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Is the USA close to the point of no return?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Is the USA close to the point of no return?

Domestic Muslim attacks citizens.

Extreme black life matter advocates supporting or acting against the police.

Hillary Clinton likely the next president, already bought by nations who hate us and playing the race card to open immigration to people who can't be vetted from the Middle East.

The line this next election really matters is overused. Not this time. 2016 will make or break the Amercian we know. I think we are at the tipping point.
I think it's all inevitable but voting Republican slows it down to a (hopefully) manageable level.

We can't stop getting more brown as a country. Whites aren't having enough kids. That's just a fact that is not going to change.

What we CAN do is change the WAY we become more brown as a society and hopefully make it more peaceful (after 8 years of Obama, it's certainly not peaceful now).

I think illegal immigration is a real problem that might have reached a point of no return. Both sides of the aisle looked blindly at the issue and now I'm not sure there's a good way to go back. I'm voting Trump because I want to see better immigration policy that concentrates on legal immigration vs. illegal immigration and that finally starts to follow the law of the land however unfortunate that is for millions of people. The law is the law.

The police vs. BLM stuff I think will blow over in about a year. It's about as bad as I think it's going to get. Police will adjust. More body cameras will prove most of these attacks BLM complains about are borderline legit. And I think police will do actual less policing in urban, black communities and crime will go up. Oh well I guess.... Let them control themselves for a while and we'll see what happens.

I think congress/president will do something with immigrants from terrorist countries. Even Hillary will do this. There is mass support to do a better job of vetting and waiting on immigrants/refugees that have visited or come from terror countries. Even the democrats know this.

The battle between western Judaeo/Christian culture vs. Islam is not going anywhere. If there is one benefit I think the war is now being fought in Europe so we'll get to see how the experiment works out. It's not going to be pretty and some of that anger/violence will come to our shores, but it won't be nearly as bad as what is happening currently in Europe, Northern Africa, Turkey, Israel, etc.

That's a ******* terrorist hot spot for the next 50 years at least. If a doomsday terror attack happens with a nuke or chemical weapons I'm much more convinced it will happen in Europe than in the U.S.

It's really too bad we couldn't help create a good democracy/constitution in Iraq. What a ******* failure by our President on that (of course he has no issues with countries using Sharia or Islamic Law anyhow). That whole war just kept the terror heat off the world for about a decade and that's it. The minute we left it's right back to 2001 again.
I think congress/president will do something with immigrants from terrorist countries. Even Hillary will do this.

Will she? Clinton has taken millions from Arab nations that we are aware of for the Clinton foundation. I have my reservations about her acting on this issue. Democrats are guilty of using immigration to change the political map in their favor, and by doing this they also increase those dependent on government.

I'm for legal immigration as long as the person wants to be a USA citizen, and for the cap in place for the amount taken in for the calendar year.

As for the Black lives matter groups, vs. the police, I do not think this isn't going away anytime soon. The cops kill more White people than Blacks. The media doing uneven reporting and fanning the flames. It seems like any arrest, warranted or not is adding more gas to the fire. Protests and riots withing the community is one thing, targeting police officers really changes the dynamic of the problem. First Dallas not Baton Rouge.

You just can't have this.
Jumping up and down and yelling "You just can't have this" isn't going to do anything.

If people are angry, if people want to commit violence, we live in a free enough culture that it's going to happen. All you can do is punish uniformly and fairly and move on.

I don't want a police state. I don't want more power to the police. I'm pro police and I respect what they do and their commitment but there are a TON of things police do that I can't stand. Being tax collectors is a big #1 on my list. And I'm anti-Police unions too. I don't think there should be a police union just like I don't think there should be a teachers union or a country worker union or any union against the public dollar.

I think the media has created this "we must DO SOMETHING NOW" mentality. They love to stir the pot. Maybe we don't really need to do anything. Maybe the laws in the land are just fine and about as good as we can get them. Chasing perfection is a lose-lose.

See as opposed to the rhetoric of America Media right now, I'm fine with a certain amount of police conflicts ending in death. It's statistically impossible to have anything else. I'm perfectly fine a few police officers lose their live in the line of duty. It's statistically impossible to have anything else.

All you can do it think of laws without the influence of emotion that might change bad trends one way or the other. And in many of these cases those laws should not even be close to federally enacted. They should be community by community. Getting the federal government involved in policing is just plain stupid.

