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Hungarians Declare: ‘Central Europe Stands United Against Mass Illegal Migration’

Nor should it be difficult to understand a wall /fence on Hungary's southern border with Serbia does little to move the needle in the fight against terrorist cells currently wreaking havoc throughout western Europe.

See my post above. Moronic to open your doors and let in MORE terrorists and add to the existing problem.
See my post above. Moronic to open your doors and let in MORE terrorists and add to the existing problem.

The best way to fix terrorism is to make life difficult enough for ALL Muslims that 1) they root out the terrorists in their midst and 2) quit raising their kids to be terrorists. For right now they're told that they can avoid the military and move to western Europe where they can get free housing, a monthly check, and all the blondes they can rape.
Nor should it be difficult to understand a wall /fence on Hungary's southern border with Serbia does little to move the needle in the fight against terrorist cells currently wreaking havoc throughout western Europe.

Remember what condoms did for the AIDS epidemic?
What were the steps used to combat that global disease?
On the other hand, terrorist sleeper cells have existed here for decades, as is the case in most European capitals, none more infamous than the attackers that carried out the Bataclan Paris attacks.

So we get rid of them. Easy concept. Good leadership protects its own.

There are plenty of 'shady' internet cafes, barber shops and the like where terrorist sympathisers mingle freely and openly.

A clear reference to white guys that the Dems fear. The reality is that I freely discuss how I would take up arms to stop any group here or not, who wants to use force or terrorism to overthrow my country, city, state or culture. Does that make me a terrorist? Here's an option. Get rid of those who want me to be the victim of their attacks. Problem solved.

There's never been a extremist Islamic terrorist attack - ever - in Hungary, at least in modern times.

This is all I need to know.