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Just to clarify, despite what the media says, The Pirates do not lose money


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
LP in the burgh
The current spin circling the talk shows centers on DK's article talking about how the Pirates supposedly lost money last year.
I am just going to point this out once... There is absolutely no way that franchise was not profitable. Particularly with the cut of the luxury tax money they would get... Forbes estimated their profiablity at 68 million dollars

The DK article is likely based on the teams numbers after they factored in various bloated and theoretical losses or costs. Owners often have themselves or family members on payroll for useless jobs.. they factor in stadium depreciation on arenas they didnt pay for..

After they got busted not spending luxury tax money on payroll in the 00's, the teams books have tried to show less profitability... Forbes has never once bought their BS...

Remember, the last time they tried to call BS on forbes calling them a top 25 most profitable sports team in all of north american sports, their books got leaked and Forbes was spot on.

All this is just another transparent attempt to stave off the criticism of their jackass, greedy owner.
It's almost impossible for them to lose money, given the revenue sharing and the relatively little they spend on payroll.

I generally like DK, but his constant defense of Nutting gets tiresome, as does his deflection of any criticism toward Rooney, even as that criticism becomes more appropriate over time.

I understand beat writers need to maintain good relationships with the local teams, but DK can be way too transparent about it
It's almost impossible for them to lose money, given the revenue sharing and the relatively little they spend on payroll.

I generally like DK, but his constant defense of Nutting gets tiresome, as does his deflection of any criticism toward Rooney, even as that criticism becomes more appropriate over time.

I understand beat writers need to maintain good relationships with the local teams, but DK can be way too transparent about it

Its just that every few years the Pirates always try to debunk the narrative about them pocketing money right and left, and it typically blows up in their faces because what they try to say is always exposed to be half truths and bullshit...

Like Joe Starkey wrote... if it were true Nutting was losing money on the team, he would have sold... and he has had ample offers through the years...

I believe Forbes, who has their profits set to 68 million last year, over DK, who, as you said, has a relationship with the team and is often a mouthpiece
Here's DK's response to the criticism toward his article.

These excuses he makes do not make sense... DK is just a guy who is always too biased... there is a reason I never subscribed to him...

Hey, If the Pirates want to disprove the stuff said about them... release their books..

Of course the last time that legitimately leaked, they were lying and forbes was right
These excuses he makes do not make sense... DK is just a guy who is always too biased... there is a reason I never subscribed to him...

Hey, If the Pirates want to disprove the stuff said about them... release their books..

Of course the last time that legitimately leaked, they were lying and forbes was right

He claimed the Forbes numbers are inaccurate, without going into much detail.