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March 5th, 8th and 15th

Hey, if that makes you sleep better at night keep believing it. Just don't bite your pillow too hard.
I don't give two ***** about the GOP candidate. I don't see any of these losers beating Hillary or Bernie. Just saying you should probably put away the champagne. Trump will face an ever growing backlash from this point forward, that brokered convention seems as likely as ever. The fact you hitched your cart to ******** Trump, I guess you'll just have to live with that. That's your problem, not mine.

edit - actually I do care, about the GOP nominee. I think Trump should be disqualified for being such a pathetic jackass. I don't like Cruz or Rubio, but at least Kasich seems like a decent human being. This whole GOP field - outside of Kasich - has been a downright embarrassment.
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Punchy Face, as you call him, is Canada's best shot for President ever!

No donuts for you, Mandal lover.
If Rubio drops out now its handing florida to trump which cruz should not want. Same with Kasich if he drops out ohio will goto trump which will hurt cruz
If Rubio drops out now its handing florida to trump which cruz should not want. Same with Kasich if he drops out ohio will goto trump which will hurt cruz

Maybe... the question is how does the vote divvy up when one of them drops. Both of the two also-rans left in the race are establishment guys. its more likely that is one drops out, the other gets the vast majority of their votes, but if both drop out then how many defect to Trump as the next most moderate, because Cruz is really quite conservative and how many are just so anti trump they climb in bed with cruz... im assuming the majority will jump to cruz in most cases
4 more states this Tuesday

I think Trump wins 3 (Mississippi, Michigan, Hawaii) Cruz wins 1 (Idaho)

I don't care about the Dems, Bernie can only win pure white states because black people hate his guts, and who knows how long Hillary can keep out of jail.
If Rubio drops out now its handing florida to trump which cruz should not want. Same with Kasich if he drops out ohio will goto trump which will hurt cruz

Rubio and Kasich need to bow out.

Then Cruz should join Trump as his VP and both of them starting pounding the Dems.

I play to win.
To make sure he gets enough delegates and the establishment doesn't try to pull the rug out, Trump needs to win Florida and Ohio. He is up by 15% or so in Florida but is a little behind Kasich in Ohio.
If kasich wins ohio then pulls out later, what happens to those delegates?
Jeb Boosssh and Mitt Romney allot them them to the best Rino
Nice Saturday for Bernie, picking up Kansas and Nebraska. Go Bernie!

I don't give two ***** about the GOP candidate.

Says the guy who endlessly posts about Republican candidates in nearly every thread in this forum, including serving as the #1 poster (by post count) in the Trump, Make America Great again thread.

What is it with Liberals and inconsistencies and flat out deception/lies?
Puerto Rico for Little Marco

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If kasich wins ohio then pulls out later, what happens to those delegates?

Ohio I believe is winner take all. Kasich is very competitive with Trump in the state. If he pulls out, it's a huge boost to Trump.

I believe there is some deal making going on, and Kasich would take a VP invitation from Trump. They contrast each other very well and Ohio is a must-win state. Kasich is the best politician from Ohio, maybe for the past 20 years.
If kasich wins ohio then pulls out later, what happens to those delegates?

That, my friend, is how you get to a Brokered convention, and why Kasich is still in the race..... not enough delegates is a win for the establishment
Nice Saturday for Bernie, picking up Kansas and Nebraska. This should put a little wind back in his sails, with Maine checking in tmrw. Awesome to see a true grass-roots candidate beat the party favorite. Go Bernie!

Sanders took Maine. Three in a row for Bernie.

The Democrats have a real problem on their hands. Sanders wins the white vote, but minorities prefer Hillary, partly because of her Husband good will, and partly because.....GET READY FOR THE TRUTH.

Partly because Sanders is Jewish. Liberal media types now get the jokes they used on Republicans back in their face. The Confederacy is the reason Hillary is winning! The real dumbfounding part of this is Sanders' politics would benefit the most minorities more than Clinton's. I don't understand this. Sanders' integrity towers above Hillary's. Yet minorities don't trust him? Hmmmm....She's under investigation by the FBI. DO NOT be fooled, by Hillary's reply that she never sent anything MARKED confidential or higher, because she took off the warning labels! This is BS, and I wish the press would call her out on this. Of Course those who interview Hillary already understand not to go there!

