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Liberals will be here any second to voice their disdain for these incidents of media dishonesty


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
We all know how much liberals worship the truth and would never, NEVER, put up with news "sources" simply making up **** and lying. For example, the truth has come out about three notorious "anti-Trump" stories, all of which show the media flat-out lying to make Trump look bad. I am 100% positive, POSITIVE mind you, that the liberal contingent here will blare their anger as these obvious incidences of manipulation and lying and demand that the media be held accountable.

The Washington Post admitted in a correction that it had “misquoted” former President Donald Trump telling Georgia’s top elections investigator “to find the fraud,” in December.

The correction ran atop an online version of the updated original story that had quoted an anonymous source about a phone call Trump made to Georgia’s top elections investigation official shortly before Christmas.

“Correction: Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s top elections investigator. The recording revealed that The Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source,” the correction published Thursday began.

“Trump did not tell the investigator to ‘find the fraud’ or say she would be ‘a national hero’ if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Ga., asserting she would find ‘dishonesty’ there. He also told her that she had ‘the most important job in the country right now.'”

Also, the claim that pro-Trump rioters murdered a cop by bashing him in the head with a fire extinguisher? Complete lie all around. No fire extinguisher, and as of yet no evidence that the rioters killed the cop.

The New York Times quietly updated a month-old report about the siege of Congress that perpetuated the idea that Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick might have died after being struck by a fire extinguisher.

Now affixed to the top of the report, headlined "Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage," is an update. "New information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police," the missive states in italic letters.

Capitol Police announced that Sicknick, a 42-year-old who joined the agency in 2008, died at around 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 7, one day after rioters broke into the Capitol as lawmakers counted electoral votes to affirm President Biden's victory.

"Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries," the Capitol Police said in a statement. Capitol Police said Sicknick's death would be investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department’s Homicide Branch, the Capitol Police, and federal partners. Charges have yet to be filed in the case.
The next day, the New York Times reported that Sicknick "was struck by a fire extinguisher," citing two law enforcement officials, prompting other news outlets to echo this reporting. The following week, a retired Pennsylvania fireman, Robert Sanford, 55, was arrested and charged with assaulting law enforcement. Sanford was caught on video and accused of throwing a fire extinguisher at police, but he was not suspectedin the death of Sicknick.

In recent days, CNN reported that investigators have determined that initial reports about Sicknick being hit with a fire extinguisher are not true and that medical examiners "did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma" as they "struggle to build a murder case" in the officer's death.

Huh. Didn't Tibsy assure as that pro-Trumpers "murdered" the police officer by bashing his head with a fire extinguisher? Turns out that was a ******* lie all the time, never true, never any evidence of that.

Two men were arrested and charged on Monday for allegedly using bear spray on U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick during the [riot] at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, the Washington Post reports.

Why it matters: Sicknick died from injuries he sustained while responding to the attack by rioters. Authorities have not determined whether the spray assault was the cause of Sicknick's death.

And finally, a point that caused Tibsy to fill his Depends, the claim that rioters "brought zip ties with them to kidnap politicians." Guess what? Yup, another bullshit phony lie fed to the willing sheep by the corrupt media.

Eric Munchel, a pro-Trump rioter who stormed the Capitol building while holding plastic handcuffs, took the restraints from a table inside the Capitol building, prosecutors said in a court filing Wednesday.

Trump told Georgia voting official to "find the fraud"? Lie.

Rioters killed cop by hitting him on the head with a fire extinguisher? Lie.

In fact, rioters killed the cop in any fashion? Lie, since they are charged with assault not murder.

Rioters brought zip ties with them to kidnap politicians? Lie.

Liberals, I know you are stupid sheep, almost incapable of independent thought, but try to remember one unassailable rule: The mainstream media are corrupt liars towing the party line as devotedly as Pravda circa 1975 and anybody who believes a word they say or write is an imbecile.
We all know how much liberals worship the truth and would never, NEVER, put up with news "sources" simply making up **** and lying. For example, the truth has come out about three notorious "anti-Trump" stories, all of which show the media flat-out lying to make Trump look bad. I am 100% positive, POSITIVE mind you, that the liberal contingent here will blare their anger as these obvious incidences of manipulation and lying and demand that the media be held accountable.

