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I really think a majority of people don't understand this...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Words matter. They really do. Particularly when they are the core slogan of a major political agenda.

"Build Back Better!" It sounds nice. I mean, who wouldn't want their kitchen or their bathroom or their garage to be "better"? Course you would. But imagine, for a moment, that you make your living in the construction business. If you were tasked with "building my bathroom back better" what would that require of you?

Well, you'd have to demolish my current bathroom. Subsequently, I would need to make plans to use my OTHER bathroom, or if I didn't HAVE a 2nd bathroom, I'd need to figure out how to deal with my day to day toiletry needs.

In order to "build back better" the people pushing this slogan are gaslighting the idea that we need to utterly tear down our country. We have to. There is no way to build back better without utterly demolishing the current structure, possibly right down to the foundations. And I don't think people understand what that means. I really don't. I think most people are "frogs in the water" noticing that it seems to be getting warmer, but you know, we're adjusting.

When a Biden nominee says in a filmed interview that she hopes that the majority of small businesses in the coal and oil industry go bankrupt, that should be beyond alarming for Americans. You can love or hate fossil fuels, but the fact is, the entire world is built on fossil fuel. The economy of the entire world is supported with fossil fuel. And when somebody suggests we just demolish one of the core supports for the entire country and world economy, that should freak people out.

What the folks in charge are attempting to do, (but what they would never say outright or publicly) is that they are definitely, unapologetically attempting to crash our economy. They want the U.S., hell the entire world, to fall into an economic depression that makes the Great Depression look like a bad tip night at work. They want widespread, universal poverty that will force people to succumb to the will of the leadership in order to carve out a tolerable existence.

And do you know how the Great Depression really got kicked off? What it did for the power elite in this country? Many factors lead to the economic turmoil that evolved into the Great Depression, but a major catalyst for absolute economic collapse was a precipitous stock market failure. Many people don't know that this stock market failure was absolutely engineered and carried out by the wealthiest members of our society. They chose their moment and then universally, dumped their ownership in markets, collecting a neat profit on the investments they made. This caused a panic which eventually grew into a full blown economic collapse. Banks were run upon and they didn't have the tangible, physical assets to cover peoples' accounts and subsequently, they began failing. As they did, panic only increased.

As we know, the result was mass unemployment or under-employment. Countless people lost their homes and their land to banks that were allowed to foreclose despite having failed to honor their own commitments earlier when the crash occurred. And what were the mega-wealthy doing? They were waiting. Waiting for the value of industry, commerce and the very economic foundation of the country to hit rock bottom. And when it did... They bought. They invested massively at insultingly low prices. They increased their holdings and their wealth geometrically. And then they happily watched as we were propelled into a world war. Then, manufacturing needs, food needs, medicinal needs, really all aspects of economic society exploded. And those wealthy magnates watched gleefully as all the pieces of economy they'd just stolen burgeoned into financial windfalls.

And you'd better believe, these people are attempting to do the very same thing again. They are only too happy to destroy the economy of the country and with it countless lives in order to later "pick up the pieces" and secure a massive haul of commerce. And along the way, a working class must be preserved so a new economic boon can be engineered. But moving forward, there shall be no need for the working class to enjoy the hope of personal and financial success. Rather, the needs of the working class will be provided for at a basic level that ensures obedience and continued work.

As Orwellian as all that sounds, it is EXACTLY what the dark, horrific underbelly of the power elite is working diligently toward. And we are very near the end-game.
"Build Back Better" really just means tear the damn thing down.
The issue is idealists don’t deal in reality… in a best case scenario we are probably 25 years from being able to detach from fossil fuels… they want it done now and without using new nuclear…

And its like that with everything they want… yeah its great to think about ending world hunger, war, murder…

But their answers are not going to actually work in real life…
The issue is idealists don’t deal in reality… in a best case scenario we are probably 25 years from being able to detach from fossil fuels… they want it done now and without using new nuclear…

And its like that with everything they want… yeah its great to think about ending world hunger, war, murder…

But their answers are not going to actually work in real life…
Let me introduce you to............



It's time to break up the union.

That's an essential need at this point. We're obviously not going to get a constitutional convention to iron this mess out. Too many corrupt politicians and ignorant comfortable citizens who will gladly give up liberty and freedom willingly.