Hillary is a member of the top 1%, with more money that Romney. She's well backed by Wall Street, and rather hawkish voting for the war in Iraq. While she was a feminist liberal type in the past, she's now rather Republican on issues.
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Surprising the GOP PAC's don't target the black vote with the truth. A very sentimental commercial or two showing Lincoln and the Republicans ending slavery and how the Dems were for slavery back then and how the Republicans then were the leaders in the civil rights movement with MLK. The lies about the GOP being the party of old white racists is a total malicious lie created by the Dems and the main stream media. It's time for the GOP to stand up for itself. I'd plaster commercials all over the air waves from now until the election.
I think Trump's rhetoric and political style work much better against Hillary than vs. Sanders.

And I think the RNC made a big mistake is taking down Trump after Super Tuesday. If they would have backed him 100% and told him to tone down the rhetoric and left Cruz/Rubio out in the cold, he could have positioned himself to win the general election.

Now, the RNC/Rubio/Cruz trifecta of constant attacks have just devolved the whole race into a bigger joke (if that was possible). How else did they expect Trump to respond?

It's ugly now and I blame the Republican establishment much more so than Trump.

I still think Trump can hang on and avoid a brokered convention, but it's looking more and more like the RNC wants that no matter what. And putting Cruz up after that type of debacle will doom them come November.

No way Cruz wins. He's just too far right. Clinton would roll to an easy victory and the Republicans might lose the Senate in the process due to low turnout (no way Cruz inspires turnout in the republican party - no ******* way).

I have no idea what the RNC was thinking over the last two weeks. The Trump train was rolling and almost an unstoppable force of nature. For any other candidate they would have put their entire wealth/force behind it. Instead they just blew up the engine instead and now all the momentum is crashed and dead.

It's looking more and more like Hillary will win every day in my opinion.
The latest poll in Florida has Trump's 18 point lead down to 8. Rubio is gaining on him. He really needs big wins in Michigan and Mississippi tomorrow.
I think Trump's rhetoric and political style work much better against Hillary than vs. Sanders.

And I think the RNC made a big mistake is taking down Trump after Super Tuesday. If they would have backed him 100% and told him to tone down the rhetoric and left Cruz/Rubio out in the cold, he could have positioned himself to win the general election.

Now, the RNC/Rubio/Cruz trifecta of constant attacks have just devolved the whole race into a bigger joke (if that was possible). How else did they expect Trump to respond?

It's ugly now and I blame the Republican establishment much more so than Trump.

I still think Trump can hang on and avoid a brokered convention, but it's looking more and more like the RNC wants that no matter what. And putting Cruz up after that type of debacle will doom them come November.

No way Cruz wins. He's just too far right. Clinton would roll to an easy victory and the Republicans might lose the Senate in the process due to low turnout (no way Cruz inspires turnout in the republican party - no ******* way).

I have no idea what the RNC was thinking over the last two weeks. The Trump train was rolling and almost an unstoppable force of nature. For any other candidate, they would have put their entire wealth/force behind it. Instead, they just blew up the engine instead and now all the momentum is crashed and dead.

It's looking more and more like Hillary will win every day in my opinion.

A month can seem like a year in politics. It was gang up on Trump week, and I really think it's all about the MONEY and how the Republican party operates than anything else! Trump is a threat to them in this department.

Once Trump wins FL, PA, OH, and MI...its over. These are battleground states, and the candidate who gets the most votes here is best suited to beat Hillary or Sanders. No one can argue differently.

Sanders if he would just open up could destroy Hillary, yet he hardly throws a punch. Once Trump is on stage, Hillary Clinton will get no quarter, and even if she's right when she raised her voice, people don't like it.

The way the press writes and presents it, the in-fighting is all on the Republican side. Among the candidates this mostly true.

***Also, the press really is not saying that Trump is well in the lead for total votes. Far more than Clinton or Sanders. ***

However, The truth is the left voters are far more fickle when their man loses, and often do not vote when they should. Even they say it.

Donald may have taken a step back on the chess board this week and lost a peice or two, but he's pretty close to a checkmate if you ask me and owns the majority of the major peices.. and everybody knows it.

