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Let's not be discrimanatory here...

Gov. Cuomo calls for U.S. Army to rename streets named after Confederate Generals

NEW YORK, N.Y. (WENY) -- Governor Andrew Cuomo is urging the U.S. Army to remove the names of Confederate Generals from the streets of a New York City military base.

Earlier this month, Army officials denied requests to remove the names of two Confederate Generals from the streets of Fort Hamilton.

They said the move would be controversial.

After recent events, Governor Cuomo is urging the Army to reconsider.

Cuomo says symbols of slavery and racism have no place in New York.



Piss off loser, military bases are Federal Lands

The Confederate Generals were Democrats

All the Confederate Generals are U.S. Military Veterans, according to the Veterans Administration
I agree.

I hate the Irish for personal reasons.

And while we're doing all this other stuff let's change the name of all the Martin Luther King Junior Boulevards back to their original names since MLK was a supporter of traditional marriage.

Not to mention ML.K boulevards are in the worst part possible of any city. If I were MLK, I would be embarrassed.
It makes me a bit sick to my stomach to see some are bringing up one of the greatest Americans in history, Martin Luther King Jr. in this conversation. Really, you want to go there?

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTheOther98%2Fvideos%2F1984959131515055%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="562" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
White southern men aren't a victim class. Native Americans are.

It's apparent to me Mr. Supe that you need to re-visit the books. You've lapsed on your learning regarding victim classes and Liberal Speak in general

Two can play that:

CONservative speak 101


Environment: large, geographical area provided by God for the flowering of Corporate/Industrial Manifest Destiny

Truth: (archaic) oratorical device practiced by ancient speakers; does not utilize perceived realities or situational opportunities; ineffective

Constituent: found in five varieties, three figures to seven figures; ranked as post card, phone call, lunch, spa spree, and Daddy

Marital Fidelity: spousal sexual commitment; optional after elected

CEO: advises you; walks on water, excretes gold, kills by staring

Public Policy: lots of boring words lobbyists give you; no pictures

Bill: what you don’t worry about anymore after you get elected

Caucus: like Sunday School; you have to sit still and just listen

Lobbyist: Comes more often than CEO; talks like Darth Vader; scary

State Government: a place to nullify stupid federal laws and get rid of that goofy old Constitutional stuff

Rural Vote: honey

Urban Vote: hemlock

Primary Election: like getting into a frat; if you don’t do the right thing, you don’t even get to wear the funny hat on election day

Legislative Office Secretary: opportunity

Gay Behavior: what other boys do together even when they’re not on a fishing trip; preferred to Lesbian behavior

Racism: bad attitudes ethnic groups have toward white men

Public Schools: Democratic scheme to suck money out of the pockets of rich people and prevent poor kids from working to keep their parents off welfare

Private School: where your kids should go

Union: international terrorist organization; made up of people who expect to tell the employer who hired them what they should be paid; spreads terrorism by giving money to Democratic candidates

Constitution: home of the Second Amendment (Bang!) and lots of other words old men wrote two-hundred years ago and that Democrats can’t get over and keep talking about

Tea Party: toy soldiers of the Koch Brothers; their little guns sting

Immigrants: foreigners who won’t go back to where they came from;* make employers look bad by working for low wages; vote wrong

Democrats: left over from back in the day when Communists, Socialists, Nazis, and other pinkos infiltrated into our country to eat our children, steal our women, and turn the rest of us into Zombies

Abraham Lincoln: a guy who must have been drunk when he let all those blacks out; nothing’s been the same ever since

Foreign Policy: deporting immigrants back to where they came from and taking oil from countries with deserts that don’t need it

Health Care: arcane branch of medicine only understood by insurance company cost/benefit analysts who authorize it for those deserving Americans least likely to need and use it

British Tories: Founding Fathers of the “Conservative Republican” movement; iconic sycophants who narrowly missed making the world* safe for kings in 1776

Ayn Rand: Founding Mistress of the Movement; highly intelligent thinker unhampered by traditional moral development; makes it all well with fantasy novels when reality threatens corporate greed

Base: voters who believe whatever you say, no matter how silly it makes them look

Family Values: the “Ossie and Harriet” strategy; talk about splash pools, family singing, and campfires a lot; gets votes of some people who think you’re better than they are

Lying: essential self-protection device; prevents people from knowing who you really are; do it a lot; next best thing to money

White Men With Money: “The Chosen,” with whom God intended to populate the private clubs of earth; the more of them you know, the better off you are; have a large gun case on your office wall and be well-stocked with booze, beef, broads and bad ethnic jokes

