There are over 320 million people in this country... assuming that a mere 10% of them are moronic dickwads of the worse ilk, that's more than enough to find terrible stories in any direction of violence and stupidity spectrum then hype and spin them for political motives. This country is far from the cesspool of racism and hatred that the media portraits... for the most part it is good people who, like the rest of the world, haven't yet figured out how to stop immoral and imbecilic ******** and jerks from acting as such....
Of the hundreds of people of a multitude of varying races and income levels I interact with on a relatively normal basis, only a handful are actually violent jerkbags. less than ten come to mind... I don't think a country should be judged by the behavior of its lowest common denominators and I think people who use that to drive wedges into the public for personal gain, be it political power, money, or whatever, should be burned at the stake....