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I hope you have enjoyed the USA.

I think that the dems will go Biden/Newsom, so that old Joe can die in office and their golden commie boy can be potus.
Yeah, I don’t think he can be elected, but appointed is a different story. Could also keep him in the wings to be Harris’ VP before they toss her *** out when Pedo Joe dies or resigns. That is if they can rig the election again.
Disagree. Conservatives like her right now because she is calling out the stupidity of the far left. The minute the left comes two inches closer to the center, she’ll be back to crapping on conservatives.
I think they would have to abandon the far left before that would happen. The Democrat Party left many behind, and would have to shift back to them. She isn’t crapping on conservatives, just the radical fringe. They actually deserve it.
90%? lol. I’d say maybe 50%. People are moving more toward the extremes daily. I mean, Trump is more the extreme (extreme what, I’m not sure) than the middle, and 75% of conservatives would die in a fire for the guy.
I think it is North of 50%, but agree not 90%.
The movement to the extremes is because there is nobody in the middle +/-.
Until people start electing “Centrist” representative, there is zero chance of seeing changes
Not sure where that puts me then. I'm a fiscal conservative, but as far as social issues go, I don't give a rat's *** what people do as long as they don't want me to pay for their choices. Still think Tulsi would help Trump's chances more than hurt them.
Since you have any ”Conservative” ideals, you will get lumped into the “Radical” right category.

I happen to believe that the majority feel as you do and if all of a sudden there was a Centrist Party, they would gain a vast swath of current non-voters, independents, and center leaning Republicans and Democrats. Those numbers would make it a 10 point win.
Disagree. Conservatives like her right now because she is calling out the stupidity of the far left. The minute the left comes two inches closer to the center, she’ll be back to crapping on conservatives.
I hope not,but it's entirely possible. I only see the outside front.
Tulsi handled attack propagandists very well. A skilled tactician. She took down Harris faster than a walnut rolling off a henhouse roof. Others seem to be scared of the media. Tulsi takes the bull by the horns.
90%? lol. I’d say maybe 50%. People are moving more toward the extremes daily. I mean, Trump is more the extreme (extreme what, I’m not sure) than the middle, and 75% of conservatives would die in a fire for the guy.
What? I have great respect for you, Sir, but this sounds like a CNN comment. Explain it further?
What? I have great respect for you, Sir, but this sounds like a CNN comment. Explain it further?
Donald Trump is not a conservative. Not in any way, shape or form. He’s not liberal either. I’m not sure where he falls, but it’s not the middle. Perhaps a poor choice of wording on my part, but that’s what I was trying to convey.
Donald Trump is not a conservative. Not in any way, shape or form. He’s not liberal either. I’m not sure where he falls, but it’s not the middle. Perhaps a poor choice of wording on my part, but that’s what I was trying to convey.
Trump is simply common sense and looking for what works.
If I had to label him I'd say he's a "Conservatarian" (Conservative-Libertarian) like me.
I think Trump is just a cranky old man that wants **** to be the way it was 30 years ago. Guy was a liberal not too awfully long ago, or he sure donated enough money to them anyway.
The funny thing about Trump is that he is saying and doing exactly what he said decades ago. He really hasn’t changed his positions much at all. The difference is that current politicians have changed wildly, which makes him much more different from them.
The funny thing about Trump is that he is saying and doing exactly what he said decades ago. He really hasn’t changed his positions much at all. The difference is that current politicians have changed wildly, which makes him much more different from them.
This isn't your Father's Oldsmo...., err Democratic party. Joe Biden is no JFK.
This isn't your Father's Oldsmo...., err Democratic party. Joe Biden is no JFK.
I have always seen Trump as a true Independent Patriot. He has Liberal as well as Conservative positions and the willingness to pander to anyone to get what he wants. I don’t agree with everything he believes, but that is to be expected. I absolutely loved Reagan, and still didn’t agree with everything.

I think that the majority of Americans believe as Trump does, if only they COULD separate what he says from what he does. Too many these days are so weak willed that they only want to hear sweet nothings told to them, so they feel good. Then they get upset because things continue to get worse.

While I am fairly sure that I would never be a “close” friend of The Donald, I am a fan of his POLICIES. He “talks” too much for me, I like action.

I have said it before, and I will continue to say, he needs to eliminate any and all media influence. Not by shutting them down, but by ignoring them and showing them to be irrelevant to the American people.

1. Ignore ANYTHING any media outlet does.
2. No press conferences of any kind, whatsoever. This includes not having a Press Secretary that interacts with the press corps.
3. Have a once a week 60 minute “Fireside” chat DIRECTLY with the American People, on a White House internet ”VLOG”. If Joe Rogan can do it, the White House can.
4. ALL APPOINTMENTS to Department head and management positions need to come from the PRIVATE sector. Then task them with cleaning up the mess. Since they are not politicians, they will not need to worry about staying in that positio.

1-15 minutes - Lay out his vision for what he hopes to accomplish in his tenure as President.
16-45 minutes - Go into depth about WHY these ideas are best for the country, 1 or 2 at a time each week. Don’t try to get deep in the weeds on every one each week, prioritize them. Repeat as necessary.
46-60 minutes - Call out, BY NAME, those that are standing in the way of this action. Make no concessions in regards to political parties. Use this time to reduce support for current politicians, by exposing their actions to the world. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. As elections roll around start to offer SPECIFIC alternative candidates to replace those who are causing the problems. Maybe even have the VP do these chat occasionally, so as to allow the voters to see who will follow.
I have said it before, and I will continue to say, he needs to eliminate any and all media influence. Not by shutting them down, but by ignoring them and showing them to be irrelevant to the American people.

1. Ignore ANYTHING any media outlet does.
2. No press conferences of any kind, whatsoever. This includes not having a Press Secretary that interacts with the press corps.
Makes sense since he can't be reelected. **** it.

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