We have choices in this country. That's what makes us great. But those choices mean people can CHOOSE violence and criminal behavior and death. Not sure how we can have it any other way.
We can't stop getting more brown as a country. Whites aren't having enough kids. That's just a fact that is not going to change.

Not so. Don't let magazine front pages fool you


In 2014, 3,988,076 babies were born, 3,019,863 of which were classified as white. This is 75.7%

The birth rates per mother in 2014 estimates are as follows

White 1.876 babies born per mother
Black 1.872 babies born per mother
Asian 1.716 babies born per mother
Native 1.289 babies born per mother
Hispanic 2.13 babies born per mother

The economy has had an effect.
Whites aren't having enough kids. That's just a fact that is not going to change.

This is a product of being smart enough not to have kids you can't afford to raise but not being smart enough to avoid being duped into paying for kids somebody else has. You would be amazed at how things would balance out if we stopped paying people not to work and stopped paying single moms extra to pop out kids with no father to support them. Same thing for Illegals, stop paying them "benefits" allowing their children to go to our schools and go after the people that employ them. Once the freebies dry up and there are no jobs for them there wont be anymore border jumpers the ones here will go back to Mexico.
This is a product of being smart enough not to have kids you can't afford to raise but not being smart enough to avoid being duped into paying for kids somebody else has. You would be amazed at how things would balance out if we stopped paying people not to work and stopped paying single moms extra to pop out kids with no father to support them. Same thing for Illegals, stop paying them "benefits" allowing their children to go to our schools and go after the people that employ them. Once the freebies dry up and there are no jobs for them there wont be anymore border jumpers the ones here will go back to Mexico.

California passed Proposition 187 to deny illegal aliens public benefits - including Section 8 housing, food stamps, schooling, medical care, etc. - in 1994. The measure passed by a very wide margin, 59% to 41%, but was then deemed unconstitutional and never enforced.


A federal judge in Los Angeles ruled Friday that Proposition 187, the divisive 1994 ballot initiative targeting illegal immigrants, violates both the Constitution and last year's sweeping congressional overhaul of welfare law.


In other words, **** me as a California resident. I get to feed and clothe and house and educate illegals, and the great state of California takes a ****-ton of my income to make it happen.
Because I'm old and remember stuff, I'll say that the 1960's were way worse.
Because I'm old and remember stuff, I'll say that the 1960's were way worse.

Was it Ron? I have often found myself pondering this very question lately. I have no idea or frame of reference since I was born in the mid 70's but I know it was a time of great racial turmoil, hate and tension. I gotta tell you I am growing quite fearful of the world we live in right now. No way would I even consider living in a heavily populated city right now. Honestly I'm afraid to even visit one. I would feel like my whole family had targets on our backs just coming out of the house every day. I know I am probably being melodramatic but I am really down about how things are going and I see them getting much worse before they get better. I fear something very drastic and terrible is about to happen. I see terrorism and violence on all sides, both at home and abroad. We live in a very hate filled world right now and it sucks. .
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Because I'm old and remember stuff, I'll say that the 1960's were way worse.

The law in the 1960's wasn't fair and the protesters had far more class.

The law is fine in 2016. What we have is a group not only upset with the cops, but targeting them for assassination. It crazy, even by science fiction move standards.

The leaders in the 1960's were much better, in particular, Dr. Martin Luther King.

King never marched for black rights, he spoke and marched for civil rights, used the American Flag and held his people accountable to the non-violence message.

King even told Muhamed Ali, the top sports athletes of the 1960's who converted to Islam that the Black Muslim movement was wrong, as it encouraged separation.

Oh, how we could use him now.
Not so. Don't let magazine front pages fool you


In 2014, 3,988,076 babies were born, 3,019,863 of which were classified as white. This is 75.7%

The birth rates per mother in 2014 estimates are as follows

White 1.876 babies born per mother
Black 1.872 babies born per mother
Asian 1.716 babies born per mother
Native 1.289 babies born per mother
Hispanic 2.13 babies born per mother

The economy has had an effect.

But you don't know how many of those are mixed race, right? Every white woman is not just having white kids. The intermingling of race is inevitable. That's a big part of "turning more brown" as a country too.

Again, it's not about stopping it, it's about letting it happen at a reasonable pace.