War: preemptive strikes on defenseless countries; support for it makes you seem strong to weak thinkers; arms dealers will love you for it and pay you well; (caveat:* don’t go to funerals of dead soldiers)

President(1): If he’s not yours, he’s a fanged, blood-dripping, alien savage transported here by time machine to destroy the planet earth with Social Security, Medicare, Unions, Taxes, Peace, Love, and basketball

President(2): If he’s yours, he’s lovably loony and does what he’s told; will have to get books for his Presidential Library at yard sales

The Corporation: The most important person you will ever know…including your family; high-strung and demanding; sociopathic; you can’t marry a corporation, but it can still **** you

Pro-Life Policy: enlightened commitment to engender life in fallopian tubes and uteri at any cost; does not include feeding starving children or providing life-saving health care for humans found outside the uterus

Laws: good laws are important rules for disciplining Democrats and other perverts; bad laws abuse corporations, make a free people pay for other people’s things, and let too many people vote

Traditional Republican: a Republican from your grandparent’s time; if any are still alive in your family be tolerant of their quaint criticisms; remind them that they opposed Social Security and Medicare, too, before they were on them

Patriot: politician who volunteers for the important job of convincing other Americans to fight our wars; isn’t distracted by choosing military service for himself; remember, without the dedicated work of our Republican Chicken Hawks, military morale would be very low; see Selective Service record and biography of Dick Cheney for details

Draft Dodger: cowardly hippie who fled to Canada because he didn’t understand, believe in, or support the American War in Viet Nam

Compulsory Military Service (Draft): a bad idea; would make Republican kids fight in wars their parents start; immigrants and the unemployed can do that in a “volunteer” army

Compromise: something Democrats do because they want to be loved;* “to compromise” is to be weak; example: the real mother was weak…she should have let Solomon cut the baby in half instead of compromising

Magic: (in politics); the invisible hand that creates roads, bridges, airports, police forces, armies, all government services and the entire infrastructure of a country without using taxes; BEWARE: atheistic Democrats will try to talk you out of your god-given belief in magic

Teachers: incompetent child-care workers who think teaching calculus to 150 kids a day is hard enough to expect to be paid more than minimum wage for it; don’t pay attention to their whining; anybody who ever went to school can be a teacher

Same-Sex Marriage: a Democrat strategy to spread moral decay throughout Heterosexual America by destroying traditional marriage; will cause infidelity and divorce in your own marriage and make your kids move to San Francisco to be homosexuals

Supreme Court: (the George W. Bush Re-Appointment Court); five nifty “Conservative Republican” guys and four activist bozos; a strong ally in our effort to “Take Back America,” back, say, to 1850

Government Regulation: bedroom rules thoughtfully designed by Republican men to define for other people the proper use of penises,* vaginas, other human orifices, and uteri; BEWARE: Democrats will try to misuse regulation to threaten and attack Corporations, Developers, money manipulators, Wall Street and other innocent good citizens.

Revenue: a trick word Democrats use when they mean taxes; a “Revenue Problem” occurs when Democrats create a surplus by taxation so that we have to pay our bills; to get painless money, borrow from China to pay for legitimate government expenses, e.g. gratuitous war and oil company subsidies; your kids can deal with the bill collectors

Middle Class: Americans whose incomes are between 250K and a million; these are people you love; treat them well; everyone below that income level is an illegal immigrant or a welfare cheat out to get you

Oil: What you will drink from the communion cup when you die and sit in heaven at the right hand of God; sweet.
Two can play that:

CONservative speak 101


Environment: large, geographical area provided by God for the flowering of Corporate/Industrial Manifest Destiny

Truth: (archaic) oratorical device practiced by ancient speakers; does not utilize perceived realities or situational opportunities; ineffective

Constituent: found in five varieties, three figures to seven figures; ranked as post card, phone call, lunch, spa spree, and Daddy

Marital Fidelity: spousal sexual commitment; optional after elected

CEO: advises you; walks on water, excretes gold, kills by staring

Public Policy: lots of boring words lobbyists give you; no pictures

Bill: what you don’t worry about anymore after you get elected

Caucus: like Sunday School; you have to sit still and just listen

Lobbyist: Comes more often than CEO; talks like Darth Vader; scary

State Government: a place to nullify stupid federal laws and get rid of that goofy old Constitutional stuff

Rural Vote: honey

Urban Vote: hemlock

Primary Election: like getting into a frat; if you don’t do the right thing, you don’t even get to wear the funny hat on election day

