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It was messaging, uhh, candidates, uhh, abortion, uhh, Biden's popularity!


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
The debate rages. (D)'s are going to steal enough House seats to maintain both branches of Congress and in fact add to their Senate majority to the point they no longer need to worry about Manchin.

And then Manchin gets re-elected in the most Republican location on the planet in 2024.

So sure, it was the candidates ... uhh, the issues ... I mean Trump! And Biden's popularity!

When a brain-damaged communist "wins" an election in Pennsylvania, that is basically (D)imbos saying, "You people are such idiots, you'll buy THIS!" So nobody has to read between the lines, I am saying that I have no faith that American elections as currently run have any credibility, at all. None. Zero.

Incredibly unpopular President, disastrous policies destroying the middle class, open borders, rampant crime, poison shipped from China to Mexico and then into the United States killing more than twice the number Americans every year that died in 10 years of fighting in Vietnam, inflation, gas, energy, median income all way down, and the American voters said this?


Yeah. You bet. Sure. Gotcha. No doubt, 100% legitimate. Who would doubt that? I mean, if the citizens in the old Soviet Union were given a REAL chance at electing their representatives, I have no doubt they would put back in charge the very commies who made them destitute, jailed them and murdered them.

Nothing to see here, nope, no siree. 1000% believable. No questioning THESE votes.
The debate rages. (D)'s are going to steal enough House seats to maintain both branches of Congress and in fact add to their Senate majority to the point they no longer need to worry about Manchin.

And then Manchin gets re-elected in the most Republican location on the planet in 2024.

So sure, it was the candidates ... uhh, the issues ... I mean Trump! And Biden's popularity!

When a brain-damaged communist "wins" an election in Pennsylvania, that is basically (D)imbos saying, "You people are such idiots, you'll buy THIS!" So nobody has to read between the lines, I am saying that I have no faith that American elections as currently run have any credibility, at all. None. Zero.

Incredibly unpopular President, disastrous policies destroying the middle class, open borders, rampant crime, poison shipped from China to Mexico and then into the United States killing more than twice the number Americans every year that died in 10 years of fighting in Vietnam, inflation, gas, energy, median income all way down, and the American voters said this?


Yeah. You bet. Sure. Gotcha. No doubt, 100% legitimate. Who would doubt that? I mean, if the citizens in the old Soviet Union were given a REAL chance at electing their representatives, I have no doubt they would put back in charge the very commies who made them destitute, jailed them and murdered them.

Nothing to see here, nope, no siree. 1000% believable. No questioning THESE votes.

Well the **** worked in 2020 on historic levels, 81 million votes!

Just need to get those millions of illegal aliens they've purposely allowed to flow in voting! Then it's locked down. Hell they don't even need to vote, we will mail in a vote for you signed with your name on it. Nobody can check that **** on a large scale anyway. Easy peezy. democracy man!

Nobody did a thing to stop this stuff. I personally am like **** it all. I feel like I'm in another country here in Florida anyway. Hell compared to some of these other states we are like night and day. **** it and **** them.
Its been broken for a while… they intentionally vacuumed out any ability to truly audit tge system…. So lets say 1,000,000 people vote, and you just replace their anonymous ballots with preprinted ballots with the results you want predetermined… how would anyone know? Its totally unprovable and you get to keep claiming it is fine… need more votes? Get a bunch of non voter names the day after the election and just postdate some mail with ballots…

Its a mess… even if it were legit, it certainly doesn’t look like it is
Some of it is democrat shenanigans. A lot of it is Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell's RINO A S S pulling funding from America First candidates because he wants to maintain the GOPe's power.
The congressional representative that I've had for the last 10 years or so, has won easily in previous elections.
He's currently losing to a far left liberal. Something isn't right.

Oh, and my vote still hasn't been tabulated.

Again, I am ashamed that I believed any of the tsunami of lies I was told about the 2020 election. Mail-in ballots, voting stops, "plumbing leak," monitors removed, 81 million votes, and on and on.

Michigan vote counters literally put up cardboard over the windows to keep the public from seeing what they were doing and we ignored that. Trump is no longer a viable candidate, yeah, I agree, but he correctly warned in 2020 that this **** would never change if we didn't do something in 2020.

We didn't, and it didn't.
I do think that running Republicans running on an anti-abortion platform is a losing issue, just like gun control is a losing issue for Democrats.
In PA that's mostly what the Dem attack ads hit Mastriano, Oz, and Shaffer with.
I do think that running Republicans running on an anti-abortion platform is a losing issue, just like gun control is a losing issue for Democrats.
In PA that's mostly what the Dem attack ads hit Mastriano, Oz, and Shaffer with.
Yes. Republicans hurt themselves bigly by going all Sheria Law on the wimmins. I don't know how republicans were too dumb to see that.
Yes. Republicans hurt themselves bigly by going all Sheria Law on the wimmins. I don't know how republicans were too dumb to see that.
Because some of them (us) are just as religious about that as the Dims are about climate change.
To paraphrase Vince Lombardi, I know a lot of people for whom abortion isn't the most important thing, it's the only thing.
I do think that running Republicans running on an anti-abortion platform is a losing issue, just like gun control is a losing issue for Democrats.

