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House moves to grant statehood to Washington, D.C.


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Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

House approves bill to make DC a state​

BY MARTY JOHNSON - 04/22/21 12:00 PM EDT 6,258

The House, in a party-line vote on Thursday, approved legislation to make Washington, D.C., the 51st state in the nation, sending the bill to the Senate.

It's the second time the House has approved such legislation in two years, but the statehood bill, long a goal for the nation's capital, faces an uphill climb in a Senate evenly divided between the two parties.

Winning a vote in the Senate would likely require ending the filibuster that requires most legislation to clear a 60-vote hurdle. Even then, not all 50 Democrats in the Senate back making D.C. a state.

The 216-208 House vote on H.R. 51, named to reflect that D.C. would become the nation's 51st state, comes as Democrats have stepped up their efforts on a series of measures aimed at racial justice.

For decades, D.C. was a majority Black city; today, its population is just under 50 percent Black.

The White House on Tuesday formally declared its support for the legislation, saying it would provide the residents of the District with "long overdue full representation in Congress."
Republicans have opposed giving D.C. statehood, in part because it would likely lead to two more Democratic senators and a Democratic House member, given the district population's political leanings. President Biden won the District's three electoral votes in last year's election with 92 percent of the vote.

They have also offered other arguments against statehood, stating the founders didn't intend for the city to be a state, or that it would be better for Washington to become part of an existing state such as Maryland. One Republican lawmaker said D.C. should not be a state because it has no car dealerships. The District actually has a number of dealerships.
Washington, D.C., has three electoral votes, but its House delegate, Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), cannot vote on legislation.

Norton and House Democratic leadership have repeatedly pushed back against GOP criticism of the bill, saying that the political leaning of the District is irrelevant when it comes to making sure all Americans are fairly represented in Congress.

She and other advocates have pointed out that the District pays more federal taxes per capita than any state in the country and more than over 20 states overall. Its population — just over 700,000 — is greater than that of Vermont and Wyoming and comparable to a couple other states.

H.R. 51 would make most of the District a new state through a novel process. The capital wouldn’t cease to exist, but rather be shrunk to include the National Mall, monuments, White House and other federal buildings. The rest of the city would become the new state.

The few people residing inside the new federal capital would be able to vote in the state where they previously lived.

H.R. 51 also includes a provision that would fast-track the repeal of the 23rd Amendment, which currently gives D.C. electoral votes in presidential elections.

The legislation is one of many bills that passed through the House last session but never saw any airtime in the Republican-controlled Senate.

While Democrats have a slim, tie-breaking advantage in the now-50-50 upper chamber, major roadblocks to D.C. statehood remain, most notably the filibuster.

The procedural rule stands in the way of many Democratic legislative priorities, and chances of it being revoked are unlikely given staunch opposition from centrist Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

Even if Democrats were somehow able to dissolve the filibuster, the bill would need stamps of approval from Manchin and other moderates to get the 50 votes needed to force Vice President Harris’s tie-breaking vote.

That said, one thing that does help H.R. 51’s prospects is the considerable support it’s received from Biden.

“For far too long, the more than 700,000 people of Washington, D.C., have been deprived of full representation in the U.S. Congress. This taxation without representation and denial of self governance is an affront to the democratic values on which our Nation was founded,” the White House stated in its official endorsement of the cause. “Establishing the State of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth as the 51st state will make our Union stronger and more just.”

National support for D.C. statehood has increased over the past year, with the country becoming more aware of the District’s inability to control its own National Guard last summer amid protests over the police killing of George Floyd. D.C.'s National Guard is under federal, rather than local, control.

People across the country saw the National Guard issue surface again during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

A recent poll from think tank Data for Progress showed that 54 percent of Americans supported statehood for the District.
Think tanks and polls...haha. Yeah um no frigging way.

These democrats mean to hold onto power for as long as possible. They need to pump the brakes on this whirlwind power quest.

D.C. Statehood, wide open full bore voting fraud, packing the supreme court, disarming the population, Anything else I miss?

They will make conflict between states and the D.C. state unavoidable.
I’m still trying to figure out how they get past the constitutional requirements for his mission as a state but OK.
DC is the most Democratic area in the US. Who didn't see this coming, along with having kids and illegals vote? Next up, our pets should have a voice, too. They can't stand in silence anymore.
I’m still trying to figure out how they get past the constitutional requirements for his mission as a state but OK.
They wipe their *** with that old rag. It's only useful when it suits their agenda.This is the new do whatever we want era.

Our last presidential election should have been a clear indicator.
I thought folks who live in DC are exempt from paying any sort of state tax? I'm sure they will all be thrilled to having their pay cut another 5-7% a year since DC has run at least with a $1B deficit every year and only having 700k of population. I also thought most of the people who live in DC are transcient and live to work or being employed by the federal gov't?
DC Population: 700K. Estimated Transvestites in America: 750,000.

Population of America: 329.5Million. DC as a percentage of US population: 0.22%


The word insurrection has been thrown around a lot this year by liberals everywhere, Liberals here...while we sit back and watch one truly unfold. The insurrection is playing out in front of our eyes while they say "look squirrel!"

Making Puerto Rico and DC states shifts the balance of power in Congress. Then you pack the Supreme Court. Then you restructure the lower court.

You have one party rule for a hundred years.

The next time any asshat Liberal tries to tell you the Right was trying to overthrow the Capitol and overturn an election on January 6th and it was all an insurrection, keep in mind that is all a ruse, a decoy. They have their minion followers screaming it. All so we ignore what they are actually doing to overthrow democracy by destroying the Court/the courts and making states out of Democratic strongholds.

