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Lamar Jackson is playing for big money


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
The watson Contract is going to totally screw the qb market badly, and perhaps it already has…

Its being reported that the Ratbirds own Lamar Jackson, RB extraordinaire, who identifies as a QB, is probably going to wait on a new contract and play on perhaps two franchise tags in 2023 and 24…

Now everyone at first glance is appalled by the huge risk he is taking… he could easily sign a Watson equivalent contract right now, though it sounds like they are less willing to guarantee it all… and a major injury is always a real risk, but career enders are much less frequent these days, but his gamble is going to have a huge payoff if he doesn’t get hurt…

Look right now that ravens offer has to be in the 45 million per range… over say 5 years… but thanks to this season’s glut of overpaid qb’s the franchise tag would be at or slightly over that next season … but it gets BETTER

The Browns totally expect to rework Watson’s deal the next two seasons to avoid that 25% of tge cap hit he is slated to be… each time they do it will increase his average total hit that gets applied to the franchise calculator… so next year he will be reworked into 220 million guaranteed over 4 years ( 55 mil per with a twentyish million hit) the year after its expected to be reworked into an extension that will reset the market again…. Each time earning lamar more money

But in a couple seasons both burrows and gerbert will be due for major contract extensions by 2024… as well as kyler murray and Russell Wilson, so it’s feasible that the entire qb structure is around 60 million per by tge time LJ finally goes long term

And here is the kicker… he will be in his eigth year… History says runninback style qbs falter badly after their eighth season… so if the massive guarantees becomes a trend, he locks up a sweetheart deal through his breakdown seasons they cannot get out of..

Loving this
If the ravens are like the browns and stupid enough to lock action jackson up in his 8th year then they deserve what they get. I'd like them to lock him up now but playing on the franchise tag is never a good deal for anyone yet alone a QB or aaA I mean RBQB.

Will his MomA be able to keep up with the mathematics of all this because she needs to get as much as possible and guaranteed. This 8th year is a big risk considering he could be out any given season. I'd think to big a risk and settle for less but still huge in all aspects and raven crimpling demise.

Salute the nation
The way Jackson plays, he is stupid to play on two tags. Take a 5 year contract with a ton of guaranteed money in case you get hurt. He could have a serious injury in a year or two.
The way Jackson plays, he is stupid to play on two tags. Take a 5 year contract with a ton of guaranteed money in case you get hurt. He could have a serious injury in a year or two.
I mean as devils advocate, what qb or rb has had a career ender recently? i think his bigger risk is that his numbers keep dropping and nobody thinks he is worth top end qb money anymore in three seasons… however by then mid tier qbs will be making 40 million so it won’t be that big a risk
Jackson is a fool for taking the risk. He’s not a normal QB. Most QBs come back from major injury because it doesn’t matter if they’re a step slow. A veteran AB can also get by with reduced arm strength if they are good enough at reading defense, see Brady and see Manning who finished his career throwing like a backup high school QB. But they are both so good at reading defenses and anticipating that they still succeed.

Jackson is none of that. On his best day he airmails balls. He relies on his legs and elite speed and quickness. A guy like Manning blows out an ACL and it doesn’t matter. For Jackson it may mean the end of his career just like RG3. RG3 was never the same after coming back from injury. He was no longer the huge run threat so he had to rely on pocket passing and wasn’t good enough. Jackson would be in a similar situation.

The Ravens should be happy with this arrangement. They clearly do have their doubts about him long term or else they would have already given him a nose long term deal. This allows them to keep Jackson and not be committed long term.
I read the espn article that covered this topic. Bisciotti stated that the Jackson 2 have not approached the Ravens with negotiations in mind. It may be that Jackson is betting on himself to improve his play and leverage. Let's face it, the last two seasons hasn't improved his bargaining position and many are saying they've figured out how to stop him. I admire Jackson's moxie that he'll prove naysayers wrong and I'm betting Bisciotti is thrilled with this wait and see approach. He all but said the Browns f%$ked up everything with Watson's contract.