I'd love for anyone to tell me how we don't go under on the path we're going.
Steeltime once again lists his recommended requirements for those seeking public office:
  • All candidates must pass a three-day test covering the state or Federal Constitution (depending on the office sought), economics, and civics. Combined essay and multiple choice. Don't pass? Can't run. Barbers need to pass an exam for crying out loud, but NOT politicians?!?
  • Every word spoken by a candidate must be written by the candidate, no exceptions. Let's hear what the candidate has to say, not some speechwriter. Violation results in immediate removal from office, forfeiture of all salary, and a preclusion against running for any public office ever again. No more teleprompter candidates, bumbling through some speech he or she had no role in writing.
  • All candidates must have either worked in private industry for at least 10 years, served active duty in the military for at least 10 years, run a private business for at least five years, or served combat duty in the military for at least five years. No exceptions.
  • All elected officials are paid no more than 125% of the median income of the population they represent. (Ron's contribution.) Gives the hacks incentive to help their constituents rather than some Chinese company funneling them money. Speaking of which ...
  • Politicians can raise as much money as they want for their campaigns, but (1) don't keep the money when the retire or are voted out and (2) can spend the money only on their own campaigns. No using popular fundraising douchebags to drag incompetent ******** across the finish line.
posted in the Biden saving us thread, but is appropriate here, too.

I don't know what I fear more - (D)imbos lying about printing and spending trillions of unbacked (meaning no increase in goods and services to accompany the printed currency) dollars having no effect on inflation, or (D)imbos being so goddamn stupid that they believe printing and spending trillions of unbacked dollars will not further drive up inflation.
Words matter. They really do. Particularly when they are the core slogan of a major political agenda.

"Build Back Better!" It sounds nice. I mean, who wouldn't want their kitchen or their bathroom or their garage to be "better"? Course you would. But imagine, for a moment, that you make your living in the construction business. If you were tasked with "building my bathroom back better" what would that require of you?

Well, you'd have to demolish my current bathroom. Subsequently, I would need to make plans to use my OTHER bathroom, or if I didn't HAVE a 2nd bathroom, I'd need to figure out how to deal with my day to day toiletry needs.

In order to "build back better" the people pushing this slogan are gaslighting the idea that we need to utterly tear down our country. We have to. There is no way to build back better without utterly demolishing the current structure, possibly right down to the foundations. And I don't think people understand what that means. I really don't. I think most people are "frogs in the water" noticing that it seems to be getting warmer, but you know, we're adjusting.

When a Biden nominee says in a filmed interview that she hopes that the majority of small businesses in the coal and oil industry go bankrupt, that should be beyond alarming for Americans. You can love or hate fossil fuels, but the fact is, the entire world is built on fossil fuel. The economy of the entire world is supported with fossil fuel. And when somebody suggests we just demolish one of the core supports for the entire country and world economy, that should freak people out.

What the folks in charge are attempting to do, (but what they would never say outright or publicly) is that they are definitely, unapologetically attempting to crash our economy. They want the U.S., hell the entire world, to fall into an economic depression that makes the Great Depression look like a bad tip night at work. They want widespread, universal poverty that will force people to succumb to the will of the leadership in order to carve out a tolerable existence.

And do you know how the Great Depression really got kicked off? What it did for the power elite in this country? Many factors lead to the economic turmoil that evolved into the Great Depression, but a major catalyst for absolute economic collapse was a precipitous stock market failure. Many people don't know that this stock market failure was absolutely engineered and carried out by the wealthiest members of our society. They chose their moment and then universally, dumped their ownership in markets, collecting a neat profit on the investments they made. This caused a panic which eventually grew into a full blown economic collapse. Banks were run upon and they didn't have the tangible, physical assets to cover peoples' accounts and subsequently, they began failing. As they did, panic only increased.

As we know, the result was mass unemployment or under-employment. Countless people lost their homes and their land to banks that were allowed to foreclose despite having failed to honor their own commitments earlier when the crash occurred. And what were the mega-wealthy doing? They were waiting. Waiting for the value of industry, commerce and the very economic foundation of the country to hit rock bottom. And when it did... They bought. They invested massively at insultingly low prices. They increased their holdings and their wealth geometrically. And then they happily watched as we were propelled into a world war. Then, manufacturing needs, food needs, medicinal needs, really all aspects of economic society exploded. And those wealthy magnates watched gleefully as all the pieces of economy they'd just stolen burgeoned into financial windfalls.

And you'd better believe, these people are attempting to do the very same thing again. They are only too happy to destroy the economy of the country and with it countless lives in order to later "pick up the pieces" and secure a massive haul of commerce. And along the way, a working class must be preserved so a new economic boon can be engineered. But moving forward, there shall be no need for the working class to enjoy the hope of personal and financial success. Rather, the needs of the working class will be provided for at a basic level that ensures obedience and continued work.

As Orwellian as all that sounds, it is EXACTLY what the dark, horrific underbelly of the power elite is working diligently toward. And we are very near the end-game.
Bill Gates owns more farmland in the US than anyone else. Think about why that might be.
That's an essential need at this point. We're obviously not going to get a constitutional convention to iron this mess out. Too many corrupt politicians and ignorant comfortable citizens who will gladly give up liberty and freedom willingly.

