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How Many God's Are There?

Originally though it all stems from the same root belief. The old testament particularly the early books are the basis for many of Islam's beliefs.

21 is rather simplistic in his original statement but I understand the sentiment. There are those from all three that are intolerant of other similar beliefs but the biggest most systemic intolerance of any other religion is currently Islam. For any country over a certain percentage of Islamic citizens there is a loss of toleration for any other belief. That tells me that the whole religion for the most part is intolerant. That is not the case for MOST Christians.

Can't imagine why Christians and Jews are intolerant toward Islam.
How does my "Delusion" and belief in a God that gives us free will harm you in any way? You seem to have an unusual amount of angst about something you don't believe. I am not and never have been one to force my beliefs on others. Some might even say I am not a true Christian because I believe God appears to others in different forms and that there are different paths to salvation than just the one the Presbyterian church follows. I do feel that faith is important. I also feel that science is important and that it is just us learning the majesty of gods work.

Allowing that I trust science and don't want to force my beliefs on you, how is it a bad thing that I believe you were created in gods image even if you don't. by the way I don't literally mean we all look like God or that I think he is a old blond hair blue eyed guy. It is a more meta physical meaning. If you are so threatened by my belief maybe you haven't really sorted out your feelings on the matter.

I don't have any "angst" just pointing out nonsense when I see it. Here is the post you wrote that i was answering:

Yes Christians believe everyone was made in Gods image and then endowed with free will. We are free to choose what we believe and what we do with our lives. Just because you don't believe in him does not mean God does not love you or want you to believe, He just wants that belief to be freely given.

You're not forcing anything on anyone but you are making a claim with the same standard of proof a Muslim uses..NONE.

That is what makes you delusional.

I won't go on with how it is the moderate who paves the way for the extremist, that should be obvious to anyone who understands validation.
No he gives them to you here on earth after you murder, why wait?

He lets you get em young too! Yee Haw! No wonder we love Jesus so much in the south............

Numbers 31:17-18King James Version (KJV)

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Halla blew ya..................away.

You obviously study the bible so feel free to explain how one equates to the other....like I said, I'm no theologian.

So there are Christians going around killing babies? Abortionists?
I don't have any "angst" just pointing out nonsense when I see it. Here is the post you wrote that i was answering:

You're not forcing anything on anyone but you are making a claim with the same standard of proof a Muslim uses..NONE.

That is what makes you delusional.

I won't go on with how it is the moderate who paves the way for the extremist, that should be obvious to anyone who understands validation.

Obviously you are unwilling to admit that there is any chance you are wrong and I may be right. Unlike you, I choose to believe, but fully recognize that it is possible I am wrong. Is that delusional? To me the delusional one is the one that is not at least open to the other possibilities. No matter how much you will deny it there is a chance you are wrong and I am right. No scientist I have ever talked to would completely discount the possibility no matter how infinitesimally small t hey think the chance is.
You obviously study the bible so feel free to explain how one equates to the other....like I said, I'm no theologian.

So there are Christians going around killing babies? Abortionists?

Really? Jesus and Yahweh are the same god and the Yahweh side of this god suffering from multiple personality disorder loves killing and genocide every bit as much as Allah.

Are they the same??????

John 10:30King James Version (KJV)

30 I and my Father are one.

To answer your question in one graphic moment...yes there are Christians not only killing babies but setting people on fire,eating them........good times, good times.


I couldn't quickly find the video of Christians taking muslims, beating them with tree limbs, then setting them on fire but trust me it exists and many here have seen it as I've posted it before.
Obviously you are unwilling to admit that there is any chance you are wrong and I may be right. Unlike you, I choose to believe, but fully recognize that it is possible I am wrong. Is that delusional? To me the delusional one is the one that is not at least open to the other possibilities. No matter how much you will deny it there is a chance you are wrong and I am right. No scientist I have ever talked to would completely discount the possibility no matter how infinitesimally small t hey think the chance is.

