Even though he never got over the Immaculate Reception, RIP John. Say hello to Pat for everybody.
R.I.P JM. his coaching record was crazy good, and I liked him as an announcer.
I could be mistaken but wasn't the last one the Steelers over the Cards?
And he didn't make gripe about the second foot down in a way that we ****** all know just about every other announcer would. That goes down as my biggest night in pro sports. **** if I could go back and have a ticket. Springsteen is always a top 3 favorite too. But on the good side I was in the hospital 5 days later (and I know it sounds stupid but I damn near went sepsis and died) with my gall bladder taken out so that might have been ****** to be out of country for.Yep. And I liked how on the final TD call during the replay Madden made sure to say "great control by Ben".
I thought he died a while ago as wellGet the **** out of here. I thought he passed a long time ago.
R.I.P John.
For those who didn't get see the ALL MADDEN Doc on Christmas Day. well worth the watch. heck I forgot all about the All Madden Team. I looked forward to that more then the pro bowl players.