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I'm getting that baaad feeling again...

Now that we are seeing what is actually going on behind the scenes, some of these conspiracy theories seem more plausible. It's amazing how much of the information we get is completely manipulated.

I mean biased, yes, we knew that...but completely and entirely manipulated far beyond what a lot of us could have imagined.

It's like the curtain is being ripped open and we are all getting our first real peeks at how the Wonderful Wizard works.

Anyone with a working brain who even attempts at realizing the truth can see past all their total bull ****. Those who are too afraid of the truth avoid it, because they couldn't make it through the day realizing what was really going on in the world. But over all, people are waking up. And the pansies that can't handle the truth will be ******** their pants soon.
No doubt. But, Hillary/The Clinton's are at the epicenter of the corruption. Trump truly is the outsider even with the GOP establishment. When Trump takes office, I want to see heads rolling. The corruption needs to go.

Think of the press conference when Congress sends him a bill with so much pork the paper smells like bacon....

Would any other President call out his party and expose the **** that goes into our laws to pay donors and big business off?

This is what I so desperately hope. Because if anything is to hold true and lead us back to some semblance of government of the people, by the people and for the people it is to get back to being a NATION OF LAWS.

And stop creating laws that have so much verbiage and clutter and fat and payoffs that only an elite few can navigate through the bullshit.

We already see what the DNC and Clintons think of our laws. They don't care. Laws don't apply to them. Laws can be enforced in a pick and choose method to benefit "friends". And I KNOW the Republicans and probably just as bad.

When the law doesn't mean anything. When new laws creates are "books" of legalese and hidden payoffs, our government really is broken.
As far as the Hillary and DNC corruption that's come to light via wikileaks & leaked emails. For the record I'd like to throw up a big, bright warning to all you on the other side, that if your think for a second this is soley a DNC or Hillary Clinton issue you are in for a huge shock. I will bet every last cent I have to my name that the Republican party is at least as corrupt, probably more so. God forbid someone started airing GOP internal memos and confidential emails....or even worse, those from within the Trump organization and his campaign. The gloating would come to a screeching halt. There would be dead silence on this board. That is not rationalizing or defending the rotten core that is the Clinton machine, or the corrupt DNC. Not at all. There's a reason I've stood with Bernie Sanders from way back when. But the popping of champagne and celebration from the right that's come with all this Hillary/DNC dirty laundry is disingenious and cynical. Prepare yourselves to defend Trump and others on the right, if and when their discretions are brought to light. Remember the high horse you were riding when you scoffed at Hillary and the DNC. And there's no doubt they are corrupt as ****. But it is systematic in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.
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As far as the Hillary and DNC corruption that's come to light via wikileaks & leaked emails. For the record I'd like to throw up a big, bright warning to all you on the other side, that if your think for a second this is soley a DNC or Hillary Clinton issue you are in for a huge shock. I will bet every last cent I have to my name that the Republican party is at least as corrupt, probably more so. God forbid someone started airing GOP internal memos and confidential emails....or even worse, those from within the Trump organization and his campaign. The gloating would come to a screeching halt. There would be dead silence on this board. That is not rationalizing or defending the rotten core that is the Clinton machine, or the corrupt DNC. Not at all. There's a reason I've stood with Bernie Sanders from way back when. But the popping of champagne and celebration from the right that's come with all this Hillary/DNC dirty laundry is disingenious and cynical. Prepare yourselves to defend Trump and others on the right, if and when their discretions are brought to light. Remember the high horse you were riding when you scoffed at Hillary and the DNC. And there's no doubt they are corrupt as ****. But it is systematic in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.

Tibs you might be right but I don't think you are. Is there corruption on both sides? Absolutely. But I think it is far more ingrained on the left as this whole election is evidence of. If the Right was as corrupt as you say then Trump would never have won the primary election. It would have been stacked against him just like Hillary did to Bernie with the full collusion of the DNC. Maybe they are just not as good at it as the Dems but in Project Veritas Video the guy even states that they can do this and win because the Republicans like to follow the rules too much. The democratic corruption can be directly traced to Chicago and the Chicago political machine way of doing things. That is one of the reasons I have never supported a Democratic candidate.
The founding fathers were government for the people by the people. They were in touch with reality. Politicians now a days have no clue what the real world (middle class) is like. I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves about some of the stuff going on today.
As far as the Hillary and DNC corruption that's come to light via wikileaks & leaked emails. For the record I'd like to throw up a big, bright warning to all you on the other side, that if your think for a second this is soley a DNC or Hillary Clinton issue you are in for a huge shock. I will bet every last cent I have to my name that the Republican party is at least as corrupt, probably more so. God forbid someone started airing GOP internal memos and confidential emails....or even worse, those from within the Trump organization and his campaign. The gloating would come to a screeching halt. There would be dead silence on this board. That is not rationalizing or defending the rotten core that is the Clinton machine, or the corrupt DNC. Not at all. There's a reason I've stood with Bernie Sanders from way back when. But the popping of champagne and celebration from the right that's come with all this Hillary/DNC dirty laundry is disingenious and cynical. Prepare yourselves to defend Trump and others on the right, if and when their discretions are brought to light. Remember the high horse you were riding when you scoffed at Hillary and the DNC. And there's no doubt they are corrupt as ****. But it is systematic in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.