I'd love for anyone to tell me how we don't go under on the path we're going.
Lets see how the midterms turn out… the black and hispanic vote are both rapidly breaking with the dems, and the far left progressives are moving toward their own socialist party rather than vote for centric dems…

Breaking up the country is a terrible idea… it won’t work the way people think… California is too valuable and ultimately if you abandon it, they will fail miserably and a hostile country will end up with a foothold on the continent… that would be a huge problem….

Its fixable… first thing that has to be done is to seriously curtail the inflation these idiots started before it exponentially increases

Secondly reopen the pipelines and get the utilities costs down… and shore up the power grid

Thirdly use tax breaks to incentivize supply chain workers to return

as soon as possible start fixing the urban issues where repubs or independents have control… that would go a long way to showing that they seriously are looking to fix things

As a peace offering to the libs, socialize catestrophic illness coverage… leave regular heathcare private, but have the government take care of the absolute terrible stuff that destroys people lives and don’t let pharm companies exploit the American public anymore.. you can significantly cut costs on that stuff if the profit margins were capped on certain treatments…

Revamp all the three letter orgs…

The trick is getting term limits and voter security…

Cut school back into ten grades where you graduate at 16 or 17, put the extra teachers back into the other grades to cut class size.. this not only gets a better teacher to student ratio, it also cuts back on the age young adults reach the workforce to get them ahead on experience and adult life

Create a National certification program to minimize the value of college for most jobs

Replace the income tax for every citizen with a National sales tax with the exception of people who clear 10 or 20 times the average salary in the country and anyone moving money outside of the country…

There are literally hundreds of great ideas that are affordable and in some cases profitable that should appease both sides…

Its salvageable… they want the civil war… they want an excuse for the un to intervene in this country… don’t give it to them
Lets see how the midterms turn out… the black and hispanic vote are both rapidly breaking with the dems, and the far left progressives are moving toward their own socialist party rather than vote for centric dems…

Breaking up the country is a terrible idea… it won’t work the way people think… California is too valuable and ultimately if you abandon it, they will fail miserably and a hostile country will end up with a foothold on the continent… that would be a huge problem….

Its fixable… first thing that has to be done is to seriously curtail the inflation these idiots started before it exponentially increases

Secondly reopen the pipelines and get the utilities costs down… and shore up the power grid

Thirdly use tax breaks to incentivize supply chain workers to return

as soon as possible start fixing the urban issues where repubs or independents have control… that would go a long way to showing that they seriously are looking to fix things

As a peace offering to the libs, socialize catestrophic illness coverage… leave regular heathcare private, but have the government take care of the absolute terrible stuff that destroys people lives and don’t let pharm companies exploit the American public anymore.. you can significantly cut costs on that stuff if the profit margins were capped on certain treatments…

Revamp all the three letter orgs…

The trick is getting term limits and voter security…

Cut school back into ten grades where you graduate at 16 or 17, put the extra teachers back into the other grades to cut class size.. this not only gets a better teacher to student ratio, it also cuts back on the age young adults reach the workforce to get them ahead on experience and adult life

Create a National certification program to minimize the value of college for most jobs

Replace the income tax for every citizen with a National sales tax with the exception of people who clear 10 or 20 times the average salary in the country and anyone moving money outside of the country…

There are literally hundreds of great ideas that are affordable and in some cases profitable that should appease both sides…

Its salvageable… they want the civil war… they want an excuse for the un to intervene in this country… don’t give it to them

None of that stuff they will ever allow to happen. Those are dreams. You'd basically have to dissolve the demoncrat party and have it replaced. They're deeply rooted in all things.

The UN? They'd get shot up pretty quick.
None of that stuff they will ever allow to happen. Those are dreams. You'd basically have to dissolve the demoncrat party and have it replaced. They're deeply rooted in all things.