This has always been the problem. Those that want change WANT IT NOW when reality is it's already happening, just not fast enough. Our society was changing on all sorts of things, but when courts and politicians force it down the throats of Americans, you get backlash.

It's like gay marriage and transgender issue. America was ready for gay marriage. Or damn close to it. But it's like the minute the left won that battle now we have to jump into letting transvestites just walk into women's bathrooms. It's never enough to make headway on social issues unless it's as fast as the liberals want it.

The problem with how fast the liberals want it is that violence always comes with it.

As a young buck not knowing those. What say you. We closer or just another youtuber looking for views
One ingredient in Obamas plan to knock America down a few pegs is the eventual browning of this country by opening the borders to illegals and migrations from the Middle East. To him America is the reason third world countries exist and its time to pay back. Our founding was illegitimate and our greatness ill gotten....by the white man.
Post Michael Brown Obama could have easily got on TV and announced that the 'hands up don't shoot' story didn't happen, but he'd rather pander to those savages and go so far as to invite the BLM to the White House...twice.

Take the 'v' out of 'lives' and you get 'lies'.

Black LIES Matter
Not so. Don't let magazine front pages fool you


In 2014, 3,988,076 babies were born, 3,019,863 of which were classified as white. This is 75.7%

The birth rates per mother in 2014 estimates are as follows

White 1.876 babies born per mother
Black 1.872 babies born per mother
Asian 1.716 babies born per mother
Native 1.289 babies born per mother
Hispanic 2.13 babies born per mother

The economy has had an effect.

But you don't know how many of those are mixed race, right? Every white woman is not just having white kids. The intermingling of race is inevitable. That's a big part of "turning more brown" as a country too.

Again, it's not about stopping it, it's about letting it happen at a reasonable pace.

This has always been the problem. Those that want change WANT IT NOW when reality is it's already happening, just not fast enough. Our society was changing on all sorts of things, but when courts and politicians force it down the throats of Americans, you get backlash.

It's like gay marriage and transgender issue. America was ready for gay marriage. Or damn close to it. But it's like the minute the left won that battle now we have to jump into letting transvestites just walk into women's bathrooms. It's never enough to make headway on social issues unless it's as fast as the liberals want it.

The problem with how fast the liberals want it is that violence always comes with it.

My point was the birth rates are pretty close to even and with one group having a huge majority, they will keep the majority by math keep it for many decades. Fertitlity treaments for IVF and IUI allow women to give birth at aged past 35 these days.

We'll see a bit less Black and Asian in terms of population percentages. While Latino's are having slightly more babies on average, whites out number them 4 to 1...so they will need roughtly 4 to 1 newborns to keep pace. I do not have the data on women age 20-40, though ,so I'm giving an esitmate.

I listed a two or more races and its roughly 1.9% of the population. Pretty small.

Non-Hispanic White 196,817,552 63.7 %

Non-Hispanic Black 37,685,848 12.2 %

Non-Hispanic Asian 14,465,124 4.7 %

Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 2,247,098 0.7 %

Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 481,576 0.2 %

Non-Hispanic some other race 604,265 0.2 %

Non-Hispanic two or more races 5,966,481 1.9 %

Hispanic or Latino 50,477,594 16.3 %
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I'm positive that the culture has more to do with anything than race. I couldn't care less if we were the only white family on my street in a small town like where I live now, because people have small town values. There is a great chance that most or all of the Black people around us would be decent, productive members of society because that is the culture in this area. As it is now, there are two black families on my street. Both are just as I say, great people. Because that is what deemed as acceptable behavior here no matter who you are. Now would I feel comfortable being the only white family on the street in an inner city? No ******* way because the cultural values in those areas would mean that I would likely be viewed as a target. People are the product of their environment for the most part.
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Over 60 million people died in World War II making today's events seem trivial in comparison.

Nobody ever mentions it, but fewer whites immigrate to the US because they like the security
of having medical care provided in their countries.
The law in the 1960's wasn't fair and the protesters had far more class.

The law is fine in 2016. What we have is a group not only upset with the cops, but targeting them for assassination. It crazy, even by science fiction move standards.

The leaders in the 1960's were much better, in particular, Dr. Martin Luther King.

King never marched for black rights, he spoke and marched for civil rights, used the American Flag and held his people accountable to the non-violence message.