THAT, folks, is the insurrection.
DC Population: 700K. Estimated Transvestites in America: 750,000.

Population of America: 329.5Million. DC as a percentage of US population: 0.22%


The word insurrection has been thrown around a lot this year by liberals everywhere, Liberals here...while we sit back and watch one truly unfold. The insurrection is playing out in front of our eyes while they say "look squirrel!"

Making Puerto Rico and DC states shifts the balance of power in Congress. Then you pack the Supreme Court. Then you restructure the lower court.

You have one party rule for a hundred years.

The next time any asshat Liberal tries to tell you the Right was trying to overthrow the Capitol and overturn an election on January 6th and it was all an insurrection, keep in mind that is all a ruse, a decoy. They have their minion followers screaming it. All so we ignore what they are actually doing to overthrow democracy by destroying the Court/the courts and making states out of Democratic strongholds.

THAT, folks, is the insurrection.

Yes. The fact is that the republic is dead. It may get ugly.
remove the elected officials, and their cabinet members from the population of DC

how many residents are in that scum hive?
The only real power is the ones that control the military and law enforcement. Politicians can say what they want but if we lose the military and leo's, we're done for sure.
remove the elected officials, and their cabinet members from the population of DC

how many residents are in that scum hive?
That’s why their per capita income tax is so high. All the govt employees make too much money. 6 of the 10 wealthiest counties are in the D.C. suburbs.
The only real power is the ones that control the military and law enforcement. Politicians can say what they want but if we lose the military and leo's, we're done for sure.
No we aren’t. There are more gun owners in the United States buy three orders of magnitude then there are total military personnel to include all the guard and reserve units. The overwhelming majority of the military are conservative. But take that out of the picture. We horrible deplorable‘s are the ones that grow all the food, find all the fuel and refine it, build everything, all we have to do is refuse to send any of that stuff to the blue hive cities. The consumables at the point of sale will be gone in three days, inside of a week they will have nothing. Then you simply blockade the roads at that point and any that come out you shoot and leave their bodies for the vultures. After three months it will be over. Let the cocksuckers who would be our slave masters starve to death **** them all.
No we aren’t. There are more gun owners in the United States buy three orders of magnitude then there are total military personnel to include all the guard and reserve units. The overwhelming majority of the military are conservative. But take that out of the picture. We horrible deplorable‘s are the ones that grow all the food, find all the fuel and refine it, build everything, all we have to do is refuse to send any of that stuff to the blue hive cities. The consumables at the point of sale will be gone in three days, inside of a week they will have nothing. Then you simply blockade the roads at that point and any that come out you shoot and leave their bodies for the vultures. After three months it will be over. Let the cocksuckers who would be our slave masters starve to death **** them all.
Says the guy who delivers goods to market.
That’s why their per capita income tax is so high. All the govt employees make too much money. 6 of the 10 wealthiest counties are in the D.C. suburbs.
and those elected in their home state who now call DC home are thus representing the people who elected them, but live in an area where they are not represented.

holy ****
and those elected in their home state who now call DC home are thus representing the people who elected them, but live in an area where they are not represented.

holy ****
I don’t think D.C. statehood would survive a Constitutional challenge but the way the Supreme Court is now, ya never know.
OK, so we divide the red states into two apiece. Can't happen? - West Virginia broke away from Virginia.
OK, so we divide the red states into two apiece. Can't happen? - West Virginia broke away from Virginia.
No it would be obviously racist to do that.
This is not going to happen and I actually think stuff like this is GOOD for conservatives come election day.

All these crazy house bills that get past just continue to prove to moderate voters that the Democratic party is pretty much far left now. And that Pelosi has no control over the extremists in her party (The "Gang of Four"). Whoever runs for the Republicans in 2024 can point to these votes as evidence that for all their "moderate talk", democrats are very intent on packing the Supreme Court and adding states for political power. It is not a "moderate" left party when 218 representatives vote for Washington DC to be a state.

This always happens when a political party gets in control. They just pass too many dumb things (that have no chance in the Senate), thus establishing just how crazy they are. The old Tea Party movement did the same things back in 2012.

For some reason when a small group of radicals gets elected in very extremist ways (i.e. the primary is geared towards extremism) and then succeeding in general elections in very unbalanced districts, that this somehow means they have "legitimate" ideas the nation wants, which is completely untrue. AOC is a PRIME example of this type of thinking. Her views are despised on a national level but she is somehow entitled because her stupid 80% democratic district elected her. A district that arguably doesn't represent America at all.
All these crazy house bills that get past just continue to prove to moderate voters that the Democratic party is pretty much far left now. And that Pelosi has no control over the extremists in her party (The "Gang of Four").
I think Pelosi does have control. She controls Dem campaign funding. She's in the same place politically as the Gang of Four but she's politically smart enough not to be as obvious about it.
This is not going to happen and I actually think stuff like this is GOOD for conservatives come election day.
One could only hope and pray del...

If the repubs dont gain seats in 2022 after all these shenanigans the progessives on the left have been and are trying to pull off....

This country is deep do-do...

Also--what happened to moderate Democrats?!?
One could only hope and pray del...

If the repubs dont gain seats in 2022 after all these shenanigans the progessives on the left have been and are trying to pull off....

This country is deep do-do...

Also--what happened to moderate Democrats?!?
They're not what the base wants and won't get any funding. Manchin gets elected because he's where the people of his state are at and he is personally likable. My dad was a friend of his when he was governor.
They're not what the base wants and won't get any funding. Manchin gets elected because he's where the people of his state are at and he is personally likable. My dad was a friend of his when he was governor.
I would vote for manchin