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I really think a majority of people don't understand this...

Its the Democrats are doomed to collapse soon. They have been using the two party system to play everyone off the other side and polarize the country, but the dems are a whole bunch of incompatible pieces held together by a common enemy.
It took 30 years for them to figure it out but Labor is finally leaving the Dims in large numbers after realizing that they've never delivered on the jobs they've promised and real job growth and demand for labor happens under Republicans. The Dims side with the Greenies over Labor every time. The Dims side with China over Labor every time.
It took 30 years for them to figure it out but Labor is finally leaving the Dims in large numbers after realizing that they've never delivered on the jobs they've promised and real job growth and demand for labor happens under Republicans. The Dims side with the Greenies over Labor every time. The Dims side with China over Labor every time.
Labor is gone for the dems outside of tge corrupt union leaders

The Hispanics realized that the dems are only interested in their vote and are absolutely not aligned with anything that matters to them… the whole deport illegals thing isn’t holding them anymore

And what nobody is talking about is the black vote is shifting too… especially after the mandate … BLM didn’t really help them the way they wanted either because all that damage was done to black communities and in democrat run areas that refused to help

the problem becomes if enough people bail, you cant win an election outright and you can’t reasonably tweak election numbers in your direction… the dems lost rural Americans for good probably… lost labor, are losing the suburbs, and at least losing a solid portion of the urban vote…

Decades of broken promises coupled with an absurd power grab during this mess have scared the moderates right… and broken the rhetoric hold on so many people because they see their policies not working in actual real life, while Republican areas are getting by a lot better…

The big question is can the Republicans, who often screw things up by not acting on them, actually cement the vote they are getting now by actually having visionary solutions to the issues that currently plague the voters switching to them
Agree. We need to primary some Rinos. Rino Pat Toomey is not running for reelection but there are already TV commercials for Sean Parnell who probably won his House race but for voter fraud, and some lady whose ads show her with Trump and says we don’t want more Rino losers and flashes a picture of Mitt Romney.
Parnell is getting some bad local news via his child custody battle. Wonder how this will play out. Local media is not his friend.
Parnell is getting some bad local news via his child custody battle. Wonder how this will play out. Local media is not his friend.
He claims everything is false but we know how the local media will cover it.
The big question is can the Republicans, who often screw things up by not acting on them, actually cement the vote they are getting now by actually having visionary solutions to the issues that currently plague the voters switching to them
The solution is fairly simple. Elect more Trump Republicans like Ron DeSantis.

Words matter. They really do. Particularly when they are the core slogan of a major political agenda.

"Build Back Better!" It sounds nice. I mean, who wouldn't want their kitchen or their bathroom or their garage to be "better"? Course you would. But imagine, for a moment, that you make your living in the construction business. If you were tasked with "building my bathroom back better" what would that require of you?

Well, you'd have to demolish my current bathroom. Subsequently, I would need to make plans to use my OTHER bathroom, or if I didn't HAVE a 2nd bathroom, I'd need to figure out how to deal with my day to day toiletry needs.

In order to "build back better" the people pushing this slogan are gaslighting the idea that we need to utterly tear down our country. We have to. There is no way to build back better without utterly demolishing the current structure, possibly right down to the foundations. And I don't think people understand what that means. I really don't. I think most people are "frogs in the water" noticing that it seems to be getting warmer, but you know, we're adjusting.

When a Biden nominee says in a filmed interview that she hopes that the majority of small businesses in the coal and oil industry go bankrupt, that should be beyond alarming for Americans. You can love or hate fossil fuels, but the fact is, the entire world is built on fossil fuel. The economy of the entire world is supported with fossil fuel. And when somebody suggests we just demolish one of the core supports for the entire country and world economy, that should freak people out.

What the folks in charge are attempting to do, (but what they would never say outright or publicly) is that they are definitely, unapologetically attempting to crash our economy. They want the U.S., hell the entire world, to fall into an economic depression that makes the Great Depression look like a bad tip night at work. They want widespread, universal poverty that will force people to succumb to the will of the leadership in order to carve out a tolerable existence.

And do you know how the Great Depression really got kicked off? What it did for the power elite in this country? Many factors lead to the economic turmoil that evolved into the Great Depression, but a major catalyst for absolute economic collapse was a precipitous stock market failure. Many people don't know that this stock market failure was absolutely engineered and carried out by the wealthiest members of our society. They chose their moment and then universally, dumped their ownership in markets, collecting a neat profit on the investments they made. This caused a panic which eventually grew into a full blown economic collapse. Banks were run upon and they didn't have the tangible, physical assets to cover peoples' accounts and subsequently, they began failing. As they did, panic only increased.

