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Love America? Not if you're a liberal

Yeah own it....

Who proposed climate change be the term of choice? It couldn't have been a conservative could it?

Scroll down to page 12


Here is your man....and cue Rod's ride.


You're missing the point again wiz kid...yes Luntz suggested it, but it certainly wasn't the Republicans who picked up an ran off with it, it was you democRATS and libtards.

It's in a way similar to Hillary being the first to bring to light that Obama was not a US citizen, but it was the Reps that took advantage and made an issue of it, not the Dems.
Are we clear thus far?


The political ideology that created the term "climate change" is of little significance, in fact irrelevant... its the motivation for using the term, and by whom that counts...

..."Al Gore was right: truth can be so inconvenient, because the fact that the globe failed to heat up as advertised not only swelled the ranks of doubters, but also tarnished the global warming brand. A new label was needed.

Some people claim that the phrase "climate change" better expresses the complexity of what is happening weather-wise.

But others among us believe that the purpose of replacing the old, discredited label was to keep the climate crisis pot boiling and bubbling, in order to maintain the flow of funds pouring into the coffers of environmental groups, politicians, academics, and businesses dependent on a zeitgeist of climate crisis.

And some of us believe that even more nefarious actors are at work, perpetuating the empowerment of that perfect storm of interests on the left that seek to overturn the traditional order and impose their visions of utopian conformity, via regulatory salvation from certain death by CO2. Any propagandist worth his salt will tell you: if the old narrative fails, create a new one.

"use another one" would have worked better there..but again, irrelevant.


And in case you weren't aware, in 1975 Wallace Broeker titled a paper "Climate Change" .....but I bet you already knew that.
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Ginger or Mary Ann?
Mary Ann. Not that I'd kick Ginger out of bed for eating crackers.
Trivia: Dawn Wells later became an occupational therapist and started a company that made products and clothing for disabled people. I ordered things from them when I worked at AGH although I never got to talk to her personally.

polo post that stupid ******* vid one more ******* time and you get a vacation....
You can't give her a vacation just for general stupidity and vacuousness?
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I really don't want to see her banned. It's far too much fun observing her absolute cluelessness. It brings a little happiness to my day every time I witness another verbal, intellectual, factual beating of her by any of a number of other SN'ers to which she responds as if she doesn't understand the language. I keep waiting for the melt down....should be good.
I can dish out a vacation for any reason I feel....I got it like that....
I can dish out a vacation for any reason I feel....I got it like that....

I'm with Ron. The beauty of a bulletin board is that she (Elfie) can go all postal and not kill anyone. We can watch her melt down, after repeated beat downs. We can watch her use another IP address and pretend to speak in black lingo. Or tell another SN member to go '**** his sister' or any of other countless, less than human behaviors she exhibits daily in her militant-libtard fashion. I am entertained, much like watching a crazy monkey in a cage on drugs attack a banana it would otherwise eat. Let her stay. She only exposes the loathsome, detestable characteristics of the Left, while making a fool of herself as she does.

To quote Maximus - "Are you not Entertained?"

I have been around the world. I have been to many countries and have seen many things. Yes, America has her warts. However, there is no place like it in the world. America, even now with all the PC nonsense and government secrecy, is easily the greatest country on earth.

If you haven't seen the other ****** up countries, what do you really have to compare it to? I agree competely with you.
I love our country, but most of its inhabitants are ******* insane.