Legislative Office Secretary: opportunity

Gay Behavior: what other boys do together even when they’re not on a fishing trip; preferred to Lesbian behavior

Racism: bad attitudes ethnic groups have toward white men

Public Schools: Democratic scheme to suck money out of the pockets of rich people and prevent poor kids from working to keep their parents off welfare

Private School: where your kids should go

Union: international terrorist organization; made up of people who expect to tell the employer who hired them what they should be paid; spreads terrorism by giving money to Democratic candidates

Constitution: home of the Second Amendment (Bang!) and lots of other words old men wrote two-hundred years ago and that Democrats can’t get over and keep talking about

Tea Party: toy soldiers of the Koch Brothers; their little guns sting

Immigrants: foreigners who won’t go back to where they came from;* make employers look bad by working for low wages; vote wrong

Democrats: left over from back in the day when Communists, Socialists, Nazis, and other pinkos infiltrated into our country to eat our children, steal our women, and turn the rest of us into Zombies

Abraham Lincoln: a guy who must have been drunk when he let all those blacks out; nothing’s been the same ever since

Foreign Policy: deporting immigrants back to where they came from and taking oil from countries with deserts that don’t need it

Health Care: arcane branch of medicine only understood by insurance company cost/benefit analysts who authorize it for those deserving Americans least likely to need and use it

British Tories: Founding Fathers of the “Conservative Republican” movement; iconic sycophants who narrowly missed making the world* safe for kings in 1776

Ayn Rand: Founding Mistress of the Movement; highly intelligent thinker unhampered by traditional moral development; makes it all well with fantasy novels when reality threatens corporate greed

Base: voters who believe whatever you say, no matter how silly it makes them look

Family Values: the “Ossie and Harriet” strategy; talk about splash pools, family singing, and campfires a lot; gets votes of some people who think you’re better than they are

Lying: essential self-protection device; prevents people from knowing who you really are; do it a lot; next best thing to money

White Men With Money: “The Chosen,” with whom God intended to populate the private clubs of earth; the more of them you know, the better off you are; have a large gun case on your office wall and be well-stocked with booze, beef, broads and bad ethnic jokes

War: preemptive strikes on defenseless countries; support for it makes you seem strong to weak thinkers; arms dealers will love you for it and pay you well; (caveat:* don’t go to funerals of dead soldiers)

President(1): If he’s not yours, he’s a fanged, blood-dripping, alien savage transported here by time machine to destroy the planet earth with Social Security, Medicare, Unions, Taxes, Peace, Love, and basketball

President(2): If he’s yours, he’s lovably loony and does what he’s told; will have to get books for his Presidential Library at yard sales

The Corporation: The most important person you will ever know…including your family; high-strung and demanding; sociopathic; you can’t marry a corporation, but it can still **** you

Pro-Life Policy: enlightened commitment to engender life in fallopian tubes and uteri at any cost; does not include feeding starving children or providing life-saving health care for humans found outside the uterus

Laws: good laws are important rules for disciplining Democrats and other perverts; bad laws abuse corporations, make a free people pay for other people’s things, and let too many people vote

Traditional Republican: a Republican from your grandparent’s time; if any are still alive in your family be tolerant of their quaint criticisms; remind them that they opposed Social Security and Medicare, too, before they were on them

Patriot: politician who volunteers for the important job of convincing other Americans to fight our wars; isn’t distracted by choosing military service for himself; remember, without the dedicated work of our Republican Chicken Hawks, military morale would be very low; see Selective Service record and biography of Dick Cheney for details

Draft Dodger: cowardly hippie who fled to Canada because he didn’t understand, believe in, or support the American War in Viet Nam

Compulsory Military Service (Draft): a bad idea; would make Republican kids fight in wars their parents start; immigrants and the unemployed can do that in a “volunteer” army

Compromise: something Democrats do because they want to be loved;* “to compromise” is to be weak; example: the real mother was weak…she should have let Solomon cut the baby in half instead of compromising

Magic: (in politics); the invisible hand that creates roads, bridges, airports, police forces, armies, all government services and the entire infrastructure of a country without using taxes; BEWARE: atheistic Democrats will try to talk you out of your god-given belief in magic

Teachers: incompetent child-care workers who think teaching calculus to 150 kids a day is hard enough to expect to be paid more than minimum wage for it; don’t pay attention to their whining; anybody who ever went to school can be a teacher

Same-Sex Marriage: a Democrat strategy to spread moral decay throughout Heterosexual America by destroying traditional marriage; will cause infidelity and divorce in your own marriage and make your kids move to San Francisco to be homosexuals

Supreme Court: (the George W. Bush Re-Appointment Court); five nifty “Conservative Republican” guys and four activist bozos; a strong ally in our effort to “Take Back America,” back, say, to 1850

Government Regulation: bedroom rules thoughtfully designed by Republican men to define for other people the proper use of penises,* vaginas, other human orifices, and uteri; BEWARE: Democrats will try to misuse regulation to threaten and attack Corporations, Developers, money manipulators, Wall Street and other innocent good citizens.