Say what you want about the Ravens but they've been burned once over a QB contract and I don't think they're eager to invest long term presently.
Jackson is a fool for taking the risk. He’s not a normal QB. Most QBs come back from major injury because it doesn’t matter if they’re a step slow. A veteran AB can also get by with reduced arm strength if they are good enough at reading defense, see Brady and see Manning who finished his career throwing like a backup high school QB. But they are both so good at reading defenses and anticipating that they still succeed.

Jackson is none of that. On his best day he airmails balls. He relies on his legs and elite speed and quickness. A guy like Manning blows out an ACL and it doesn’t matter. For Jackson it may mean the end of his career just like RG3. RG3 was never the same after coming back from injury. He was no longer the huge run threat so he had to rely on pocket passing and wasn’t good enough. Jackson would be in a similar situation.

The Ravens should be happy with this arrangement. They clearly do have their doubts about him long term or else they would have already given him a nose long term deal. This allows them to keep Jackson and not be committed long term.
They aren’t going to be happy with this at all… see all those qb contracts are built to kick money down the road… you cannot win with more than 15% of tge cap toed up in one player… typically winners have cap hits on stars around 12% or so

Franchising him in 23 will almost certainly be 20% of the expected cap that year (230 mil), doing it in 24 will bring a minimum of 55 million dollar contract back to him, which will be 22% of that years cap (250 mil) with no way to get cap relief until he signs long term

That second franchise tag could actually move northward of 55 depending on the way the other qbs are handled next offseason… dude could just have them over a barrel by then and they have to gove him something absurd and guaranteed
Once they can no longer afford players around him they are fugged. You see it already in KC. They are trying to create a second Championship window in a few yeaes by trading or letting expensive talent walk. And that's with a guy who can probably still carry that team to wildcard with lesser talent. Jackson isn't even close.
unless the Rats go on a downward spiral and are not a playoff caliber team over the next two years, they'll feel the heat to give Lamar what he wants. Lamar doesn't need to approach the Rats FO right now. Harbaugh is signed for another three years. Their coach will be on that sideline unless, as previously mentioned, they go on a downward spiral OR he retires.

Lamar is his guy. Lamar is the face of the team right now. ****, other than Andrews, I can't quickly name more than 2-4 guys on that team off the top of my head. The talking heads at ESPN rave about him. He gets compared to Mahomes a lot (except Mahomes hasnt the same foot speed and can read a defense and make all the throws and ...). Social media is going to push the Rats into giving him a TREMENDOUS contract.

"Lamar deserves to be paid" will be the cry in the media over the next few seasons.

and he does. he deserves the money Mahomes gets, PLUS what Watson gets, PLUS what Rodgers gets. The Rats FO needs to show the league and their fans that they're committed 10,000% behind this smoke and mirrors RQB.

Baltimore Lamars has a nice ring to it. Lamar and 21 other guys making league minimum. how lovely.
Watson essentially negotiated Jackson's contract for him. I wouldn't be surprised if Jackson holds out now until he gets an identical contract. From Jackson's standpoint, because of what Watson got he now has a clearer picture of what he's worth. Prior to Watson's new contract maybe it wasn't so clear to him.
I mean as devils advocate, what qb or rb has had a career ender recently? i think his bigger risk is that his numbers keep dropping and nobody thinks he is worth top end qb money anymore in three seasons… however by then mid tier qbs will be making 40 million so it won’t be that big a risk
True but if he makes it through a giant 5 year contract, he will probably still get another large contract after that. The 2 tag years almost eliminate that possibility but not entirely. I think he needs a real agent.
Teams should wise up and deploy as speedy line backer to cover him the whole game limiting his rushing to a meger 20-30 yards a game, but the don't play like this for reasons beyond me. Why not? Defense is stopping the opponents weapons. Essentially commit a man to stop the rush, and if he's at the LOS engage him to hit the QB as hard as he can. Force some fumbles man make the pay! This would force bum qb's to pass. I don't have stats on how Jackson does when he is limited to 20-30 yards rushing but I'd guess he looses more of those games then when he rushes for 50+ yards.
Teams should wise up and deploy as speedy line backer to cover him the whole game limiting his rushing to a meger 20-30 yards a game, but the don't play like this for reasons beyond me. Why not? Defense is stopping the opponents weapons. Essentially commit a man to stop the rush, and if he's at the LOS engage him to hit the QB as hard as he can. Force some fumbles man make the pay! This would force bum qb's to pass. I don't have stats on how Jackson does when he is limited to 20-30 yards rushing but I'd guess he looses more of those games then when he rushes for 50+ yards.

