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Keystone rejected by the O admin

Saw that yesterday......Canada ( I think?) wanted a sort of time out on the review (looking forward to a time when we aren't ruled by an anti capitalist, Marxist muslim king) in the hope that it could be viewed rationally. But when you ask the king to step aside for a moment the king just has to say no.
TransCanada's request to pause Keystone XL review rejected by U.S.

The U.S. State Department has rejected TransCanada's request to put the review of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline on hold.



Obama To Reject Keystone XL Pipeline

The president will likely cite concerns over the pipeline's contribution to global warming -- an issue the administration has put at the top of its agenda in Obama's second term -- as the chief reason for blocking the project.

Great news, stand-up move by the president. He should be applauded for it by one and all.
Bernie on the right side of history, yet again.

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
8 mins ·

As someone who has led the opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline from Day 1, I strongly applaud President Obama's decision to kill this project. Climate change is a global environmental crisis. It is insane for anyone to be supporting the excavation and transportation of some of the dirtiest fuel on earth.

Obama hates Canada.

I thought the left loved science and evidence-based decision-making? The experts recommended approving the pipeline. Now Obama is going to turf it for political and ideological purposes.
It is insane for anyone to be supporting the excavation and transportation of some of the dirtiest fuel on earth.

Always amused by the referrals to "dirty" oil. As opposed to "clean" oil that people bathe with?

So the US will continue to buy more oil from Nigeria (which is 4 times higher in GHG emissions than oil sands oil}, effectively funding the Boko Haram. And will most likely start importing oil from Iran now that the embargoes will soon be lifted, effectively funding ISIS...all part of Obama's Muslim Brotherhood

How clean is our ‘dirty’ oil? You’d be surprised.

There are 13 oil fields in California, plus crude oil blends originating in at least six other countries, that generate a higher level of upstream greenhouse gas emissions than Canadian dilbit blends;

• Crude oil from Alaska’s North Slope, which makes up about 12 per cent of California’s total crude slate, is actually “dirtier” than the Canadian dilbit known as “Access Western Blend”;
• The “dirtiest oil in North America” is not produced in Canada, but just outside Los Angeles, where the Placerita oil field generates about twice the level of upstream emissions as Canadian oilsands production; and
• The title of “world’s dirtiest oil” goes to Brass crude blend from Nigeria, where the uncontrolled release of methane during the oil extraction process generates upstream GHG emissions that are over four times higher than Canadian dilbit.


Bernie is a moron

The digging will go on...the trains will just be carrying even more south

'And the trains keep rollin all night long '

Now lets all sing

"Trains keep rollin all night long"
It's only a slight delay. Trump will sign it when he gets in.
Oh yes, that dirty oil that Democrats stand so firmly against. Go Green! Go Alternative! Viva la Solar!

(But...see...I think I might have some oil on my property, Let's use State resources to find it, so I can drill for it, and become rich(er))


Gov. Brown takes heat for asking state officials to research oil and gas on family ranch

Gov. Jerry Brown was only interested in “the history and geology of his family ranch” in Colusa County when he asked state officials about the potential for mining and oil drilling on the property, a spokesman for the governor said Thursday.

The spokesman, Gareth Lacy, said Brown “has the same right as anyone to obtain public records” and provided examples of research done for others.

Lacy’s comments were in response to an Associated Press report that raised questions about whether Brown misused public resources by asking state officials for help researching his family’s land.

“The governor is interested in the history and geology of his family ranch in Colusa County — not drilling for oil or gas,” Lacy said.

After Brown made his request, officials compiled historical records and a map of gas wells in the area. A summary of the information said “the potential for significant oil or gas in this area is very low.”
Can someone answer a question for me?

We all know this is the most partisan President the country's seen. But I got to thinking...has this President signed or approved any bill, budget, law, etc proposed by Republicans once in his tenure? Is there one time, where the man who speaks of bi-partisanship, actually signed something his party didn't propose? I truly don't know, I'm asking.

Great news, stand-up move by the president. He should be applauded for it by one and all.

And Tibs...are you hoping they'll build another one of those massive solar plants in the desert instead? The ones that produce more CO2 than a legacy fossil fuel energy plant? The same green energy resource that's killing 3,500 birds a year? Have ya read those new reports where some scientists are concluding that solar energy is actually contributing to climate change by diverting solar away from where Earth intended it to go?
Total dumb *** political move that hurts the country. Seriously, the only opposition to this is from stupid environmentalists. The oil is going to come out of the sands whether the pipeline happens or not. Going against the pipeline is the worst possible outcome for the environment. Trucks and/or trains will now transport the oil and that will exponentially do more damage to the environment than any pipeline would. Just pure stupidity on all levels.
Played right into the Saudis who have greatly increased production....now they can reduce and charge out the *** and make record profits. Watch where gas prices go in the next year.
Always amused by the referrals to "dirty" oil. As opposed to "clean" oil that people bathe with?

So the US will continue to buy more oil from Nigeria (which is 4 times higher in GHG emissions than oil sands oil}, effectively funding the Boko Haram. And will most likely start importing oil from Iran now that the embargoes will soon be lifted, effectively funding ISIS...all part of Obama's Muslim Brotherhood

How clean is our ‘dirty’ oil? You’d be surprised.

