump will say anything useful. To wit: Let's stop dumping a million Muslim immigrants on the country every year, some percentage of whom we know will commit mass murder.

That's gold right here:
How'd you like to be running a presidential campaign dependent on Muslims not acting up again between now and Nov. 8? It's getting awfully hard for the media to keep being indignant about Trump's proposed Muslim ban, as long as Muslims keep blowing things up and shooting people.
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