How did Joe O'Dea do?

And what gun control nut (D)imbo lost recently? Newsom, Pelosi, AOC, Biden?
How did Joe O'Dea do?

And what gun control nut (D)imbo lost recently? Newsom, Pelosi, AOC, Biden?
They can win in their narrowly defined districts but almost never statewide and nationally.
Al Gore and Beto O'Roarke say Hi.
They can win in their narrowly defined districts but almost never statewide and nationally.
Al Gore and Beto O'Roarke say Hi.

This is not going the way you think it is.

Do you believe that pro-2nd Amendment candidates will get a scintilla of positive comment from 95% of the media? And that such candidates are immune to the magic of vote harvesting and mail-in ballots?

No, they won't and aren't. You still have faith in the elections. I have none - zero. Fetterneck is grotesquely ugly, but at least he's never had a job and is brain-damaged, explaining why he won.
This is not going the way you think it is.

Do you believe that pro-2nd Amendment candidates will get a scintilla of positive comment from 95% of the media? And that such candidates are immune to the magic of vote harvesting and mail-in ballots?

No, they won't and aren't. You still have faith in the elections. I have none - zero. Fetterneck is grotesquely ugly, but at least he's never had a job and is brain-damaged, explaining why he won.
We've got to work harder at the grass roots levels and get our people in as judges of elections in precincts and counting votes at the courthouses.
We've got to work harder at the grass roots levels and get our people in as judges of elections in precincts and counting votes at the courthouses.

Sure. God bless your optimism, Ron. The (D) party is good at one thing, and ONLY one thing: elections. That's it. The cannot govern for **** but that simply does not matter since they are brilliant at changing voting laws to improve their election chances. Between mail-in ballots, ballot drop-boxes and ballot harvesting, the game is over.
It's all over, gents. Votes don't matter, our dollar doesn't matter, safety, integrity, future - nothing matters but these hacks getting money and power. It's over.

Sure. God bless your optimism, Ron. The (D) party is good at one thing, and ONLY one thing: elections. That's it. The cannot govern for **** but that simply does not matter since they are brilliant at changing voting laws to improve their election chances. Between mail-in ballots, ballot drop-boxes and ballot harvesting, the game is over.
Don't forget redistricting....
I'm looking at election returns from my county now.
Oddly, Dr. Oz won Beaver County by 6200 votes but Doug Mastriano lost by 2000. I think his strong anti-abortion stance hurt him, as well as staying away from the MSM and not running a lot of TV commercials, possibly the major state GOPe fundraisers didn't help him.
In the U.S. Rep race, Jeremy Shaffer-R won Beaver County by 12,000 votes but still lost to Chris DeLuzio-D due to the large number of Dem votes in Allegheny County.

In Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), Dr. Oz lost by 156,000 votes, Doug Mastriano lost by 216,000, and Jeremy Shaffer lost by 35,000.

In my local state rep race, you couldn't work any harder than my neighbor and rare black Republican Rico Elmore did but he lost by 4000 votes to the incumbent Democrat. It's a highly-Democrat district and he lost by about the same margin as he did two years ago when he was new and running his first campaign.
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I'm looking at election returns from my county now.
Oddly, Dr. Oz won Beaver County by 6200 votes but Doug Mastriano lost by 2000. I think his strong anti-abortion stance hurt him, as well as staying away from the MSM and not running a lot of TV commercials, possibly the major state GOPe fundraisers didn't help him.
In the U.S. Rep race, Jeremy Shaffer-R won Beaver County by 12,000 votes but still lost to Chris DeLuzio-D due to the large number of Dem votes in Allegheny County.

In Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), Dr. Oz lost by 156,000 votes, Doug Mastriano lost by 216,000, and Jeremy Shaffer lost by 35,000.

In my local state rep race, you couldn't work any harder than my neighbor and rare black Republican Rico Elmore did but he lost by 4000 votes to the incumbent Democrat. It's a highly-Democrat district and he lost by about the same margin as he did two years ago when he was new and running his first campaign.
:unsure: at least you have results.
The most recent vote count from Az shows Lake still trailing by 26,000 votes with just 160,000 votes left to count.

This Twitter thread has a ton of conservative Arizona conspiracy theorists checking their vote status and seeing their ballots were not counted, or that they are supposedly not even registered to vote.

All just making it up, I'm sure.