You mean kinda like the STEELERS already do....?

The STEELERS have consistently held him to his lowest QBRs over the last few years. Jackson has done nothing much against us.

Watching the games help but even his game stats against us will tell the picture.

Salute the nation
True but if he makes it through a giant 5 year contract, he will probably still get another large contract after that. The 2 tag years almost eliminate that possibility but not entirely. I think he needs a real agent.
Nah his body will break down after three years like every Rb /qb does… thats the thing if he just takes this payday that’s going to be the largest and best one he gets… if he can delay a couple years it will be much longer, but if he goes to long he will be declining on the field… run first qbs have notoriously short effective careers
If the ravens are like the browns and stupid enough to lock action jackson up in his 8th year then they deserve what they get. I'd like them to lock him up now but playing on the franchise tag is never a good deal for anyone yet alone a QB or aaA I mean RBQB.
Will the Ratbirds be dumb enough to tie up that much in a QB for a second time?
I'm thinking they probably are.
Will the Ratbirds be dumb enough to tie up that much in a QB for a second time?
I'm thinking they probably are.

You and I both brother, the more they spend the happier I am.!!!!!

Salute the nation
His backup Huntley is almost as good as him for 1/20th the price.
you mean the 1-3 QB is nearly as good as the 7-5 QB last year? Look, I think Lamar is limited as a thrower, but he knows how to win football games.

I also know he's his own agent, but he'd be dumb as balls to play for his 5th year option plus 2 FTs. Though Cousins made a but ton of money playing for 2 FTs then singing a huge contract in MIN.

I also doin't know why the league is paying him the 3rd tier 5th yr option when he should be earning the 2nd tier with a league MVP and Pro Bowl in yr 2? Somebody explain that **** to me??
huntley got his *** kicked by the Steelers D, Lamar is mediocre against the same D but still way more productive than the backup. No way they can be compared in a close level
you mean the 1-3 QB is nearly as good as the 7-5 QB last year? Look, I think Lamar is limited as a thrower, but he knows how to win football games.

I also know he's his own agent, but he'd be dumb as balls to play for his 5th year option plus 2 FTs. Though Cousins made a but ton of money playing for 2 FTs then singing a huge contract in MIN.

I also doin't know why the league is paying him the 3rd tier 5th yr option when he should be earning the 2nd tier with a league MVP and Pro Bowl in yr 2? Somebody explain that **** to me??
You mean Huntley who played with a decimated Rats team ?
There is no question who is the BEST playing QB on the ravens team and it sure as hell isn't the back-up.

Now who is the "smartest" QB may be debateable as I question the one with MomA as their agent.

Salute the nation
It is great news that the other teams in the division will have to tie up massive $$ in the QB position while the Steelers can use that money freed up from Ben's retirement to improve the balance of the team until they get the QB they really want via the draft.

Even if that is this draft, the Steelers should carry extra $$ in comparison to the rest of the division for the next few years. The Stains, Rats and Bungles would all seem to be close to the end of their windows for cheap QB solutions, and the Stains just torqued that stress even more.

This is the first time in about 15 years that the Steelers are not at a $$ disadvantage compared to the rest of the division. This is a great setup, if they can get the next Ben/Bradshaw over the next couple drafts....