Nobody makes up rules on the fly Bob. I get your obnoxious troll schtick but try to be somewhat accurate. Simple rule that has been around forever leave people's families out of conversations. That school yard banter is only popular in school. Here is a novel idea in-between all your foaming spitfire of drivel try I mean try to sprinkle some actual football talk in. If you really want to square off with someone try coach or like we like to refer to him as cooch. I am sure you two could ham it up have a real barn burner. Swap drool, party

like it's 1999.
Oh really? Since no one is making up rules on the fly, and since you appear to be such a stickler for accuracy, show me just where in the hell in the forum rules it states that I can't talk about your mama, b----?
1. Treat other members with the respect they deserve. This should go without saying, but treat others like you would like to be treated!
2. Insulting and flaming or personal attacks against forum staff will be not tolerated.
3. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed and you will be banned.
4. Please do not post threads text in all CAPITALS since this is considered to be shouting and is not necessary.
5. Please refrain from posting images larger than 600x400. This is considerate to members with slow internet speeds, and keeps the forum looking tidy.
6. No hacking, and illegal activity, such as torrents and illegal downloads, this will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, may be reported to local authority.
7. Please do not post inappropriate material, I think everyone understands what I mean by this. Don't post naked pictures, or link to anything that has porn on it.
8. No wishing death upon another member, or members family under any condition. Jokes about death or wishing someone to die or hang themselves will not be tolerated in any instance.
I think these rules are clear, and easy to follow. These are only in place to ensure our community is a fun place to be, and a comfortable atmosphere for all.
^Oh look! No such rule actually exists. And as the site admin stated above, "the rules are clear". So, maybe it's best that you know what the hell you are talking about before coming here to flap your yap, gump. Otherwise, I'll have no other choice but to make you look like the stooge that you are and sit you down in the same corner that I already placed your butt-buddy, Stools.