Revenue: a trick word Democrats use when they mean taxes; a “Revenue Problem” occurs when Democrats create a surplus by taxation so that we have to pay our bills; to get painless money, borrow from China to pay for legitimate government expenses, e.g. gratuitous war and oil company subsidies; your kids can deal with the bill collectors

Middle Class: Americans whose incomes are between 250K and a million; these are people you love; treat them well; everyone below that income level is an illegal immigrant or a welfare cheat out to get you

Oil: What you will drink from the communion cup when you die and sit in heaven at the right hand of God; sweet.

WoahVicky strikes again. LOL. Nice effort. Swing, miss.
Not to mention ML.K boulevards are in the worst part possible of any city. If I were MLK, I would be embarrassed.

You are painting with a broad brush from a comedy skit 20 years ago that would have been more truthful. MLK in Baltimore is a safe street.
You are painting with a broad brush from a comedy skit 20 years ago that would have been more truthful. MLK in Baltimore is a safe street.

Where are you from? I live in MD.

She's not painting with a broad brush. There's truth to the stereotype that streets named after MLK (over 900 in the US) have problems.


Alderman, who has studied the naming of streets and those named after King for roughly 20 years, said that based on analysis of the available data, King streets tend to have high levels of poverty, inequality and racial segregation when compared to their respective cities and regional and national pattern.

White said he believes it is a disgrace that the streets meant to honor King's legacy of nonviolence, economic opportunity and racial equality are often violent, segregated and offer no economic sustainability.

You are painting with a broad brush from a comedy skit 20 years ago that would have been more truthful. MLK in Baltimore is a safe street.

Walk down that street in Indianapolis or Detroit. After dark you will die here. In Detroit it doesn't matter if it's day or night.
It makes me a bit sick to my stomach to see some are bringing up one of the greatest Americans in history, Martin Luther King Jr. in this conversation. Really, you want to go there?

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTheOther98%2Fvideos%2F1984959131515055%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="562" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Yep I want to go there. If we are rewriting history out of spite lets go the whole hog.
So let's review some historical facts: the Democrats (confederacy) fought to KEEP slavery. They lost to the Republicans (union) and the slaves were freed. Then through welfare programs the Dems re-enslaved the blacks by making them dependent on government instead of being self sufficient. "You good black people, who are dependent on us, must keep voting for us so you can eat and do drugs." The proof of this is the fact that the leftist nuts Never take up the cause of crime and poverty in black inner city communities. They need that to remain. The two senators in history that the left idolizes the most are a drunk killer (Kennedy) and a KKK Wizard (Byrd).
The lefties are more concerned with blocking free speech (paid for by Soros to start violent conflicts) than they are about making America great again. Undeniable truth.
And that is correct. It is a stereotype. I lived in Balt for college, Live in Mt Airy now. Mom is in Canton and works on MLK.

I do not fear MLK in Baltimore, any time of day or night, because I've walked it at all times. Stereotypes start to fall apart when you actually go to the places in question.

And Indy, I've been to Detroit, and you're right, I don't feel safe on any street there.
And that is correct. It is a stereotype. I lived in Balt for college, Live in Mt Airy now. Mom is in Canton and works on MLK.

I do not fear MLK in Baltimore, any time of day or night, because I've walked it at all times. Stereotypes start to fall apart when you actually go to the places in question.

And Indy, I've been to Detroit, and you're right, I don't feel safe on any street there.

Lots of hookers on Fort Street, and they're ugly as sin. They call them pigeons, because they hunt and peck for crack rocks that were thrown out of windows during police chases. Unfortunately U.S. Steel is close to a really bad part of Detroit. I schedule my meetings for the AM hours. (That's racist!)
I can guarantee that the Confederate soldiers in the Civil War were not getting shot at and going through hell so that plantation owners could keep their slaves. A majority like my great grandfather fought because their lands were being overrun, their homes and businesses burned and family and friends killed. The primary reason for the war like most wars was for power and money. Not f'n slavery. That was just part of the emotional toolbox that was employed at the time and afterwards to justify it. It was all about the money and who controlled it.