No I pointed out that it was nonsense, as in nonsensical. You fail to understand the basic premise that if you have no standard, no criteria with which to measure the possibility of your belief being true, then you are left walking blindly in the realm of nonsense.

What if you are wrong and the Muslim is right? Then you will go to the Muslim hell....right?

What makes you believe in the Christian version of reality and not the Muslim one? Are you starting to see why it's nonsensical?

I can admit that anything is possible, even your Christian story. You meanwhile can not believe or even type in a post on this board that the possibility exists that the Christian story is nonsense.

You are more than likely driven by fear instilled in you at an early age of the hell of the bible, that's why you believe in Jesus and not Allah.

Do you see now blind man? Do you see how irrational nonsensical thinking works?
According to 1st Corinthians 8:5... For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords") yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

If we are just playing one great video game, who is to say there aren't a whole lot of guys playing... even if most of them aren't the programmer or are just different accounts.... everything, even atheism, comes down to faith in the end... and if there is an afterlife, then basically whoever god wants in will get in regardless of what we all think the criteria has to be.
No I pointed out that it was nonsense, as in nonsensical. You fail to understand the basic premise that if you have no standard, no criteria with which to measure the possibility of your belief being true, then you are left walking blindly in the realm of nonsense.

What if you are wrong and the Muslim is right? Then you will go to the Muslim hell....right?

What makes you believe in the Christian version of reality and not the Muslim one? Are you starting to see why it's nonsensical?

I can admit that anything is possible, even your Christian story. You meanwhile can not believe or even type in a post on this board that the possibility exists that the Christian story is nonsense.

You are more than likely driven by fear instilled in you at an early age of the hell of the bible, that's why you believe in Jesus and not Allah.

Do you see now blind man? Do you see how irrational nonsensical thinking works?

I see a sad scared man or woman hiding behind his/her atheism scared that he/she is wrong but not brave enough to have faith. Lashing out at others who have faith because he/she can't or wont try to believe in something greater than him/herself. This fear and lack of belief is what drives you to your blind obedience to the liberal doctrines you spout. You cant have rational discussion because of your small minded approach to life. Liberals can't find the strength to fix there own problems and wont to do what they can for themselves and need and expect to have the government make them do it because they lack the faith to believe others will help without being forced to. This is why having the right faith is important even in the face that the underlying belief might be wrong. Humans without faith are weak like you, those with real faith are strong and do not need others to hand them things they will work to do those things themselves and for others rather than telling others to do them for you. For once in your life try having faith in something rather than hating and blaming others.
I don't know if there is really a God or not. I believe there is. I do not see the harm in that.
No I pointed out that it was nonsense, as in nonsensical. You fail to understand the basic premise that if you have no standard, no criteria with which to measure the possibility of your belief being true, then you are left walking blindly in the realm of nonsense.

What if you are wrong and the Muslim is right? Then you will go to the Muslim hell....right?

What makes you believe in the Christian version of reality and not the Muslim one? Are you starting to see why it's nonsensical?

I can admit that anything is possible, even your Christian story. You meanwhile can not believe or even type in a post on this board that the possibility exists that the Christian story is nonsense.

You are more than likely driven by fear instilled in you at an early age of the hell of the bible, that's why you believe in Jesus and not Allah.

Do you see now blind man? Do you see how irrational nonsensical thinking works?

That's why some of us actually go out and study, research and investigate the reasons for our belief.

Did I grow up Christian? Yes...but I also ran away from the church after High School. In my adulthood, I began to really search for answers in an academic setting...eventually earning a Masters degree in Theology.

Read my previous post about the differences between what the three major religions think of "God." Can I answer every question? Probably not...people pick and choose from the Bible, Torah and Koran to justify their points whether they be theological, doctrinal or satirical. Those who believe drinking alcohol is a sin can find justification for it in the Bible (same for those who do NOT believe drinking is a sin), those who believe in the moral justification of slavery find theirs in the Bible...the people to abolished slavery found their justification in the Bible.

