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Juicy juicy Harbaugh better succeed in the NFL...

NCAA won't have the guts to strip Michigan of the championship. Unless they do that, then they got away with it. Like taking some draft picks from the Pats for spygate. Small price top pay for a championship.
There isn't a man I despise more than this asshat, and the NCAA can suck a dick with this lame "penalty". Jimmy the cheat was suspended three games for scouting and sign stealing last season that should have been met with immediate disqualification of post season eligibility. But, nooooo...They win the natty and Jimmy gets a cushy gig in sunny San Diego and a fat wheelbarrow of cash. He flips the NCAA and Michigan the proverbial middle finger with a giant smirk on his face. What does he care? Millions in the bank and he has to slum it in his 4600Sq ft beach house in Coronado, Ca until he finds his next mansion. **** the kids at Michigan, the alumni, the boosters, the NIL supporters, Jimmy say "**** them all"

The NCAA's response is laughable and the only people they're hurting at this point are the kids and that program. Disgusting.
There isn't a man I despise more than this asshat, and the NCAA can suck a dick with this lame "penalty". Jimmy the cheat was suspended three games for scouting and sign stealing last season that should have been met with immediate disqualification of post season eligibility. But, nooooo...They win the natty and Jimmy gets a cushy gig in sunny San Diego and a fat wheelbarrow of cash. He flips the NCAA and Michigan the proverbial middle finger with a giant smirk on his face. What does he care? Millions in the bank and he has to slum it in his 4600Sq ft beach house in Coronado, Ca until he finds his next mansion. **** the kids at Michigan, the alumni, the boosters, the NIL supporters, Jimmy say "**** them all"

The NCAA's response is laughable and the only people they're hurting at this point are the kids and that program. Disgusting.
I feel compassion for the players only.....and they got the holy grail last season......the boosters, NIL supporters, etc are all "doing business" and they just found out that Harbage#2 left them all -- including the NCAA -- holding his bag.

He came out the situation smelling like roses with a bigger bag of cash. Eventually, karma will settle things, but it might be a while......
But $$$$$

'zactly. You beat me to it but sharing the image I was gonna post anyways just because I like visuals...

You will have to explain to me what does hiring hairball cheater have to do with money?
Your comment was the NFL should respect the NCAA Ban. the reason the NFL won't is the shield is really about money. The NFL does not care about the NCAA suspension, only if hairball can put butts in seats and get clicks.
Your comment was the NFL should respect the NCAA Ban. the reason the NFL won't is the shield is really about money. The NFL does not care about the NCAA suspension, only if hairball can put butts in seats and get clicks.
Ok. I get now. Maybe clicks. Not sure about buts. He might have to do more then cheat to revive that franchise.
Ok. I get now. Maybe clicks. Not sure about buts. He might have to do more then cheat to revive that franchise.
doesn't matter if he succeeds or not...he is a known face in the NFL and coming off an NCAA win. In theory, the hire will excite Chargers fans (at least for a little while). Whether it is clicks or butts or team related gear sales or even a story line in Charger games to push his face out there...the end goal is the same - Marketing (which drives revenue directly and indirectly).
If they negated Michigan's title, then some NFL fans might raise more doubts that Darth Hoodie, devoid of wins since Ernie Adam's departed him, actually was a legitimate SB winner......and then they would doubt the NFL.......so that's why Harbage#2 is gainfully employed and Wolverines still "won" a very badly tainted National Championship.