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Just how stupid and evil is the Rethugnican leadership? Let's arm schoolchildren....


Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
Cohen shows just how little these scumbags are capable of thinking critically. It is mind blowing how stupid and willing to do anything to kiss Israeli *** and the NRA's *** these people are.....UNBELIEVABLE.

You do realize there is no respect for you here, don't you?

People might begin to take you more seriously, it you actually approached a subject objectively, rather than leading with insults.
You do realize there is no respect for you here, don't you?

People might begin to take you more seriously, it you actually approached a subject objectively, rather than leading with insults.

You have no respect for yourselves or your children, why would I think you would respect me?

I don't need your respect I'm here to drop truth napalm then return to base.

The point is all of you posted, and not one comment about what these people are suggesting like "kinderguardians"

Arming 4 to 12 year olds......yet none of you are even phased.

Chomsky is right ; the Republican party will go down in history as the most evil entity humanity has ever experienced.

Yes I'm aware of all the genocides in history, but this party will be responsible for the deaths of billions because of climate change.

So who cares about arming 4 year olds when the NRA's business members can make more profit?
elftardPoloLiar - you don't have a clue what is going on in the video, do you??

You stupid, bloated, diseased, malevolent, disgusting, vile **** ... the video splices actual comments together with politicians reading a script (review the Wilson portion, you pig).

So Cohen sets up a fake award. Has politicians read **** he wrote. Splices that idiotic **** together and says, "A-HAH!!"

That's about it, you rank, fetid, rotting, noxious, abject, cowardly, worthless shadow of an excuse of a human being.

Stop trolling Vox and Huffington and looking for any stupid, inane, asinine, ****-for-brains video and posting it here as if anybody ******* cares.
You do realize there is no respect for you here, don't you?

People might begin to take you more seriously, it you actually approached a subject objectively, rather than leading with insults.

True dat Zona.....she get's nuthin' from me.

This message is hidden because Elfiero is on your ignore list.
She doesn't get humor.

She fessed up years ago to being unable to understand sarcasm.

So this is another one of her "personality" issues.

The TDS has clearly accelerated the self-loathing.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
So Cohen sets up a fake award. Has politicians read **** he wrote. Splices that idiotic **** together and says, "A-HAH!!"

So you think the politicians were willing pawns in the mockery of their political beliefs? You are certain that it wasn’t confirmation bias being exposed?
Sasha Baron Cohen is a brilliant comedian and social critic. So good to see him back in the fold working on new material. The fact he's exposing gun-nut Republicans is hilarious and pathetic, all at once. Let their true colors shine.
They look like idiots. Good job by Cohen. That wasn't republican leadership though. No tricks needed to make the actual democrat leadership look idiotic. It is on display every day.
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I just ate an omelet that was amazing!! Spinach and tomato's from the garden along with sage also from the garden. eggs are from a neighbor who has chickens. little bit of olive oil.

good eating.
I thought his Borat character was hilarious. I will have to check this out. If it turns out to be a political hitfest, I doubt it will have legs.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app
I just ate an omelet that was amazing!! Spinach and tomato's from the garden along with sage also from the garden. eggs are from a neighbor who has chickens. little bit of olive oil.

good eating.

My wife has chickens of all different types. Some even lay blue eggs. I like the brown eggs the best. The yokes are darker. Tasty.................
Baiting for a shock TV show is about as honest as trolling for attention on a messageboard.... and both are typically done by attention ****** with dishonest motives...
Standard formula. Fake quotes and editing. It’s almist as legitimate a news source as The Daily Show.
My wife has chickens of all different types. Some even lay blue eggs. I like the brown eggs the best. The yokes are darker. Tasty.................

yeah I am not sure of the type of chickens but they were brown eggs this morning
I thought his Borat character was hilarious. I will have to check this out. If it turns out to be a political hitfest, I doubt it will have legs.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

Same here. If people didn't even attempt a little research into this "guy", well then have at 'em, Borat.
Please please PLEASE tell me you libtards don't actually believe this is legit.
She doesn't get humor.

She fessed up years ago to being unable to understand sarcasm.

So this is another one of her "personality" issues.

The TDS has clearly accelerated the self-loathing.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

CONman.....as delusional as ever..

