Words matter. They really do. Particularly when they are the core slogan of a major political agenda.
"Build Back Better!" It sounds nice. I mean, who wouldn't want their kitchen or their bathroom or their garage to be "better"? Course you would. But imagine, for a moment, that you make your living in the construction business. If you were tasked with "building my bathroom back better" what would that require of you?
Well, you'd have to demolish my current bathroom. Subsequently, I would need to make plans to use my OTHER bathroom, or if I didn't HAVE a 2nd bathroom, I'd need to figure out how to deal with my day to day toiletry needs.
In order to "build back better" the people pushing this slogan are gaslighting the idea that we need to utterly tear down our country. We have to. There is no way to build back better without utterly demolishing the current structure, possibly right down to the foundations. And I don't think people understand what that means. I really don't. I think most people are "frogs in the water" noticing that it seems to be getting warmer, but you know, we're adjusting.
When a Biden nominee says in a filmed interview that she hopes that the majority of small businesses in the coal and oil industry go bankrupt, that should be beyond alarming for Americans. You can love or hate fossil fuels, but the fact is, the entire world is built on fossil fuel. The economy of the entire world is supported with fossil fuel. And when somebody suggests we just demolish one of the core supports for the entire country and world economy, that should freak people out.
What the folks in charge are attempting to do, (but what they would never say outright or publicly) is that they are definitely, unapologetically attempting to crash our economy. They want the U.S., hell the entire world, to fall into an economic depression that makes the Great Depression look like a bad tip night at work. They want widespread, universal poverty that will force people to succumb to the will of the leadership in order to carve out a tolerable existence.
And do you know how the Great Depression really got kicked off? What it did for the power elite in this country? Many factors lead to the economic turmoil that evolved into the Great Depression, but a major catalyst for absolute economic collapse was a precipitous stock market failure. Many people don't know that this stock market failure was absolutely engineered and carried out by the wealthiest members of our society. They chose their moment and then universally, dumped their ownership in markets, collecting a neat profit on the investments they made. This caused a panic which eventually grew into a full blown economic collapse. Banks were run upon and they didn't have the tangible, physical assets to cover peoples' accounts and subsequently, they began failing. As they did, panic only increased.
As we know, the result was mass unemployment or under-employment. Countless people lost their homes and their land to banks that were allowed to foreclose despite having failed to honor their own commitments earlier when the crash occurred. And what were the mega-wealthy doing? They were waiting. Waiting for the value of industry, commerce and the very economic foundation of the country to hit rock bottom. And when it did... They bought. They invested massively at insultingly low prices. They increased their holdings and their wealth geometrically. And then they happily watched as we were propelled into a world war. Then, manufacturing needs, food needs, medicinal needs, really all aspects of economic society exploded. And those wealthy magnates watched gleefully as all the pieces of economy they'd just stolen burgeoned into financial windfalls.
And you'd better believe, these people are attempting to do the very same thing again. They are only too happy to destroy the economy of the country and with it countless lives in order to later "pick up the pieces" and secure a massive haul of commerce. And along the way, a working class must be preserved so a new economic boon can be engineered. But moving forward, there shall be no need for the working class to enjoy the hope of personal and financial success. Rather, the needs of the working class will be provided for at a basic level that ensures obedience and continued work.
As Orwellian as all that sounds, it is EXACTLY what the dark, horrific underbelly of the power elite is working diligently toward. And we are very near the end-game.