Also, the claim that pro-Trump rioters murdered a cop by bashing him in the head with a fire extinguisher? Complete lie all around. No fire extinguisher, and as of yet no evidence that the rioters killed the cop.

Huh. Didn't Tibsy assure as that pro-Trumpers "murdered" the police officer by bashing his head with a fire extinguisher? Turns out that was a ******* lie all the time, never true, never any evidence of that.

And finally, a point that caused Tibsy to fill his Depends, the claim that rioters "brought zip ties with them to kidnap politicians." Guess what? Yup, another bullshit phony lie fed to the willing sheep by the corrupt media.

Trump told Georgia voting official to "find the fraud"? Lie.

Rioters killed cop by hitting him on the head with a fire extinguisher? Lie.

In fact, rioters killed the cop in any fashion? Lie, since they are charged with assault not murder.

Rioters brought zip ties with them to kidnap politicians? Lie.

Liberals, I know you are stupid sheep, almost incapable of independent thought, but try to remember one unassailable rule: The mainstream media are corrupt liars towing the party line as devotedly as Pravda circa 1975 and anybody who believes a word they say or write is an imbecile.
Waiting for Tibs to reply with "I never believed in any of that non-sense, not a one, you guys put word into my mouth"

The guy is an outright liar and does nothing but ruffle all of your feathers and sits back and mocks you all. You can provide all of the evidence you want to, point to the hypocrisies, and call him a commie all that you want to...and he doesn't care. You're all here for his amusement and for nothing more. Stop engaging with the clown.
Huh, Tibsy was a bullhorn on the "you Trumpists murdered a hero police officer" thing, but nowhere to be found here admitting it was all bullshit. The entire time. Fiction. Another in a series of lies designed to hurt Trump.

Another one. How about "armed insurrection"? Lie.

Hundreds have since been arrested and charged for their part in what took place at the Capitol on January 6. Earlier today, Jill Sanborn, the FBI’s Assistant Director for Counterterrorism, testified in front of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee.

In an exchange with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Sanborn disclosed that precisely zero firearms were found among the hundreds of people who made their way into the Capitol that day

That link doesn't work but you can see the actually full testimony here:

Here testimony about ZERO firearms being confiscated or found during arrests THAT DAY is amazing. See timestamp 1:53:00 in that video.

She also further clarifies that NO SHOTS were fired by any protestor that breached the capitol. None. Nada. The only shots fired that whole day were by capitol police which resulted in one death. Yet, this is described time and time again by our media as an "armed rebellion" and "militant secessionists".

I said this a LONG time ago. There were 100 times more cell phones out that day than firearms. 90% of the people that breached the capitol did so as a crime of opportunity. Lax security, easily toppled chain link fencing, generally open building with little to no heavy defenses. It was easy. Once the bad apples did all the hard work of driving back the few police, it just sort of snowballed into a mob. But relative to the size of the mob, the violence level was amazingly low, despite what are media says.

Granted, everyone that went in is a criminal. And the people that started it or threw rocks or hurt/killed someone should be held accountable and charged to the upmost the law allows and will likely lead to conviction. But the narrative this was thousands of armed, militant, organized, white supremacists, with premeditated and violent intentions and plans to breach the capitol that day and with further plans once inside is just ludicrous.

Sure, there were a few that communicated ideas of grandeur and revolution. People with big dicks and liquid courage behind computer screens. But once they got inside, they were disorganized and did little other than take selfies and pictures and act the fool (which is why so many capitol police just let them go without arrests).

The narrative just doesn't match with reality. Not one bit. Day that lives in infamy my ***.
The Mueller investigation and the Trump impeachments were all frauds, based on fraudulent information. We should all be proud Americans.
The Mueller investigation and the Trump impeachments were all frauds, based on fraudulent information. We should all be proud Americans.
No what we should be doing is hanging half of Congress from lampposts And tar and feathering the other half.