but, see, those of us voting FOR Trump are voting more out of spite of the blatant corruption as evidenced by Hillary. Most of us know Trump isn't the ideal presidential candidate, warts and all. But we are also tired of the same old bullshit fed to us time and time again by career politicians who do not a ******* thing but line each other's pockets with taxpayer money. Look at the wealth they've accumulated by being career politicians. Their constituents are struggling week to week, but these ******* are raking in the pork and taxpayer money, trying to decide over which new house to buy and where to vacation. Meanwhile the middle class is wondering how to pay bills and provide gifts for Christmas. Surely to god, jehovah, or any other deity, you can see the hypocrisy from BOTH the (R) and (D). None of them like Trump. The R are backing him reluctantly. It's absolutely preposterous to think the Ds are going to turn anything around since they've put forth another career politician. Trump, despite all the bullshit, has proven he can at LEAST create jobs. Yeah, you'll point to his loan of a million bucks, but what's his worth NOW?

BOTH sides of the aisle are corrupted and ****** up. Sleazy and low. Can't support any more career politicians, so may as well support the least politically correct ****** available.
Is there corruption on both sides? Absolutely. But I think it is far more ingrained on the left as this whole election is evidence of.
And why is that? Because wikileaks, Russian hackers, DNC leaks happened to publish internal correspondence from the left. Curious, isn't it, that there have been no leaks from the right. Are you suggesting, if the public was privy to hundreds of thousands of confidential, internal emails from GOP politicians, operatives, or Trump and his team, that it would be an entirely different situation? It would be an absurd level of naivity to think so.
And why is that? Because wikileaks, Russian hackers, DNC leaks happened to publish internal correspondence from the left. Curious, isn't it, that there have been no leaks from the right. Are you suggesting, if the public was privy to hundreds of thousands of confidential, internal emails from GOP politicians, operatives, or Trump and his team, that it would be an entirely different situation? It would be an absurd level of naivity to think so.

whoa. are you suggesting that the RIGHT - the same ones that are compared to bumbling idiots ******* footballs - were capable of hacking? if so, are you giving them more credit than they deserve?

another aspect -- even IF there is corruption (and there probably is), wouldn't what Hillary has done far outweigh anything else imaginable? Why not accept that Hillary IS corrupt and take it from there?
The founding fathers were government for the people by the people. They were in touch with reality. Politicians now a days have no clue what the real world (middle class) is like. I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves about some of the stuff going on today.
Agreed, but you could make the same argument in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's as well as now. This notion of some innocent, puritan essence of the 'founding fathers' in the 1780's is pretty much a pipe dream and a thing of fantasy, imo.
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Why not accept that Hillary IS corrupt and take it from there?
Again, Supe, that's a mountain of cynicism on your part. Yes, the corruption of Hillary and the DNC is real, true and clearly front and center in this campaign. But to imagine that Trump and the GOP are somehow any less corrupt is delving into fairy tales. You can't possibly think these things are isolated to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Well, actually, I have no way of knowing that.
I don't know anyone who thinks that...only that he couldn't be anywhere near as bad as the alternative, which is government control of everything brought about by one of the most corrupt politicians in US history.

Have you seen the turnout at the rallies? They're drinking the koolaide
And why is that? Because wikileaks, Russian hackers, DNC leaks happened to publish internal correspondence from the left. Curious, isn't it, that there have been no leaks from the right. Are you suggesting, if the public was privy to hundreds of thousands of confidential, internal emails from GOP politicians, operatives, or Trump and his team, that it would be an entirely different situation? It would be an absurd level of naivity to think so.

I think it would be different. Not completely mind you but different. The Democrats have a played by a different set of rules for a long time now and this time it might just come back to bite them in the ***. Had they let the primary play out on its own without rigging and back room deals the Democrats might have fielded a Candidate that Trump would have no chance in beating and I am not talking crazy *** Bernie. I am not sure who that is because Clinton has a this whole thing on ice since 2008.

