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How do you fix the United States?

I'm an actuary. A study last year showed 0% unemployment for actuaries. Of course, it can't actually be 0%, but it was low enough that the difference is irrelevant. Took me 10 years to get my designations. I grew up in rural Arkansas. It wasn't an easy road and I ****** up plenty of times along the way to make it harder. Could have had designations in 4-6 years. It was my fault I didn't.

In any event, my entire career is only available because of a tax structure I think is stupid and, as you can see above, I advocate to remove. I could do something else because I have the will to do so and the intellect to succeed.

I read that several times and it still comes up "intellect to smoke weed"
back on topic....

flat tax on individuals.

you do business in this country, your profits STAY in an American on shore bank...and are subject to American business taxes....NO ******* exceptions.

term limits for politicians.

repeal of laws that qualify corporations as people.

return of the Glass - Steagal Act.

strict accountability on Military and Intel budgets....no more letting them off the hook for trillions just because a plane happened to hit that office the day before the records were turned over to GAO.

workfare...I'm a little on the fence on this one...but the benefits are tangible.

Why should people's capital have less rights than people? In effect, by constraining the capital, you constrain the rights of the people that own that capital. Why? Show one place where capital controls have worked.

Corporate entities allow for risks greater than that which would be normally undertaken by individuals. If an individual were forced to submit his personal capital to strict liability, then small business would rarely happen. There may be problems with corporations, but this isn't the way to fix them. This would only severely destabilize the economy as risk capital would disappear. Monumentally bad strategy in a global economy.
Oh yeah one more thing to add to my list of how to fix the USA: Deport all the Tuke wearing Snowbacks back to Canuckistan where they came from,

How you doing Confluence?
when companies move their pre tax profits to the Caymans, who benefits, Con?

see: Caterpillar, et. al....

sorry, this isn't helping anyone if they ain't paying taxes like John Q....fair is fair, eh?

to be objective, I'll have to re-read the story of why corporations were to be treated as personages under the law.

and I haven't had enough coffee, nor time, yet today.

but it was some skeevy reason.
Oh yeah one more thing to add to my list of how to fix the USA: Deport all the Tuke wearing Snowbacks back to Canuckistan where they came from,

How you doing Confluence?

All good brother.

Just wait til you find out what some of us have been doing inside yer borders!
when companies move their pre tax profits to the Caymans, who benefits, Con?

see: Caterpillar, et. al....

sorry, this isn't helping anyone if they ain't paying taxes like John Q....fair is fair, eh?

to be objective, I'll have to re-read the story of why corporations were to be treated as personages under the law.

and I haven't had enough coffee, nor time, yet today.

but it was some skeevy reason.

"FAIR" is a four letter f word that usually means exactly the opposite in any context.

Corporations were formed to allow limited liability to encourage risk capital to encourage new ideas and growth while spreading the risk to investors and debtors.

That there are any rules limiting capital flows, or any rules limiting other personal freedoms is the problem, but I am a libertarian, not an American Libertarian.
Seems to hurt the helpless kids more than the deadbeat parents.
Those kids can then be placed with responsible parents, they would then become productive members of society.