You can pick up the Bible and find all sorts of weird stuff about genocide, murder, slavery, sex...whatever...it takes a discerning mind to look at the Bible for what it is...a very old collection of writings that has various types of literature to audiences spanning thousands of miles and hundreds of years. How do you know what it means? You study...academically.
Elfie I absolutely admitted in my posts which you blindly ignored that I could be wrong about my faith. That is why it is not easy to have it. If I followed it blindly like you follow liberalism it would be easier, but unlike you I have a brain and can think for myself. I choose to have this faith based on my own personal experiences. I would never expect anyone to just blindly follow something that is how bad things happen in this world like Obama being elected twice. Think for yourself always question that which you believe never stop looking for the answers just have faith that you will find them. You seem to live a life without hope for a better world and you blame everyone else.
No.... just because someone doesn't believe in things without any evidence like you do it doesn't mean much of anything, apart from the context of your delusion of course.

Elf, the very nature of "evidence" or "proof" is very shakey. Take an honest assessment of what you "know" and you will see that there is a great deal of "pretty sure" or "it seems" mixed in with it. The things that we really "know" beyond any doubt are very few. This was the work of Rene DeCartes. He showed us that we take a LOT on assumption, conviction, faith, belief, opinion, what other say, etc. It's not just confined to the religious realm.
No he gives them to you here on earth after you murder, why wait?

He lets you get em young too! Yee Haw! No wonder we love Jesus so much in the south............

Numbers 31:17-18King James Version (KJV)

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Halla blew ya..................away.

As you yourself have stated comprehension is important. Context is equally so.
Elf, the very nature of "evidence" or "proof" is very shakey. Take an honest assessment of what you "know" and you will see that there is a great deal of "pretty sure" or "it seems" mixed in with it. The things that we really "know" beyond any doubt are very few. This was the work of Rene DeCartes. He showed us that we take a LOT on assumption, conviction, faith, belief, opinion, what other say, etc. It's not just confined to the religious realm.

I use the term "proof" loosely because in science there are really only degrees of evidence that support theories. Nothing is 100% I agree with you, but many, many, theories sit at > 90%.

The idea of believing something with absolutely NO EVIDENCE though is delusional. If the idea of some evidence or plenty of evidence is shaky at best to you, where does it leave ancient story time?
As you yourself have stated comprehension is important. Context is equally so.

In what context is genocide and child rape justified?

Tread carefully because with your next post you could be defending everything extreme Muslims engage in. Remember that they use the same criteria as Christians and others to justify their and their gods actions; plenty of belief and NO EVIDENCE.
That's why some of us actually go out and study, research and investigate the reasons for our belief.

Did I grow up Christian? Yes...but I also ran away from the church after High School. In my adulthood, I began to really search for answers in an academic setting...eventually earning a Masters degree in Theology.

Read my previous post about the differences between what the three major religions think of "God." Can I answer every question? Probably not...people pick and choose from the Bible, Torah and Koran to justify their points whether they be theological, doctrinal or satirical. Those who believe drinking alcohol is a sin can find justification for it in the Bible (same for those who do NOT believe drinking is a sin), those who believe in the moral justification of slavery find theirs in the Bible...the people to abolished slavery found their justification in the Bible.

You can pick up the Bible and find all sorts of weird stuff about genocide, murder, slavery, sex...whatever...it takes a discerning mind to look at the Bible for what it is...a very old collection of writings that has various types of literature to audiences spanning thousands of miles and hundreds of years. How do you know what it means? You study...academically.

Sounds to me like you were smarter in your teen age years. Oh well.

