I don't get just about everything you're writing.
When did anybody say it wasn't bad for you?
What does legality have to do with the environmental impact anyway? Someone could easily argue that regulation would improve the environmental impact.
You are correct in that you said nothing about whether it was bad for you or not. That is just something I am tired of, dealing with kids, fresh off of reading their High Times propaganda, telling me it isn't bad for them.
Weed was illegal, hence people were not growing massive fields of it, cutting down forests and using up water. Now it is legal, hence the issue. Perhaps you are correct, and this is a case in which the regulations have not caught up yet. I was just advancing the theory that it could give people pause. The issue would not be if not for legalization. There would be no need for regulations.
People have to understand cause and effect. In Wyoming, they eradicated the coyotes. Tourists were complaining about driving down roads and seeing a bunch of them chewing on an elk. So they got rid of them. Problem is, the elk went wild. Now you go out there, and streams which should have vegetation growing pretty much up to them, don't. Hence, it is screwing with the ecology of the streams. Now, they are reintroducing the coyote. When you do something, there is going to be an impact, some of it negative. There have been some negative impacts to legalizing weed. Maybe they will work through them. We'll see.