As we know, the result was mass unemployment or under-employment. Countless people lost their homes and their land to banks that were allowed to foreclose despite having failed to honor their own commitments earlier when the crash occurred. And what were the mega-wealthy doing? They were waiting. Waiting for the value of industry, commerce and the very economic foundation of the country to hit rock bottom. And when it did... They bought. They invested massively at insultingly low prices. They increased their holdings and their wealth geometrically. And then they happily watched as we were propelled into a world war. Then, manufacturing needs, food needs, medicinal needs, really all aspects of economic society exploded. And those wealthy magnates watched gleefully as all the pieces of economy they'd just stolen burgeoned into financial windfalls.

And you'd better believe, these people are attempting to do the very same thing again. They are only too happy to destroy the economy of the country and with it countless lives in order to later "pick up the pieces" and secure a massive haul of commerce. And along the way, a working class must be preserved so a new economic boon can be engineered. But moving forward, there shall be no need for the working class to enjoy the hope of personal and financial success. Rather, the needs of the working class will be provided for at a basic level that ensures obedience and continued work.

As Orwellian as all that sounds, it is EXACTLY what the dark, horrific underbelly of the power elite is working diligently toward. And we are very near the end-game.
Great point
Its not really the Democrats that are the major issue, though that currently is the party causing the problems, its the globalist wing in both parties… they want unfettered access to worldwide resources and want to trim world population in short they want unified control, and that is very dangerous…

The Democrats are doomed to collapse soon. They have been using the two party system to play everyone off the other side and polarize the country, but the dems are a whole bunch of incompatible pieces held together by a common enemy

As more dems jump ship its going to be harder to keep tge communist wing from breaking off and doing their own thing and the moderates are fleeing to the republicans already… as black and Hispanic people continue to leave, its going to be harder to win elections cheating or not…

The republicans are like three groups tied together now.. tgey arent as fragmented… the important thing for them is as tge pendulum swings their way, get things accomplished and dont let the globalist waylay their agendas
Part of the issue the two-party system somewhat collapsing is that when one party is in "power" all the other fragmented groups easily start to unite against them. No party can stay in power for long. And when one party is in power, Congress is so corrupt and useless, the only way to get anything done is these humongous bills so large they can hide the fat and payoffs to get the votes (from WITHIN THEIR PARTY).

I mean, Congress has always somewhat operated like that, but it is as bad as it's ever been.

And while Congress argues, we are being governed by regulations and executive branch "choice enforcement". I mean, the executive branch doesn't even hide it anymore. The laws from Congress (because they were in bloated bills in the first place) are so convoluted and confusing, the executive branch can arguably "enforce" any law they want to and however left/right they want to and no one cares. How can a law not be a law? When it can be "interpreted and enforced" in a wide range of ways.

So we have no laws. We have no Congress. The executive branch has way too much power, but without them, all would be chaos. The court system is the last bastion of logic, but unfortunately, they sometimes take 2-5 years to resolve any issues, which is a lifetime when we are headed towards a bouncing back-and-forth executive branch governance.

Unfortunately, I don't see anything changing very soon. One or two super large, pork filled spending bills will come out of every presidential term, much of it ending up in court. We're definitely headed back to Republican control of congress, and nothing will happen in Biden's remaining two years in office. Come 2024, I think a Republican wins, but again, only two years to get anything done, then the democrats will re-gain congress and the process repeats itself (because the idiot Republicans in power will screw things up from 2024-2026 and the whole country will hate them by then).

It really comes down to neither party understanding HOW TO GOVERN when in control. They think they have some huge mandate for all these extreme ideas and they don't. That applies to the Republicans as well. Winning is NOT A MANDATE on anything you believe anymore. It's really because voters just hate who's in power that much.

For some reason, politicians are so full of ego, they can't figure this out. We really don't like any of them.
Until the deficit is paid down no more government cultural programs, no more corporate bailouts or incentives
So if GM goes bankrupt, you don't mind permanently losing 40% of your retirement, just like that?

There's a reason government is forced to sustain some of these big companies and it is mostly tied to the fact that most IRA accounts for Americans are heavily invested in these large corporations. If they go bankrupt, all the money invested in them, all YOUR retirement, is just gone.

What needs to happen is Americans need to start looking at their retirement accounts and getting their brokers to move them OUT of these large companies. Sure, they offer great stability, but if they ever fail... you be ******.
Part of the issue the two-party system somewhat collapsing is that when one party is in "power" all the other fragmented groups easily start to unite against them. No party can stay in power for long. And when one party is in power, Congress is so corrupt and useless, the only way to get anything done is these humongous bills so large they can hide the fat and payoffs to get the votes (from WITHIN THEIR PARTY).