What Sacha Baron Cohen taught us about Republicans and Israel

Unquestioning support for Israel isn’t a policy position. It’s borderline fanaticism.
By Alan Elsner

July 18, 2018 at 10:30 AM

It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious: Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, posing as Israeli “Col. Erran Morad, anti-terror expert,” managed to get two current and two former Republican members of Congress — including former Senate majority leader Trent Lott — to sing the praises of a fictional program to arm kids as young as 3, empowering them to kill bad guys.

How Cohen did it says a lot about the reflexive support for Israel that many Americans — particularly many Republicans — now espouse, to the point that they’re willing to switch off their critical faculties when Israel is mentioned.

Cohen’s footage shows former Illinois congressman and talk radio host Joe Walsh, with the fervor of the truly converted, looking directly at the camera and saying: “The intensive three-week Kinderguardian course introduces specially selected children from 12 to 4 years old to pistols, rifles, semiautomatics and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars. In less than a month — less than a month — a first-grader can become a first grenade-er.”

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) said, “Maybe having young people trained and understand how to defend themselves and their school might actually make us safer here.” And Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) (the same guy who shouted “You lie!” at former president Barack Obama) said, “A 3-year-old cannot defend itself from an assault rifle by throwing a ‘Hello Kitty’ pencil case at it.”

Walsh told CNN that Cohen duped him by telling him he was “getting an award from some Israeli TV station because I’m a great supporter of Israel.” As Walsh read the statement, he said, he thought, “Well, this is kind of crazy, but it is Israel and Israel is strong on defense.”

In Walsh’s mind, apparently, the fact that a random Israeli endorsed an idea made it acceptable and praiseworthy — even if a part of him might have been thinking that the idea of giving 3-year-olds guns was a little too out there.

It betrayed a lamentable ignorance about Israeli society, which has a low rate of private gun ownership — reported at about 3.5 percent of the population. As an Israeli Ministry of Education spokesman told The Washington Post’s Ruth Eglash this year, “professionals deal with the security” in Israel’s schools, “not the teachers,” and not the children. Even in a country with compulsory military service, gun permit applicants “must justify their need to be armed” and civilians “are subjected to an array of restrictions on the types of guns they can own, on the amount of ammunition they can possess, as well as guidelines on where to keep their guns.”

Sadly, for some, unthinking support for Israel has become a default position that translates to often unquestioning support of whatever Israelis, those posing as Israelis or the Israeli government says or does. Having bought into the popular conception of Israelis always responding to terrorism with righteous muscularity, this blind belief fits the preferred GOP narrative — that Israeli policy, and Israelis’ thinking, is monolithic and infallible, and that questioning it is a sign of political weakness. It’s how you wind up with President Trump doing something such as moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — a purely symbolic move that upended the consensus policy of past presidents of both parties, outraging Palestinians and many Israelis, and which set back the cause of peace in the interest of looking tough.

It's the economy stu.......err....


elftardPoloLiar - you don't have a clue what is going on in the video, do you??

You stupid, bloated, diseased, malevolent, disgusting, vile **** ... the video splices actual comments together with politicians reading a script (review the Wilson portion, you pig).

So Cohen sets up a fake award. Has politicians read **** he wrote. Splices that idiotic **** together and says, "A-HAH!!"

That's about it, you rank, fetid, rotting, noxious, abject, cowardly, worthless shadow of an excuse of a human being.

Stop trolling Vox and Huffington and looking for any stupid, inane, asinine, ****-for-brains video and posting it here as if anybody ******* cares.

And yet you cared enough to waste all that time typing that......

You can't make it up kids, hell you don't need to the comedy writes itself. LMAO....
Baiting for a shock TV show is about as honest as trolling for attention on a messageboard.... and both are typically done by attention ****** with dishonest motives...

Good job describing Spike perfectly.
They have already admitted to being duped. It’s absolutely legit.

Trog for them to admit that their "Leadership" is this scummy is to admit they are cut from the same cloth.

So instead you get a million and one excuses for this disgusting behavior.
How stupid are the liberal Dems? U really have to ask?


California city would jail people for handing out straws

A California coastal city has become the latest municipality to ban plastic straws, enacting what is potentially the strictest plastic prohibition in the country.

Santa Barbara earlier this month passed the ordinance authorizing hefty fines and even a possible jail sentence for violators who dole out plastic straws at restaurants, bars and other food establishments.

According to the ordinance, violators on their first offense will be given a written warning notice. But the second time a purveyor of plastic straws defies the ban is when the heavy hand of the law could clamp down.

In that case, the ordinance cites penalties from the city’s municipal code for a “fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months.”
