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Italy's new Prime Minister - Wow. She is AWESOME!

Does this new org have a logo or website?
Uh-oh, this right-wing **** is spreading.

British Prime Minister Ends Fracking Ban. Climate Activists Are Irate.​

Liberals are furious because British Prime Minister Liz Truss is increasing oil and gas production while Europe battles soaring energy prices.

Truss said, “We will get Britain moving by cementing our status as the best place in the world to do business.”

“We are putting our money where our mouth is in encouraging businesses to invest, create jobs and grow,” she added.

Truss is pushing for higher fossil fuel production with the goal of becoming a net exporter of energy by 2040.

She also canceled a rise in the corporate tax rate and decreased the basic income tax rate to 19%.

This is expected to significantly increase economic growth, but liberals are more concerned about the alleged impact on global warming.

More on this story via Daily Wire:

Green activists, however, began raising concerns about the new economic agenda, which entails removing some environmental standards in the investment zones. Joan Edwards, who leads marine conservation efforts for The Wildlife Trusts, claimed in a blog post that “cutting red tape” is no more than an excuse for “polluters” to poison “our rivers and countryside” and argued for strengthening wildlife protections in the investment zones.
“As our landscape is increasingly damaged by climate change — as seen by the wildfires, drought and flooding of this summer — we cannot afford not to protect our wild spaces to our best ability,” she contended. “For the good of future generations, we must reject deregulation and enhance nature protection instead.”
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Meanwhile, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds argued on social media that the British government “launched an attack on nature.”
“We are angry and we are mobilising against these proposed plans,” the group said. “Our most vulnerable waterways, wildlife and green spaces across England are facing one of the greatest threats in decades.”
Truss has also announced a new round of oil and gas leases for the North Sea and lifted her nation’s moratorium on shale gas production — including the practice of fracking, by which pressurized liquid is injected into underground rocks to extract fuels. The ban was initially established in 2019 amid concerns over earthquakes.
I am feeling heartened by Italy's election and the realization that Ron Desantis will soon be President. It is clear why (D)imbos hate him so much:
  • Just 44 years old
  • Yale undergrad, Harvard Law
  • US Navy 2004-2010
  • Advisor to SEAL Team One
  • Served in Iraq
  • Founding member of Freedom Caucus
  • US Representative for 3 terms
  • Elected Governor in 2018, saving Florida from a crack-addled cockholster
  • Resisted lockdowns, mask mandates and vax mandates
  • Opened schools
  • Set to crush Charlie Suntan
  • Has never lost an election
  • Does not take **** from media ******
  • Smarter than any person in the media and exhibits that fact daily
  • Has the amazing Christina Pushaw doing battle in Twitterdom on his behalf
The usual (D)imbo talking points are laughable. "He's dumb." Next. "Racist." Next. "Warmonger." Next. "Hypocrite." Next.

If - when - Desantis is the nominee, the only thing (D)imbos will argue - and they will argue this endlessly - is ABORTION!!
My ex was a Sicilian from Chicago. Great cook. Nasty ******* vindictive temper
Meloni is not Sicilian.

There is an inherited difference between mainland Italians especially north of Rome Italians and Sicilians
I'm pretty sure that's racist.
In this case realist.
Being half Italian, I can verify that. It's kind of like America except the North and South in Italy genuinely do not like each other. Native Sicilians consider themselves a separate country and Sicilian, not Italian. Italy has only been a unified country since 1865.

My ex was a Sicilian from Chicago. Great cook. Nasty ******* vindictive temper

Back in the 90s, I spent a year and a half with a stunning Sicilian Italian who was born/raised in Staten Island. Best way to describe it was so much fun wrapped in vast amounts of crazy.

Example of that crazy: We lived about 30 mins apart but worked at the same company. On weekends, we'd stay at each other's places. It was a Friday and I went to her apartment with my overnight bag and we were going out to dinner.

I walked in and she was at the end of the hallway with the phone to her ear mouthing the words "It's my mom hang on" and gives me this sweet smile. So I sit down on her couch in the living room, and on the TV was ice skating from the Olympics. Katarina Witt was skating.

After about ten mins, she hangs up and comes into the living room. I stand up, we hug, she says I need to get ready, I said no problem and sat back down. But she stands there looking at the TV, then looks at me [still smiling] and says "Do you think she is pretty? [meaning Witt]

I replied honestly but in a non-interested way - "Sure she's attractive. Athletic, fairly pretty face, nice smile, but I find others more attractive."

She just stands there. Smile begins to fade and her eyes began to change...I'm like WTF. Then the eruption happens. With that New York Italian accent, she raises her voice and says "You....mean...to...tell...me....you find that horse face woman attractive?!?!" She goes off for about 3 minutes about how horrifying and ugly she was, that I was sick, etc. It was insane.

I said to her something like are you kidding? I walk in, you smile, I sit down, we hug....no conversation but hello and then 30 seconds later you're erupting like Mt. Vesuvius?? I kept trying to 'talk her down' by saying reasonable things. She wouldn't calm down. So after 30+ mins of her just losing it, standing over me while I'm sitting on her couch, I stood up and said "that's it I'm not doing this tonight" and walked to the door, grabbed my bag, waved goodbye and drove home.

Bizzaro world. Both looking forward to dinner and a good weekend, no words, a smile, a good hug, one question and armageddon. LOL. She would go off for no reason in unpredictable ways.

