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Leftie company ***** employees over ... publicly


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL

Patagonia’s CEO is donating company’s entire $10M Trump tax cut to fight climate change


Patagonia is having a very good year. And under our new corporate tax code passed by a Republican Congress and enthusiastically signed into law by President Trump, they’re paying a lot less in federal taxes.

$10 million less, to be exact.

In letter posted to LinkedIn, Patagonia’s CEO announced her company is donating all $10 million to non-profit groups who work on issues related to climate change and the environment.

“Based on last year’s irresponsible tax cut, Patagonia will owe less in taxes this year—$10 million less, in fact,” CEO Rose Marcario writes. “Instead of putting the money back into our business, we’re responding by putting $10 million back into the planet. Our home planet needs it more than we do.”

Marcario referred to the government’s own newly released report on climate change, which warns that unless significant changes are made, we could be facing catastrophic and irreversible changes to our planet by 2050. When asked about the report, Trump simply said, “I don’t believe it,” something Marcario also made a thinly veiled reference to in her post:
“Far too many have suffered the consequences of global warming in recent months, and the political response has so far been woefully inadequate—and the denial is just evil,” she wrote.

“Taxes protect the most vulnerable in our society, our public lands and other life-giving resources,” she added. “In spite of this, the Trump administration initiated a corporate tax cut, threatening these services at the expense of our planet.”

Patagonia isn’t new to environmental causes. Their “1% for the Planet” program donates profits to environmental projects around the world.

A note on their company site claims Patagonia has donated more than $89 million to such causes since the program first launched.

And CEO Marcario was singled out by the White House, Barack Obama's White House that is, back in 2015 for her efforts to protect the environment.

In response to the Republicans approach to climate change, Bloomberg notes that Patagonia is getting increasingly political, having endorsed two Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate during the 2018 midterm elections.

Both candidates won. And seeing as money and politics are the two measurements of power most at the forefront of Trump’s thinking, Patagonia’s latest message is something he and his allies should take note of.


Hourly pay for the California-based company
At the expense of the planet? Wtf?
And there you have it folks, center stage - stupidity on display.

May the forces of Capitalism ***** slap them appropriately.
Will any of the board lefties respond?
Virtue signaling and purchasing your way into the higher levels of the dem power structure where more virtue and dem power awaits. Littles be damned.

I wanna see the check she writes.
Patagonia’s board of directors should fire that dumb ***** today.
Patagonia’s board of directors should fire that dumb ***** today.

Why? It’s a PR move that climate change believers will eat up. It’s an investment in customer loyalty. It might increase Patagonia’s profits by $20 million or more.

Patagonia is good stuff!
Why? It’s a PR move that climate change believers will eat up. It’s an investment in customer loyalty. It might increase Patagonia’s profits by $20 million or more.

Patagonia is good stuff!

My jacket is going to Goodwill. I can’t support such an idiotic company.

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Why? It’s a PR move that climate change believers will eat up. It’s an investment in customer loyalty. It might increase Patagonia’s profits by $20 million or more.

Patagonia is good stuff!

goodness at the clashing hypocrisy.

and ... damn.

made even better by Tibs "liking" the post. Just too much hippo
Why? It’s a PR move that climate change believers will eat up. It’s an investment in customer loyalty. It might increase Patagonia’s profits by $20 million or more.

Patagonia is good stuff!

Probably so.

Proof that leftists care about advancing the socialist cause than they do real people. �� Those working people would really have liked a Christmas Bonus of $1500 or so apiece.
Probably so.

Proof that leftists care about advancing the socialist cause than they do real people. �� Those working people would really have liked a Christmas Bonus of $1500 or so apiece.

Yeah **** those working people. You'll take your jelly of the month club membership and like it. Forward comrades!

How do you fight climate change when it will always be changing? Stupid. I'd be more concerned with an asteroid smashing us into extinction.
Not sure why anyone cares what a business does with its money, be it from tax breaks or profits. No doubt management cleared it with ownership, they're free do as they please. If the employees don't like it, go work at REI or NorthFace.

Patagonia has a solid track record supporting environmental issues, this falls right into what the company has always stood for. My guess is most folks working there support the decision. And if they don't, again, they're free to leave. Tax breaks are rarely filtered down to employees in any sector, usually just goes straight to shareholders as extra profits. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

I for one applaud a company wanting to help fight climate change, given our current government has their heads up their ***** on this issue.
goodness at the clashing hypocrisy.

and ... damn.

made even better by Tibs "liking" the post. Just too much hippo

Hypocrisy is not having a problem with all the companies that ****** over their employees and used the tax cut to buy back stock instead.
So here’s a question. Let’s say Patagonia already pays their employees very competitive wages and benefits packages to the point that the employees rarely leave and applicants for open positions are abundant. Would it be smart to use the tax cut to pay their employees even higher wages? Or would it be really ******* stupid?
And that will have absolutely zero effect on the Earth's climate. I'm sure the employees couldn't have made good use of that money.
So here’s a question. Let’s say Patagonia already pays their employees very competitive wages and benefits packages to the point that the employees rarely leave and applicants for open positions are abundant. Would it be smart to use the tax cut to pay their employees even higher wages? Or would it be really ******* stupid?

It would be smarter than paying $10 million to follow the weather when they can watch it for free.
Hypocrisy is not having a problem with all the companies that ****** over their employees and used the tax cut to buy back stock instead.

its goddamn clear you do not even understand what dog whistle it is you're blowing at this point.

its goddamn clear you do not even understand what dog whistle it is you're blowing at this point.

Like I’m running for office. What the **** do I care about dog whistles?
Like I’m running for office. What the **** do I care about dog whistles?

so ******* hilarious when socialists can't see the forest of capitalism for the trees.

so ******* hilarious when socialists can't see the forest of capitalism for the trees.

Socialism is believing that companies will give tax breaks to their employees out of the kindness of their hearts. You’re one of the rubes who doesn’t understand the difference between capitalism and socialism and now you’ve got a chapped *** because I pointed it out to you.
Socialism is believing that companies will give tax breaks to their employees out of the kindness of their hearts. You’re one of the rubes who doesn’t understand the difference between capitalism and socialism and now you’ve got a chapped *** because I pointed it out to you.


Toolodyte, keep going. You're single-handedly making AOC look competent and intellectual.

I don't own anything from Patagonia, and now I never will. My life won't suffer one bit, as a result.

Socialism is believing that companies will give tax breaks to their employees out of the kindness of their hearts. You’re one of the rubes who doesn’t understand the difference between capitalism and socialism and now you’ve got a chapped *** because I pointed it out to you.

Holy ****...I can’t even....

Just, **** it. It’s not even worth it.