Do you honestly think Union soldiers also went through hell so as to free slaves from their plantation owners. I have a bridge I want to sell you.

I have no doubt that there had to be a propaganda war between the two economies that simmered for years, pretty much since the founding of the country and once people started dying for their side it was all downhill from there.

Maybe the monuments can teach us and future generations about actual people and events but only if people can see them for what they are and not what some crazed journalist, blogger or organization wants you to believe. So where do we go from here? Do we let the smoldering embers from a war fought years ago and killed thousands and at the same time made a few even more powerful and wealthy or do the citizens of this great land wake up and see the forces manipulating them and ignore them. Don't fall for the trappings of evil. Go on with their lives and make the best out of an imperfect world. Enjoy life. It's the only one we have.
Lots of hookers on Fort Street, and they're ugly as sin. They call them pigeons, because they hunt and peck for crack rocks that were thrown out of windows during police chases. Unfortunately U.S. Steel is close to a really bad part of Detroit. I schedule my meetings for the AM hours. (That's racist!)

.... i have to go to the coke works in that plant next month... in the past we have seen vans on fire in the street in the neighborhood around there and its so blighted its sick... bars on all the windows, cages on doors... burned out housed all over its like its a stereotypical ghetto from some overdramatized tv show... its a war zone
Walk down that street in Indianapolis or Detroit. After dark you will die here. In Detroit it doesn't matter if it's day or night.

Or Atlanta. Or in Camden NJ (Well you would die regardless of street name in that shithole). Or Montgomery, AL. Actually in Montgomery, the worst street is Rosa Parks Avenue. Irony.....
Yep I want to go there. If we are rewriting history out of spite lets go the whole hog.

Libs ain't used to that. They get to make the rules not you Reich wingers. This war is gonna be different, the right is fighting back and the Libs are beside themselves with loathing and viciousness.


The absolute ridiculousness of it all is getting more evident by the minute.


Time for common sense to prevail and these mental midgets to get back under mommy's apron.

And that is correct. It is a stereotype. I lived in Balt for college, Live in Mt Airy now. Mom is in Canton and works on MLK.

I do not fear MLK in Baltimore, any time of day or night, because I've walked it at all times. Stereotypes start to fall apart when you actually go to the places in question.

And Indy, I've been to Detroit, and you're right, I don't feel safe on any street there.

Haven't been on MLK Blvd in over 20 years, but I remember it being lined by housing projects, and you couldn't hit a red light without squeegee kids attacking your windshield with dirty water, and expecting to get paid. Probably different now.
.... i have to go to the coke works in that plant next month... in the past we have seen vans on fire in the street in the neighborhood around there and its so blighted its sick... bars on all the windows, cages on doors... burned out housed all over its like its a stereotypical ghetto from some overdramatized tv show... its a war zone

Zug Island? Yeah, that area is bad news. Just driving through there is scary as hell.
Haven't been on MLK Blvd in over 20 years, but I remember it being lined by housing projects, and you couldn't hit a red light without squeegee kids attacking your windshield with dirty water, and expecting to get paid. Probably different now.

Yup, I remember those days. That was about 20 years ago. They've rebuilt the housing and placed a lot of industry/schools there now.
And that is correct. It is a stereotype. I lived in Balt for college, Live in Mt Airy now. Mom is in Canton and works on MLK.

I do not fear MLK in Baltimore, any time of day or night, because I've walked it at all times. Stereotypes start to fall apart when you actually go to the places in question.

And Indy, I've been to Detroit, and you're right, I don't feel safe on any street there.

OK. I'm just down the road in Montgomery County.

But I gotta disagree with you. Read those articles. The "majority" - not all - of the 900 streets in America named after MLK suffer from serious problems. Sure there are exceptions. The majority do. This is one stereotype that is accurate.
Zug Island? Yeah, that area is bad news. Just driving through there is scary as hell.

That kind of area, and lets be real most cities have them... is what we need to keep urban areas and city suburbs into denegrading to... its a direct result of trapping a location in poverty by letting a select few drop values and drive away good people... urban areas that are well cared for by the people there, well patrolled by the police, and who have a tight community that's involved in helping point out issues are pleasent areas... we have systematically eliminated most jobs that cater to the people that live in these areas, cut police patrols especially as crime rises, and made it logical that anyone with the means to get out abandoned it long ago...

Reconstruction of these areas is going to take more than money thrown at it to fix it up... it has to be a total culture change that draws in good, hardworking and caring people, not drives them out... it isn't simple and anyone who successfully makes it work is the next guy on mount rushmore....