If the Republicans were as willing to act on their corruptness as the Democrats we probably would have had Bush running.
Can't support any more career politicians, so may as well support the least politically correct ****** available.
Trump is five days away from becoming an 'establishment' politician. Once you become president, it kind of works out that way. You are now the 'system' you've been railing against. I hope he's able to remain the Mother Teresa you see in him, and will rule over the land in a just and transparent manner. I think that's the furthest thing from reality, but I get your drift. I just hope you're not deeply disappointed in what you think you've been supporting to this point, relative to what you get, when the rubber hits the road.
Again, Supe, that's a mountain of cynicism on your part. Yes, the corruption of Hillary and the DNC is real, true and clearly front and center in this campaign. But to imagine that Trump and the GOP are somehow any less corrupt is delving into fairy tales. You can't possibly think these things are isolated to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Well, actually, I have no way of knowing that.

Yes we do! Again Trump winning the Primary is all the proof you need of it being less corrupt. Never would have happened on the Democratic side, see Bernie!
Trump is five days away from becoming an 'establishment' politician. Once you become president, it kind of works out that way. You are now the 'system' you've been railing against. I hope he's able to remain the Mother Teresa you see in him, and will rule over the land in a just and transparent manner. I think that's the furthest thing from reality, but I get your drift. I just hope you're not deeply disappointed in what you think you've been supporting to this point, relative to what you get, when the rubber hits the road.

This unfortunately could very well be true but the other choice is someone already there. I will take my chances with the one who is not yet and vote him out if he fails.
Uh huh...

Why is it my conspiracy senses are just going insane right now?

What are the odds that both Clinton and Trump are dropped from the candidacy at the midnight hour due to cray out-of-the-blue scandals that nobody saw coming?

1% 3%?

That sounds slight, but consider how much greater that is than the odds you'll win the lottery on Friday.

Congratulations Wig. There comes a point where someone you might like or wants to win changes when you learn they are corrupt and toxic. So your looking for other reasons. It's what a natural good mind person would do. The conspiratory stuff may just be your way of dealing with who Hillary Clinton is.

Wiki leaks have never been proven wrong....ever.

Political affiliation should never trump USA interests, laws, or prison, and that is the real problem with Hillary. She's quid pro quo, above the law on scandals, and giving almost a favor nation status to those who hate us or want to leech on USA resources.

I would not be shocked if Clinton stepped down, but only if a " deal was made " and the FBI really has the goods on her.
As far as the Hillary and DNC corruption that's come to light via wikileaks & leaked emails. For the record I'd like to throw up a big, bright warning to all you on the other side, that if your think for a second this is soley a DNC or Hillary Clinton issue you are in for a huge shock. I will bet every last cent I have to my name that the Republican party is at least as corrupt, probably more so. God forbid someone started airing GOP internal memos and confidential emails....or even worse, those from within the Trump organization and his campaign. The gloating would come to a screeching halt. There would be dead silence on this board. That is not rationalizing or defending the rotten core that is the Clinton machine, or the corrupt DNC. Not at all. There's a reason I've stood with Bernie Sanders from way back when. But the popping of champagne and celebration from the right that's come with all this Hillary/DNC dirty laundry is disingenious and cynical. Prepare yourselves to defend Trump and others on the right, if and when their discretions are brought to light. Remember the high horse you were riding when you scoffed at Hillary and the DNC. And there's no doubt they are corrupt as ****. But it is systematic in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.

The DNC has been a revelation. They aren't for Black, Jews, or Latino's, nor are they for homosexuals. Top DNC people laugh and mock them behind closed doors while shaking hands and smiling face to face to obtain votes.

The media used to cover for them, but emails, video's and
Wikileaks have shown otherwise.

Unfortunately, mainstream media won't report much on this, but I suspect most people will learn about them in time, and when they do likely move to independent status.

Playbook 101 for Democrats, AKA the race card is pretty hard to play these days.
That's all I needed to know. The answer - unsurprisingly - from your end, is no, you won't hold your candidate responsible for anything, cause waaahhhhhh Clinton, and waaaahhhh Obama. So everything you think is wrong with Democrats and Liberals will give you a blank check to do as you please, since the 'other side' is so rotten, you can be as rotten as you want to be. Duly noted.

Yep, pretty much. I said on this site years ago, when you Libtards were writing blank checks for all of Obama's failures, when you were so vile towards Bush, that what comes around goes around. Hopefully it will come around. And we'll burn this **** to the ground and start over.

