Dude, can you be more specific?I'm kinda tired of these color rush unis by now. I'd like to see an all-white uniform: traditional white jersey with block numerals, and white pants with a gold stripe, bordered by a black outer-stripe, on the sides, gold socks and black cleats
Oh, and for these uniforms, they should rock those black chinstraps that they tried out and then quickly tossed aside, back during the '98 seasonDude, can you be more specific?
I'm kinda tired of these color rush unis by now. I'd like to see an all-white uniform:
*snaps fingers* you nailed it! Get that pic to the rooneys, stat!Like this?
You know that cat (the ice cream man) comes around here even in the dark. I thought that was a little odd. I hear boobie likes to Bob on some pop-sicles.Like this?