There are 13 oil fields in California, plus crude oil blends originating in at least six other countries, that generate a higher level of upstream greenhouse gas emissions than Canadian dilbit blends;

• Crude oil from Alaska’s North Slope, which makes up about 12 per cent of California’s total crude slate, is actually “dirtier” than the Canadian dilbit known as “Access Western Blend”;
• The “dirtiest oil in North America” is not produced in Canada, but just outside Los Angeles, where the Placerita oil field generates about twice the level of upstream emissions as Canadian oilsands production; and
• The title of “world’s dirtiest oil” goes to Brass crude blend from Nigeria, where the uncontrolled release of methane during the oil extraction process generates upstream GHG emissions that are over four times higher than Canadian dilbit.


Bernie is a moron

The digging will go on...the trains will just be carrying even more south

'And the trains keep rollin all night long '

Now lets all sing

"Trains keep rollin all night long"

Total dumb *** political move that hurts the country. Seriously, the only opposition to this is from stupid environmentalists. The oil is going to come out of the sands whether the pipeline happens or not. Going against the pipeline is the worst possible outcome for the environment. Trucks and/or trains will now transport the oil and that will exponentially do more damage to the environment than any pipeline would. Just pure stupidity on all levels.

Filling Buffet's pockets is just a coincidence.
The middle east cartels win again. Another step to killing US production. Once further development is stopped, oil prices will go up and they can once again claim we use too much gas.

Bad move by the stupid ****** with no job or business experience.
More blue collar votes for Trump

Union: Obama threw workers 'under the bus' in Keystone decision

The Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) is one of the few labor unions that broke with the majority of Democrats and supported the project, which Obama rejected Friday after a seven-year review.

"We are dismayed and disgusted that the President has once again thrown the members of LIUNA, and other hard-working, blue-collar workers under the bus of his vaunted 'legacy,' while doing little or nothing to make a real difference in global climate change," Terry O'Sullivan, the union's general president, said in a statement. "His actions are shameful." The group's statement cited a State Department report that Keystone could reduce greenhouse gas emissions when compared with oil transportation by rail.

"But facts apparently mean as little to the president as the construction jobs he repeatedly derided as insignificant because they are 'temporary,' " O'Sullivan said. "Ironically, the very temporary nature of the president's own job seems to be fueling a legacy of doing permanent harm to middle- and working class families

'Feel-good project for environmentalists'

Bob Schulz, a professor at the University of Calgary's Haskayne School of Business, said rejecting Keystone was primarily a "feel-good project for the environmentalists" and a plank for Obama as he tries to establish his legacy.

"His motivations are trying to set a baseline for his personal legacy and to have the environmentalists feel happy," Schulz said.

"Meanwhile, the oil companies are still going to ship the oil by rail."

Dirk Lever, managing director of AltaCorp Capital, agreed, saying the rejection of Keystone XL could turn out to be beneficial for Canadian rail companies.

"If crude can't go by pipeline, then down the road, if volumes pick up and there's further activity, they'll be using rail," Lever said.

If a Republican candidate wins the White House, Schulz said TransCanada will likely re-apply for the major pipeline that would carry bitumen from Alberta to Texas.

Lever said the Keystone XL project isn't totally dead but is effectively "on hold," something that could change if a more pipeline-friendly administration gains power in the United States.

For its part, TransCanada said it's not giving up.

"TransCanada and its shippers remain absolutely committed to building this important energy infrastructure project," CEO Russ Girling said in a statement.

"We will review our options to potentially file a new application for border-crossing authority to ship our customer's crude oil, and will now analyze the stated rationale for the denial."

Justin Trudeau 'disappointed' with U.S. rejection of Keystone XL

Obama 'succumbed to pressure'

"We are extremely disappointed that President Obama succumbed to domestic political pressure and rejected the Keystone XL pipeline. It has been clear for some time that — despite the facts, economic benefits and environmental safeguards — the White House's decision was a fait accompli."

Former Conservative finance minister Joe Oliver said the Keystone pipeline became a politically charged "symbol" for the environmental movement.

"We've lost sight of the facts, and when you get into symbolism and you get into politics, you lose sight of what really is important both for the environment and for the economy," he told CBC News Network.

How is the Keystone pipeline different than others that made it so controversial?
Is anybody surprised by this? 1) The Dems have sided with the Greenies instead of the unions for about 30 years. 2) The oil will now have to be shipped on Bomma donor Warren Buffet's railroad, which is demonstrably less safe than a pipeline.
How is the Keystone pipeline different than others that made it so controversial?

It's not. Smoke and mirrors to make the deluded greenies feel good. Oil will make its way to the refineries, one way or another.

America has built the equivalent of 10 Keystone pipelines since 2010 — and nobody said anything

While TransCanada Corp. has been cooling its heels on its Keystone XL proposal for the past six years, the oil pipeline business has been booming in the United States.

Crude oil pipeline mileage rose 9.1 per cent last year alone to reach 66,649 miles.

Between 2009 and 2013, more than 8,000 miles of oil transmission pipelines have been built in the past five years in the U.S., AOPL spokesperson John Stoody said, compared to the 875 miles TransCanada wants to lay in the states of Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska for its 830,000-bpd project. By last year, the U.S. had built 12,000 miles of pipe since 2010.


Damn. If some JV terrorist organization were to see that image...
Obama hates Canada.

I thought the left loved science and evidence-based decision-making? The experts recommended approving the pipeline. Now Obama is going to turf it for political and ideological purposes.

"Science" is a flexible paradigm in this world. If its findings support your goal it's good. If not, well.....

Is anybody surprised by this? 1) The Dems have sided with the Greenies instead of the unions for about 30 years. 2) The oil will now have to be shipped on Bomma donor Warren Buffet's railroad, which is demonstrably less safe than a pipeline.

Where's a Phoenix-Durango or Taggart Transcontinental RR when ya need one?