You and your side have never taken the high ground. Don't expect it of us in return.
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Again, Supe, that's a mountain of cynicism on your part. Yes, the corruption of Hillary and the DNC is real, true and clearly front and center in this campaign. But to imagine that Trump and the GOP are somehow any less corrupt is delving into fairy tales. You can't possibly think these things are isolated to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Well, actually, I have no way of knowing that.

so your position is they are just as corrupt.
based on what?

we can PROVE Hillary's bullshit.
As far as the Hillary and DNC corruption that's come to light via wikileaks & leaked emails. For the record I'd like to throw up a big, bright warning to all you on the other side, that if your think for a second this is soley a DNC or Hillary Clinton issue you are in for a huge shock. I will bet every last cent I have to my name that the Republican party is at least as corrupt, probably more so. God forbid someone started airing GOP internal memos and confidential emails....or even worse, those from within the Trump organization and his campaign. The gloating would come to a screeching halt. There would be dead silence on this board. That is not rationalizing or defending the rotten core that is the Clinton machine, or the corrupt DNC. Not at all. There's a reason I've stood with Bernie Sanders from way back when. But the popping of champagne and celebration from the right that's come with all this Hillary/DNC dirty laundry is disingenious and cynical. Prepare yourselves to defend Trump and others on the right, if and when their discretions are brought to light. Remember the high horse you were riding when you scoffed at Hillary and the DNC. And there's no doubt they are corrupt as ****. But it is systematic in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.

I agree with this.

If anybody believes that a hack of RNC and Trump campaign e-mails would paint a flattering picture, you are not being truthful.

However, I will point out that the Republicans really cannot top the Democrats' level of corruption - hiring thugs to pick fights at campaign events, rigging the primary process, collaborating with the media to get a candidate elected, etc. The Dems set the bar pretty freaking high here, Tibs.
Over the years I have noticed along with a multitude of other people that both sides dem and rep, have lied increasingly about what they stand for. The bald faced lies from our politicians is disgraceful. The media is complicit. I hope this is the beginning of a new Era in American political history.
if your think for a second this is soley a DNC or Hillary Clinton issue you are in for a huge shock… Remember the high horse you were riding when you scoffed at Hillary and the DNC. And there's no doubt they are corrupt as ****. But it is systematic in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.
I have no illusions regarding this matter.

but, see, those of us voting FOR Trump are voting more out of spite of the blatant corruption as evidenced by Hillary. Most of us know Trump isn't the ideal presidential candidate, warts and all. But we are also tired of the same old bullshit fed to us time and time again by career politicians who do not a ******* thing but line each other's pockets with taxpayer money.
THIS is what this election is about.

BOTH sides of the aisle are corrupted and ****** up. Sleazy and low. Can't support any more career politicians, so may as well support the least politically correct ****** available.
See above...

Have you seen the turnout at the rallies? They're drinking the koolaide
I don't know any other ways to try to express this to you guys... The American People are speaking So Very Clearly right now. They're not drinking the Kool-aide. They're mixing the ******* Kool-aide up and selling it on every street corning in the ******* country.
This has wig written all over it.

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Trump is five days away from becoming an 'establishment' politician. Once you become president, it kind of works out that way. You are now the 'system' you've been railing against. I hope he's able to remain the Mother Teresa you see in him, and will rule over the land in a just and transparent manner. I think that's the furthest thing from reality, but I get your drift. I just hope you're not deeply disappointed in what you think you've been supporting to this point, relative to what you get, when the rubber hits the road.

But our Presidents have been selected establishment shills since before they were elected not after. Either that or they get the Hinkley treatment.
As far as the Hillary and DNC corruption that's come to light via wikileaks & leaked emails. For the record I'd like to throw up a big, bright warning to all you on the other side, that if your think for a second this is soley a DNC or Hillary Clinton issue you are in for a huge shock. I will bet every last cent I have to my name that the Republican party is at least as corrupt, probably more so. God forbid someone started airing GOP internal memos and confidential emails....or even worse, those from within the Trump organization and his campaign. The gloating would come to a screeching halt. There would be dead silence on this board. That is not rationalizing or defending the rotten core that is the Clinton machine, or the corrupt DNC. Not at all. There's a reason I've stood with Bernie Sanders from way back when. But the popping of champagne and celebration from the right that's come with all this Hillary/DNC dirty laundry is disingenious and cynical. Prepare yourselves to defend Trump and others on the right, if and when their discretions are brought to light. Remember the high horse you were riding when you scoffed at Hillary and the DNC. And there's no doubt they are corrupt as ****. But it is systematic in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.
So, you are finally starting to understand the rise of the Donald.