Everything else you said is meaningless. You can get all the degrees in what i like to refer as " Fairy Tale Specialist, and Apologist/Contortionist" that you want but, you are still holding an empty bag.
I see a sad scared man or woman hiding behind his/her atheism scared that he/she is wrong but not brave enough to have faith. Lashing out at others who have faith because he/she can't or wont try to believe in something greater than him/herself. This fear and lack of belief is what drives you to your blind obedience to the liberal doctrines you spout. You cant have rational discussion because of your small minded approach to life. Liberals can't find the strength to fix there own problems and wont to do what they can for themselves and need and expect to have the government make them do it because they lack the faith to believe others will help without being forced to. This is why having the right faith is important even in the face that the underlying belief might be wrong. Humans without faith are weak like you, those with real faith are strong and do not need others to hand them things they will work to do those things themselves and for others rather than telling others to do them for you. For once in your life try having faith in something rather than hating and blaming others.

Nice straw man.....for the peanut gallery of course.
According to 1st Corinthians 8:5... For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords") yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

If we are just playing one great video game, who is to say there aren't a whole lot of guys playing... even if most of them aren't the programmer or are just different accounts.... everything, even atheism, comes down to faith in the end... and if there is an afterlife, then basically whoever god wants in will get in regardless of what we all think the criteria has to be.

Using the Bible to prove Jesus and the Bible, nice circle there...

What if your god is just a big kid with an ant farm and could care less about the ants other than observing them? If you observe the universe, the randomness of things, and the suffering on this planet it's pretty obvious this being doesn't care or highly more likely doesn't exist.

When you observe the size of the universe it becomes blatantly obvious that if he/she/it were to exist the belief that it cares about you is the equivalent of you caring or even listening/speaking to a carbon molecule on a speck of dust.

"What a meanie God is! Rape, and genocide, an-and slaaavery..and stuff! G-G-G-God made the earth little, so that means he must hate yall, huh??

Yall are dummies, I'm too smart for that!"

That about sum it up, elf?
Sounds to me like you were smarter in your teen age years. Oh well.

Everything else you said is meaningless. You can get all the degrees in what i like to refer as " Fairy Tale Specialist, and Apologist/Contortionist" that you want but, you are still holding an empty bag.

At least I'm not the ignorant one in this conversation....
"What a meanie God is! Rape, and genocide, an-and slaaavery..and stuff! G-G-G-God made the earth little, so that means he must hate yall, huh??

Yall are dummies, I'm too smart for that!"

That about sum it up, elf?

I have completely soured on the whole religion and God thing. To me, religion is the biggest driver to wars and death we face in the world today. As someone once said..."Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence". A bunch of scrolls written 2000 years ago by Bedouins doesn't qualify. I heard the Pope performed a miracle a couple weeks ago turning dry blood to liquid in a bottle....seriously, really?
I have completely soured on the whole religion and God thing. To me, religion is the biggest driver to wars and death we face in the world today. As someone once said..."Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence". A bunch of scrolls written 2000 years ago by Bedouins doesn't qualify. I heard the Pope performed a miracle a couple weeks ago turning dry blood to liquid in a bottle....seriously, really?

I would say the concept of God has helped humanity more than it has hurt humanity through the various ages, but I guess we'll just have to differ on it.
How do we know that what's written in the Bible is the truth? It was written by men that might have their own personnal agenda. In fact it was written for distribution during the Bizantine time when Romans converted to christianism (in fact the word Bible comes from Latin, not hebrew) so how is it that we are sure that everything read there is what really happened and anot what romans wanted us to believe.
It is known that jewish celebrate sabbath on saturdays but for catholics is on sunday the day to venerate God. Sun-day, sounds more like a day to worship the sun, like the romans did. So isn't it possible that romans mixed their beliefs with christians and created the Bible so catholics worshipped both their old gods and the new (christian' God)?

I'm getting in to Wig territory here...

Unless I see God's words directly from him floating in the sky I can't believe what a religion tries to shove in to my mind. And this doesn't mean I don't believe in God, I just don't believe in religions