I mean, Congress has always somewhat operated like that, but it is as bad as it's ever been.

And while Congress argues, we are being governed by regulations and executive branch "choice enforcement". I mean, the executive branch doesn't even hide it anymore. The laws from Congress (because they were in bloated bills in the first place) are so convoluted and confusing, the executive branch can arguably "enforce" any law they want to and however left/right they want to and no one cares. How can a law not be a law? When it can be "interpreted and enforced" in a wide range of ways.

So we have no laws. We have no Congress. The executive branch has way too much power, but without them, all would be chaos. The court system is the last bastion of logic, but unfortunately, they sometimes take 2-5 years to resolve any issues, which is a lifetime when we are headed towards a bouncing back-and-forth executive branch governance.

Unfortunately, I don't see anything changing very soon. One or two super large, pork filled spending bills will come out of every presidential term, much of it ending up in court. We're definitely headed back to Republican control of congress, and nothing will happen in Biden's remaining two years in office. Come 2024, I think a Republican wins, but again, only two years to get anything done, then the democrats will re-gain congress and the process repeats itself (because the idiot Republicans in power will screw things up from 2024-2026 and the whole country will hate them by then).

It really comes down to neither party understanding HOW TO GOVERN when in control. They think they have some huge mandate for all these extreme ideas and they don't. That applies to the Republicans as well. Winning is NOT A MANDATE on anything you believe anymore. It's really because voters just hate who's in power that much.

For some reason, politicians are so full of ego, they can't figure this out. We really don't like any of them.
Other countries that have splintered parties create coalitions to rule… its not quite the same because any one segment could leave the coalition and they lose tgeir majority status… so you have to appease everyone… and often the far left or far right can be left out of a moderate coalition and marginalized… its not that much different than an independent caucusing with one party or tge other… they can switch on a whim if they don’t get what they want… which is how independents like Bernie Sanders get so prominent
Other countries that have splintered parties create coalitions to rule… its not quite the same because any one segment could leave the coalition and they lose tgeir majority status… so you have to appease everyone… and often the far left or far right can be left out of a moderate coalition and marginalized… its not that much different than an independent caucusing with one party or tge other… they can switch on a whim if they don’t get what they want… which is how independents like Bernie Sanders get so prominent

I agree it isn't just us and our system that is having problems. Extremism in however many parties are involved is rampant throughout the western world right now.

I really do think the ineffectiveness of representative legislatures throughout the world has led to the rise and acceptance of more authoritative governments. I think it is very easy for authoritative figures like Putin, Xi, and Erdogan (for instance) to say "look at how silly the western governments are", "look at how they get nothing done while we can pass new laws quickly and efficiently".

I mean, I'm about as in love and a proponent of our Constitution as any person on earth. I think it's the greatest document ever written. But when our congress acts the way it does, I can see it being difficult to convince another country to adopt our government and structure.

What I do think works in the United States' favor is the fact on a state and local level, representative legislative branches ARE working. That's why I often just wish the federal government would just stop ******* around the get out of the way. Let the states, both the red and blue ones, just make their own rules and the people/economy/results will tell the tale in the long run.

We're kind of unique that way vs. other western republics/democracies. Our state power clauses are very, very strong. I just wish our federal government would realize their place and quit acting like they are democratically elected and have some sort of all powerful mandate when they win.
I agree it isn't just us and our system that is having problems. Extremism in however many parties are involved is rampant throughout the western world right now.

I really do think the ineffectiveness of representative legislatures throughout the world has led to the rise and acceptance of more authoritative governments. I think it is very easy for authoritative figures like Putin, Xi, and Erdogan (for instance) to say "look at how silly the western governments are", "look at how they get nothing done while we can pass new laws quickly and efficiently".

I mean, I'm about as in love and a proponent of our Constitution as any person on earth. I think it's the greatest document ever written. But when our congress acts the way it does, I can see it being difficult to convince another country to adopt our government and structure.

What I do think works in the United States' favor is the fact on a state and local level, representative legislative branches ARE working. That's why I often just wish the federal government would just stop ******* around the get out of the way. Let the states, both the red and blue ones, just make their own rules and the people/economy/results will tell the tale in the long run.

We're kind of unique that way vs. other western republics/democracies. Our state power clauses are very, very strong. I just wish our federal government would realize their place and quit acting like they are democratically elected and have some sort of all powerful mandate when they win.
Basically the better points of the libertarian party are its “let tge states and individuals make most of the choices about things “ mindset… the federal government needs to seriously limit itself to foreign policy and defense and stay out of day to day life