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Keystone rejected by the O admin

He can afford to do this, nobody cares right now because oil and gas is cheap. Who cares about the future? We need to pander now.
Cruz blasts Obama's rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline

Approving Keystone Would Have Been a Step in the Right Direction

"Obama once again confirmed what most of us already knew: he does not care about American jobs or the American economy. He remains controlled by a radical environmentalist agenda, which seeks the elimination of whole segments of our economy."

“It’s also notable that President Obama’s decision today is in direct contravention to the wishes of Congress, not to mention the recommendation of his own State Department. The State Department’s internal review found that the KXL Pipeline would not impact global emissions in a significant way.

“To think that Canadians are going to leave the tar sands undeveloped is downright naïve. Now because of the President’s decision, Canadians will have no choice but to send it to China, which will refine the oil in a much, much dirtier way. As I’ve said before, there is only one thing that will stop us from embracing our nation’s full potential: the federal government."

It's simple, the pipeline would hurt ISIS. No way would he ever do such a thing.
It's simple, the pipeline would hurt ISIS. No way would he ever do such a thing.

I don't know about that but it sure would put a lot of Warren Buffett's tank cars out of work.
I don't know about that but it sure would put a lot of Warren Buffett's tank cars out of work.

winner..winner chicken dinner. The Greenies were not the only beneficiaries.

Canadian Oil competes with American Oil. Make it easier for Canadians to sell their oil and less American oil will get sold.

Pipeline jobs would just eliminate fracking jobs. And a Canadian company building a pipeline already has Canadian employees
to build with.
Canadian Oil competes with American Oil. Make it easier for Canadians to sell their oil and less American oil will get sold.

Pipeline jobs would just eliminate fracking jobs. And a Canadian company building a pipeline already has Canadian employees
to build with.

you don't know a hell of a lot about how pipelines are built
but now the Canucks will ship their oil to China for refining. yay.
**** the environment, right?​

gas prices have and are going up.
Counting down the days until the dickcheese America hating fundamental change *** is out of office. Maybe we can change the name of it to "The **** you Obama" pipeline after we get a real American leader in.
I still don't get how the greenies are happy. This decision is, hands down, worse for the environment. Just shows how stupid these people really are. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Counting down the days until the dickcheese America hating fundamental change *** is out of office. Maybe we can change the name of it to "The **** you Obama" pipeline after we get a real American leader in.

I'd vote for calling it the "Trump Pipeline".