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Mark Cuban Nails The Republican Party

Please please please please please let it be Al Gore. The only person I can think of with less personality than Hillary.

Hold on bus, aren't you forgetting a couple main players.....

What better resume could a community firebrand, TV personality, race baiter need to run for POTUS ?


Or...don't forget Lizzy


and Debby


The Dems can parade bunches of qualified, top notch socialists out there that would all be either equal or better than what they have now.
Cube mentions it in passing, but every complaint he has about the Republicans applies equally or more so to the Democrats.
Cube mentions it in passing, but every complaint he has about the Republicans applies equally or more so to the Democrats.

Yup, he claims he wants small government yet supports a party whose only solution to every problem is more taxing, more spending and more bureaucracy.
Yup, he claims he wants small government yet supports a party whose only solution to every problem is more taxing, more spending and more bureaucracy.

Where does he say anything about supporting the Democratic Party? He says he wants to be a Republican, and later that he doesn't want to be a Democrat.

Trump: It'll Be Me v. Biden, 'Cause Hillary's Going Down

Donald Trump said this week he thinks he'll face Vice President Joe Biden in the general election for president next year.

"I think Hillary has got huge problems right now," Trump said

"I'm just looking at it saying, 'What the hell was she doing? You know what she was doing? She was guarding from the president seeing what she doing."

"It just looks like Hillary is going to not be able to run. It looks to me like that's what's going to happen," he said, adding that what Clinton is alleged to have done — sending highly classified material over a non-government email system — "is 10 times worse than what Gen. [David] Petraeus did."

The problem with both parties is that the voting is controlled by the extremist psychopath fringe of the parties, the candidates are all charismatic puppets, and the policies are both driven by behind the door corporate funding. basically if all the republican and democrat lifetime politicians dropped dead today, the country would probably be in a better place.

Trump: It'll Be Me v. Biden, 'Cause Hillary's Going Down

Donald Trump said this week he thinks he'll face Vice President Joe Biden in the general election for president next year.

"I think Hillary has got huge problems right now," Trump said

"I'm just looking at it saying, 'What the hell was she doing? You know what she was doing? She was guarding from the president seeing what she doing."

"It just looks like Hillary is going to not be able to run. It looks to me like that's what's going to happen," he said, adding that what Clinton is alleged to have done — sending highly classified material over a non-government email system — "is 10 times worse than what Gen. [David] Petraeus did."


The republicans were hoping she would get that nomination then they could drill her on everything and waltz to an easy win... Trump will blow her up right now. Anyhow I was betting she didn't make the final nomination anyhow, way too many skeletons
How many subordinates will be required to throw themselves under the bus for Hillary? That is the next question.



F.B.I. Tracking Path of Classified Email From State Dept. to Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents investigating Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email server are seeking to determine who at the State Department passed highly classified information from secure networks to Mrs. Clinton’s personal account, according to law enforcement and diplomatic officials and others briefed on the investigation.

To track how the information flowed, agents will try to gain access to the email accounts of many State Department officials who worked there while Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the officials said. State Department employees apparently circulated the emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and some were ultimately forwarded to Mrs. Clinton.

This WSJ article pretty much spells out the RNC situation in a nutshell.

America Is So in Play

By Peggy Noonan

So, more thoughts on Donald Trump’s candidacy, because I can’t stop being fascinated. Here are some things I think are happening.

One is the deepening estrangement between the elites and the non-elites in America. This is the area in which Trumpism flourishes

Over 80% of the American people, across the board, believe an elite group of political incumbents, plus big business, big media, big banks, big unions and big special interests—the whole Washington political class—have rigged the system for the wealthy and connected.” It is “a remarkable moment,” he said. More than half of the American people believe “something has changed, our democracy is not like it used to be, people feel they no longer have a voice.” .

Second, Mr. Trump’s support is not limited to Republicans, not by any means.

Something is going on, some tectonic plates are moving in interesting ways. My friend Cesar works the deli counter at my neighborhood grocery store. He is Dominican, an immigrant, early 50s, and listens most mornings to a local Hispanic radio station, La Mega, on 97.9 FM. Their morning show is the popular “El Vacilón de la Mañana,” and after the first GOP debate, Cesar told me, they opened the lines to call-ins, asking listeners (mostly Puerto Rican, Dominican, Mexican) for their impressions. More than half called in to say they were for Mr. Trump.

I said: Cesar, you’re supposed to be offended by Trump, he said Mexico is sending over criminals, he has been unfriendly, you’re an immigrant. Cesar shook his head: No, you have it wrong. Immigrants, he said, don’t like illegal immigration, and they’re with Mr. Trump on anchor babies. “They are coming in from other countries to give birth to take advantage of the system. We are saying that! When you come to this country, you pledge loyalty to the country that opened the doors to help you.”

Third, the traditional mediating or guiding institutions within the Republican universe—its establishment, respected voices in conservative media, sober-minded state party officials—have little to no impact on Mr. Trump’s rise.

I end with this. An odd thing, in my observation, is that deep down the elite themselves also think the game is rigged. They don’t disagree, and they don’t like what they see—corruption, shallowness and selfishness in the systems all around them. Their odd anguish is that they have no faith the American people can—or will—do anything to turn it around. They see the American voter as distracted, poorly educated, subject to emotional and personality-driven political adventures. They sometimes refer to “Jaywalking,” the old Jay Leno “Tonight Show” staple in which he walked outside the studio and asked the man on the street about history. What caused the American Civil War? Um, Hitler? When did it take place, roughly? Uh, 1958?

Does any of this sound familiar ?

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This is why I side with the Libertarians on most everything now.
Sorry Bernie - you don't stand a chance

Democratic elite rally around Hillary Clinton

MINNEAPOLIS — Hillary Clinton delivered a show of force on Friday meant to make one thing abundantly clear to Democratic leaders, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden: She is the boss.

Coming off two weeks of breathless speculation about the vice president’s ambitions, Clinton now looks like she’s nearly locked up the support of party elites, something she critically failed to accomplish in 2008.

Sorry Bernie - you don't stand a chance

Democratic elite rally around Hillary Clinton

MINNEAPOLIS — Hillary Clinton delivered a show of force on Friday meant to make one thing abundantly clear to Democratic leaders, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden: She is the boss.

Coming off two weeks of breathless speculation about the vice president’s ambitions, Clinton now looks like she’s nearly locked up the support of party elites, something she critically failed to accomplish in 2008.


I will believe it when I hear Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton support Hillary. So far, one has been deathly silent, and the other is actually dead.
Now it's getting good

Democratic Challengers Launch Attacks Against Clinton, Party Leadership

MINNEAPOLIS — Hillary Rodham Clinton sought to cement her standing as the rightful leader of the Democratic Party here Friday, but two of her challengers launched a fierce counterattack against her and a party establishment they see as trying to hand her the 2016 presidential nomination.

What began as a routine forum of candidate speeches evolved into a surprisingly dramatic day at the Democratic National Committee’s summer meeting, as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley issued thinly veiled attacks on Clinton and the party leadership.

Speaking from the dais, with DNC Chairwoman Debbie *Wasserman Schultz sitting a few feet away, O’Malley blasted the party’s limited number of sanctioned debates as a process “rigged” in favor of the front-runner.

The DNC is holding six debates, only four before February’s first caucuses in Iowa, which O’Malley argued is a disadvantage for all the candidates and a disservice to Democrats generally.

“This sort of rigged process has never been attempted before,” said O’Malley, who has struggled to gain traction in the polls. He added: “We are the Democratic Party, not the undemocratic party.”
