Dodd/Frank passed in 2010, so it can't be the cause of the housing crisis. It was the fix that is suppose to prevent another crisis from occurring.
I always give credit where it's due and you are correct. I misstated when I said D/F was the cause when it actually was only the match set to the gasoline of the CRA, another wonderful example of democratic meddling in things they neither understand nor have an investment in in an effort to "help."
The real problem in Washington is both Dems and Repubs are mostly lawyers. We are being governed by one profession, because political office is a career move
for the legal profession. In the past, when Congress wasn't a full-time job, we use to elect a blend of professions: farmers, businessmen, doctors, etc...
They gave the government a diverse mindset that wanted to solve problems, so they could get things done and get back to their real lives.