King even told Muhamed Ali, the top sports athletes of the 1960's who converted to Islam that the Black Muslim movement was wrong, as it encouraged separation.

Oh, how we could use him now.

Yeah, too bad he is dead..
Nobody ever mentions it, but fewer whites immigrate to the US because they like the security
of having medical care provided in their countries.

Possibly, but our immigration laws make it nearly impossible for an accountant, doctor, whatever professional person from western Europe to move here since H1B visas are limited in number. The system IS rigged to make it as easy as possible for large numbers of landscapers, nannies, and dishwashers to enter the country from the southern border.
Yeah, too bad he is dead..

Dead, but we can still quote him.

King was not only a great speaker, he wasn't afraid to criticize ANY group for using violence, fanning the flames, or promoting a fragmented America.
Nobody ever mentions it, but fewer whites immigrate to the US because they like the security of having medical care provided in their countries.


Vastly fewer white immigrants come to this nation because of the 1965 immigration reform act that the Democrats enacted. Prior to enactment, 70% of immigrants to this nation came from Ireland, Germany, and England.

Further, the United States has thousands of miles of border with Mexico, where the vast majority of illegals come from. Millions of those illegals were made legal citizens via the 1986 immigration act.

Therefore, a combination of immigration acts and influx of illegals-made-legal have accounted for the very low percentage of white immigrants. ******* medical insurance has NOTHING to do with it.
For landscapers, nannies and dishwashers to work in America, they generally need to be paid by an American.
If the American people would quit employing them and paying them, they wouldn't come.

We like to blame the government, but the American people are the ones paying illegals.
For landscapers, nannies and dishwashers to work in America, they generally need to be paid by an American.
If the American people would quit employing them and paying them, they wouldn't come.

We like to blame the government, but the American people are the ones paying illegals.

Cannot disagree with your statement. That is why the very odd alliance between leftist Democrats and conservative business owners exists. The Democrats want the future voters, and the business owners want the cheap (often illegally cheap) labor.
It is absolutely the government's fault that immigration laws are not enforced, and only their fault. Your Mexican pool guy doesn't change that at all.
Cannot disagree with your statement. That is why the very odd alliance between leftist Democrats and conservative business owners exists. The Democrats want the future voters, and the business owners want the cheap (often illegally cheap) labor.

The best solution is to allow foreign workers in when needed, but restrict voting privileges unless they legally immigrate.

I'd limit the state funds for these types and put it on the companies who hire them to provide transportation and housing. This would reduce the amounts of illegals, but allow some for migrating type of work or odd projects.

The anchor babies are a tough call. Those born here are automatically citizens, even if their parents were not citizens. That's what the law says now. I'd like to see them put on a list to become citizens at 18 years of age pending they pass a citizens test, and not automatically grant them status to them at birth. Those who have a criminal history or post-negative information on social media should be DQ'd from the path to citizenship.
True the 60's had Martin Luther King Jr. and he WAS a tremendously powerful force for change in the landscape of the civil rights movement. But you cannot discount the effect that Malcolm X also had on the American psyche during the 60s. While MLK Jr. was all touchy-feely and gave the American People the "Good Cop", Malcolm X gave them the "Bad Cop". X showed American what an organized and militant group of black men could do when they were disciplined and unwilling to back down and take their beatings.

X didn't "directly" incite violence but he professed the necessity for violence existed in many cases and he pointed out that black people were ready and trained to practice violence upon white people should the time come. That proved very unnerving for many people. Furthermore, Malcolm X was a particularly eloquent if aggressive speaker. He couldn't be intimidated or talked down to in a public debate. So while Martin Luther King Jr. showed a gentle, pacifist approach that was extremely palatable for the American people on the path to civil rights, Malcolm X' part was just as valuable in that he provided an equally unappealing path of violence that frightened America as they saw just how ugly a race war could become.

Ironically, late in his career, Malcolm X became much more peaceful and disillusioned with the Nation of Islam which had made him so violent and militant. It was his disavowal of the Nation of Islam and the Prophet Elijah that ultimately got him murdered right in front of his wife and children. Although the world doesn't really remember him so, Malcolm X truly was one of the heroes of the civil rights movement not only in his villainy, but in his changes later in life. He showed people that a person can change, become more accepting of other cultures and religions. It seems ultimately, the same couldn't be said of everyone else.