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Low turnouts for the Dem's in 2016?

First of all the polls ahve been notoriously bad this year... believe none of them till they figure out the new demographics... secondly i have now had several hardcore democrstic friends say they will vote republican for the first time rather than back sanders.

That is the elephant in the room, of course... that there are so many older democrats totally prejudiced against socialist because they relate it to communism that it might be the one way Trump gets elected... a capitailist that used to be a democrat and independant and who is only running as a republican out of a deal he brokered with them is far more palatable than an idealist and openly socialist man who hasnt exactly been a party insider. look the nutjob democrats who follow them like we follow the Steelers would vote for hitler if nominated by their party, just like the nutjob Republicans. After that it gets far more complex this year... Trump wont get the latino vote, but the 90% of the non latino democrats in most of the state where it matters are likely voting for him, and that includes a lot of democrats. Hell if Bloomburg runs as an independant that takes New york away from the democrats, there is a legit scenerio where the 35% of trump voters actually wins this thing for him
Something like 60-70% of delegates will be decided in the next month on both sides.

Send in the marching bands - we demand entertainment!

but, one game at a time

SC GOP leaders brace for big voter turnout for Saturday primary

S.C. Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore said he expects a record-high turnout following high turnouts for the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary.

“I expect upward of 650,000 to 700,000 South Carolina Republicans to vote on Saturday,” he said.

I really want a Trump / Bernie race

Can you imagine Bernie having a **** fit?

Trump doubles down

‘Pigs blood’ ammo'

Trump was unimpressed with waterboarding....“Is it torture or not? It’s so borderline,” he said. “It’s like minimal, minimal, minimal torture.”

“He took fifty bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood,” Trump said. “And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the fifty people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the fiftieth person he said ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years there wasn’t a problem, okay?”

“We better start getting tough and we better start getting vigilant, and we better start using our heads or we’re not gonna have a country, folks.”

Me either. And it's only February....

Poll: Sanders beats every Republican

American voters back Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont over Republican candidates by margins of 4 to 10 percentage points in head to head presidential matchups, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

Sanders has the highest favorability rating of any candidate and the highest scores for honesty and integrity, for caring about voters' needs and problems and for sharing voters' values.

"It's certainly Sen. Bernie Sanders' moment. The Vermont firebrand leads all potential GOP rivals in raw numbers and raw emotion with the best scores for favorability and several key character traits," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Presidential matchups among American voters show:

Sanders over Trump 48 - 42 percent;
Sanders tops Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas 49 - 39 percent;
Sanders leads Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida 47 - 41 percent;
Sanders beats Bush 49 - 39 percent;
Sanders edges Kasich 45 - 41 percent.

American voters give Sanders a 51 - 36 percent favorability. Kasich gets a 35 - 18 percent favorability with Rubio at a split 39 - 37 percent score. All other scores are negative:

37 - 58 percent for Clinton;
37 - 57 percent for Trump;
36 - 45 percent for Cruz;
21 - 26 percent for Bloomberg;
37 - 48 percent for Bush.

Bernie's lunatic proposals have not been seriously challenged by anyone yet. They may go over well among certain demographics but do you think he has a chance in hell of winning PA, OH, FL, or VA in the general? No way. I pray he is the nominee.
Trump doubles down ‘Pigs blood’ ammo'

So very presidential. What a complete tool the Donald is. Why so many of you have gotten bamboozled by him, well, it's tough to comprehend.

Trump Tells Rally Supporters Debunked Internet Story About Bullets Dipped In Pig’s Blood

The General Pershing story has circulated for awhile, but it was debunked and discredited as an internet hoax. Donald Trump and his campaign staff, however, have no time for researching whether or not a story is true. They’re too busy riling up their racist and xenophobic supporters.
Hillary holds on in Nevada. It will be an uphill battle for Bernie from here on.

Clinton defeats Sanders in Nevada
Her narrow win comes after Bernie surged in the caucuses’ final weeks.


I don't think so... she is lookinglike she will win by 3 to 4 % in a state where a few weeks ago she had nearly a 25% lead, one that is majorily minorities who were not suppsed to back Bernie at all, this well could be a sign of a Clinton collapse... if she doesn't get separation in Sout Carolina, she is in trouble... if she loses it she is done... her only saving grace is the Party needs her to beat him so bad they will be pulling no punches to sink him