The UN? They'd get shot up pretty quick.
Its not really the Democrats that are the major issue, though that currently is the party causing the problems, its the globalist wing in both parties… they want unfettered access to worldwide resources and want to trim world population in short they want unified control, and that is very dangerous…

The Democrats are doomed to collapse soon. They have been using the two party system to play everyone off the other side and polarize the country, but the dems are a whole bunch of incompatible pieces held together by a common enemy

As more dems jump ship its going to be harder to keep tge communist wing from breaking off and doing their own thing and the moderates are fleeing to the republicans already… as black and Hispanic people continue to leave, its going to be harder to win elections cheating or not…

The republicans are like three groups tied together now.. tgey arent as fragmented… the important thing for them is as tge pendulum swings their way, get things accomplished and dont let the globalist waylay their agendas
Lets see how the midterms turn out… the black and hispanic vote are both rapidly breaking with the dems, and the far left progressives are moving toward their own socialist party rather than vote for centric dems…
The Dims are in kamikaze mode right now. They don’t care if they lose 100 seats in Congress, they don’t care if Biden’s approval rating drops to 5%, they don’t care. The goal is to put stuff in place that can’t be gotten rid of so it’s in place when they come back into power. A normal party would look at the VA election and say we’re moved too far Left to win. The Dims look at it and say our time is limited and we’ve got to move fast. The only things standing in the way are an old-school Labor Democrat from WV and a bisexual hottie from AZ.
The Dims are in kamikaze mode right now. They don’t care if they lose 100 seats in Congress, they don’t care if Biden’s approval rating drops to 5%, they don’t care. The goal is to put stuff in place that can’t be gotten rid of so it’s in place when they come back into power. A normal party would look at the VA election and say we’re moved too far Left to win. The Dims look at it and say our time is limited and we’ve got to move fast. The only things standing in the way are an old-school Labor Democrat from WV and a bisexual hottie from AZ.
Nothing done cant be undone… and honestly some of that infrastructure stuff was inevitable anyhow… the trick is to cut frivolous programs to pay for all this… and those are going to be deep cuts the dems will hate

Until the deficit is paid down no more government cultural programs, no more corporate bailouts or incentives
Nothing done cant be undone… and honestly some of that infrastructure stuff was inevitable anyhow… the trick is to cut frivolous programs to pay for all this… and those are going to be deep cuts the dems will hate

Until the deficit is paid down no more government cultural programs, no more corporate bailouts or incentives
The GOP as currently construed does not have the balls to dial back anything the Dims put in.
Its not really the Democrats that are the major issue, though that currently is the party causing the problems, its the globalist wing in both parties… they want unfettered access to worldwide resources and want to trim world population in short they want unified control, and that is very dangerous…

The Democrats are doomed to collapse soon. They have been using the two party system to play everyone off the other side and polarize the country, but the dems are a whole bunch of incompatible pieces held together by a common enemy

As more dems jump ship its going to be harder to keep tge communist wing from breaking off and doing their own thing and the moderates are fleeing to the republicans already… as black and Hispanic people continue to leave, its going to be harder to win elections cheating or not…

The republicans are like three groups tied together now.. tgey arent as fragmented… the important thing for them is as tge pendulum swings their way, get things accomplished and dont let the globalist waylay their agendas
Gas prices can be a winning issue for the GOP. Only the hardcore urban white Liberals want high gas prices and everyone in electric cars. Blacks like big SUV’s and Hispanics like big lifted 4x4’s and classic cars. You want to scare the **** out of the Dims have Trump go to a big car cruise in East L.A. full of lowrider clubs and talk about energy independence.
The GOP as currently construed does not have the balls to dial back anything the Dims put in.
But its changing more day by day… the moderate swing to republicans is swift and honestly the people switching over are angry and motivated… I don’t think they are voting for rinos …
But its changing more day by day… the moderate swing to republicans is swift and honestly the people switching over are angry and motivated… I don’t think they are voting for rinos …
Agree. We need to primary some Rinos. Rino Pat Toomey is not running for reelection but there are already TV commercials for Sean Parnell who probably won his House race but for voter fraud, and some lady whose ads show her with Trump and says we don’t want more Rino losers and flashes a picture of Mitt Romney.
Bill Gates owns more farmland in the US than anyone else. Think about why that might be.

He doesn't want cows to fart anymore? Make us go hungry? Probably. In all seriousness, I don't know but I'll look it up. It can't be good though...

And do you know how the Great Depression really got kicked off? What it did for the power elite in this country?

wig, that was well-written.

My grandfather was in the oil and gas business (small guy that drilled the wells) and I remember him telling me as a child how bad the depression was. He tried to keep things simple for my young mind. Unfortunately he died before I really understood anything. But yeah, the rich get richer and it's a dog eat dog world.
He doesn't want cows to fart anymore? Make us go hungry? Probably. In all seriousness, I don't know but I'll look it up. It can't be good though...
either farming subsidies or he wants to control the food supply.
Agree. We need to primary some Rinos. Rino Pat Toomey is not running for reelection but there are already TV commercials for Sean Parnell who probably won his House race but for voter fraud, and some lady whose ads show her with Trump and says we don’t want more Rino losers and flashes a picture of Mitt Romney.
The simple minded are easily deceived and influenced by catch phrases.

No doubt. Just look at the exact talking points from the MSM that are regurgitated over and over.