Stayed with her another 6 or 7 months though LOL because the fun times were great.
I had a technician that worked with me over the years, full blooded Italian, although I never knew from what part of Italy.
She was a very sweet girl, but incredibly stubborn, one minute joking and the next arguing.
Married 4 times, and it was always his fault.
I had a technician that worked with me over the years, full blooded Italian, although I never knew from what part of Italy.
She was a very sweet girl, but incredibly stubborn, one minute joking and the next arguing.
Married 4 times, and it was always his fault.
Was one of them Indy?
I dated an Irish/Italian. everything was awesome for a few months. Her temper was crazy short, she could go a bit crazy super-fast, but everything else was amazing so I just dealt with it.

2 years in, I go to break up with her. I thought I was smart. did it in public place. I even waited till after she had finished eating. did the old we grew apart speech, she said she understood, still loved me and would try and she would try and change my mind.

I stood up to leave, We hugged, turned around to leave, and she threw the glass candle table piece at the back of my head. she threw the 2 plates left on the table at me along with everything else she could grab, including the candle table piece from the table next to ours.

By the time I got home she had her 2 brothers waiting at the front of my door. They basically beat the **** out of me. when they were leaving the one brother said something like, sorry, almost didn't do it when he saw so much blood on my head and neck from the candle piece.

The next morning Kelly (the ex) was waiting outside my front door with a coffee for me. wanted to talk about getting back together. the sick thing was I almost wanted to talk.

I dated an Irish/Italian. everything was awesome for a few months. Her temper was crazy short, she could go a bit crazy super-fast, but everything else was amazing so I just dealt with it.

2 years in, I go to break up with her. I thought I was smart. did it in public place. I even waited till after she had finished eating. did the old we grew apart speech, she said she understood, still loved me and would try and she would try and change my mind.

I stood up to leave, We hugged, turned around to leave, and she threw the glass candle table piece at the back of my head. she threw the 2 plates left on the table at me along with everything else she could grab, including the candle table piece from the table next to ours.

By the time I got home she had her 2 brothers waiting at the front of my door. They basically beat the **** out of me. when they were leaving the one brother said something like, sorry, almost didn't do it when he saw so much blood on my head and neck from the candle piece.

The next morning Kelly (the ex) was waiting outside my front door with a coffee for me. wanted to talk about getting back together. the sick thing was I almost wanted to talk.


When they smile up front and say they are crazy, don't fall for it.

They mean it.

Sorry for your damage. Damn. I thought my Sicilian Italian experience was bad but that was a cake walk compared.
When they smile up front and say they are crazy, don't fall for it.

They mean it.

Sorry for your damage. Damn. I thought my Sicilian Italian experience was bad but that was a cake walk compared.
Maybe I am part crazy as well. other than the ending, great memories of Kelly. what almost makes her story worse is, this was before cell phones. she had to track down a pay phone to call her brothers.
I dated an Irish/Italian. everything was awesome for a few months. Her temper was crazy short, she could go a bit crazy super-fast, but everything else was amazing so I just dealt with it.

2 years in, I go to break up with her. I thought I was smart. did it in public place. I even waited till after she had finished eating. did the old we grew apart speech, she said she understood, still loved me and would try and she would try and change my mind.

I stood up to leave, We hugged, turned around to leave, and she threw the glass candle table piece at the back of my head. she threw the 2 plates left on the table at me along with everything else she could grab, including the candle table piece from the table next to ours.

By the time I got home she had her 2 brothers waiting at the front of my door. They basically beat the **** out of me. when they were leaving the one brother said something like, sorry, almost didn't do it when he saw so much blood on my head and neck from the candle piece.

The next morning Kelly (the ex) was waiting outside my front door with a coffee for me. wanted to talk about getting back together. the sick thing was I almost wanted to talk.

Mother ****** got his *** beat, then his little head took over: “it’s not that bad, let’s get one more run in”. Lol
I had a technician that worked with me over the years, full blooded Italian, although I never knew from what part of Italy.
She was a very sweet girl, but incredibly stubborn, one minute joking and the next arguing.
Married 4 times, and it was always his fault.

Yeah but that's EVERY modern western woman.

Right-click and Google will translate it for you. My computer does it automatically.

My laptop gives me a prompt to translate. Works pretty well - a bit rough in spots. The translation sounds like it is from somebody very comfortable with Italian but a little spotty in English.

As hoped, Georgi Meloni is awesome. Looking out for her nation, no more mass immigration, stopped bills that would permit an influx of migrants, need to figure out what the @#$% to do about energy due to the conflict in Ukraine, Italy needs that energy.

Huh. Almost like she was elected to lead Italy and not use her nation as a resource to give away to other nations. I think I remember an American leader who had the same ideas.
I thought he was a she, who knew?

Yeah, noticed that. Part of the reason I mentioned the translation issue.

P.S. She is DEFINITELY a she. I would volunteer to conduct a physical exam 10x per day to confirm.
I thought he was a she, who knew?
Yeah, noticed that. Part of the reason I mentioned the translation issue.

P.S. She is DEFINITELY a she. I would volunteer to conduct a physical exam 10x per day to confirm.
I haven't practiced in a while but at one time I was semi-fluent in Italian and certain pronouns can be male or female, such as "lei" which basically means "you", "his", or "her", but translation programs like Google or Reverso.net don't always make it correct in English.
I haven't practiced in a while but at one time I was semi-fluent in Italian and certain pronouns can be male or female, such as "lei" which basically means "you", "his", or "her", but translation programs like Google or Reverso.net don't always make it correct in English.

My Italian is very limited. I can speak one word, and it refers to Giorgia Meloni: iddefinitelydoher.