Give it 2 more weeks, then the sucking up will start.
... serving as the #1 poster (by post count) in the Trump, Make America Great again thread.
I'm honored you took the time to tally that. I like to engage on topics pro and con, so shoot me. Oh wait, I take that back, it was just a joke, really, just kidding man.
A month can seem like a year in politics. It was gang up on Trump week, and I really think it's all about the MONEY and how the Republican party operates than anything else! Trump is a threat to them in this department.

Once Trump wins FL, PA, OH, and MI...its over. These are battleground states, and the candidate who gets the most votes here is best suited to beat Hillary or Sanders. No one can argue differently.

Sanders if he would just open up could destroy Hillary, yet he hardly throws a punch. Once Trump is on stage, Hillary Clinton will get no quarter, and even if she's right when she raised her voice, people don't like it.

The way the press writes and presents it, the in-fighting is all on the Republican side. Among the candidates this mostly true.

***Also, the press really is not saying that Trump is well in the lead for total votes. Far more than Clinton or Sanders. ***

However, The truth is the left voters are far more fickle when their man loses, and often do not vote when they should. Even they say it.

Donald may have taken a step back on the chess board this week and lost a peice or two, but he's pretty close to a checkmate if you ask me and owns the majority of the major peices.. and everybody knows it.

Give it 2 more weeks, then the sucking up will start.

Even if Trump wins enough delegates to avoid a brokered convention, I don't think the RNC can "heal" this and back Trump. It's just too hypocritical at this point.

What is really scary to think about is the Republican Elite Class was so afraid of Trump that I think they sacrificed the 2016 Presidential Election and significantly threatened they Senate majority.

It just goes to show (and what I've said before), both political parties are more interested in status quo than actually winning and doing good things for the American people. Both parties have accepted wins/losses and control/uncontrol of the President and Congress as normal business and both continue to rub each others backs knowing it will swing the other way. Just as long as the money keeps rolling in for both sides.

They would rather sacrifice any political agenda or decision so long as the money and control keep in place for the next election cycle.
They would rather sacrifice any political agenda or decision so long as the money and control keep in place for the next election cycle.
Among other things, another reason why I'm voting for Sanders.

Despite media consensus, Bernie Sanders is raising more money, from more people, than any candidate, ever

Despite the premature coronation of Candidate Clinton II, Sanders continues to raise -- and spend -- money at an unprecedented clip. Sanders has raised small-money donations from over 5 million donors (more than double the number of Clinton contributors). In February, the small-money donors delivered $42.7 million to the Sanders campaign, while the one-percenters and finance industry donors behind the Clinton campaign coughed up $30 million.

Sanders’ People-Powered Campaign Smashes Record Number of Donations, Revolutionizes American Politics

Unlike other campaigns, small contributions made up the vast majority of all the money Sanders’ campaign raised. The average donation to Sanders during the past three months was $27.16.

Unlike candidates who have coordinated with so-called super PACs, Sanders has refused to work with the fund-raising behemoths that have corrupted American politics.
Sanders wins the white vote, but minorities prefer Hillary


You wonder why blacks hate Bernie?...and no, it's not because he's a Jew. He see them like it's still the 1960's

"‘Ghetto’ gaffe highlights Bernie Sanders campaign’s struggle with race"

While discussing his own racial “blind spots” during Sunday night’s Democratic presidential debate in Flint, Michigan, Sen. Bernie Sanders offered that white people “don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor.”

His comment drew swift condemnation on social media, since it appeared that the Vermont lawmaker was implying that only black people live in impoverished communities, reinforcing inaccurate and painful stereotypes that have dogged African-Americans for years.

On Monday, Sanders attempted to clarify his debate statement, telling a gaggle of reporters in Detroit: “What I meant to say, is when you talk about ghettos, traditionally what you’re talking about is African-American communities.”




So Bernie says living in poverty is now a black TRADITION!

ha ha - what a dope
You wonder why blacks hate Bernie?
I didn't believe it at first, but the posts kept coming, and coming. The blacks hate Bernie posts. The Bernie hates blacks posts. Must be 25-30 here on the board. Spike, I give in. You've convinced me that you're ******** in your pants. That's how afraid you've become of the Bernie Sanders phenomenon. It's pretty funny, actually, as you wrote him off long ago. But as soon as Trump started faltering, the anti-Sanders sentiment increased tenfold. Funny how that works. Don't despair, it will still take a lot for him to overtake Clinton. The fact that he's got you shaking in your boots, well, that's impressive.